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Flaws Quotes

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Why the heck do we allow the media to ever tell us someone is gross? It makes me so mad. 99% of the world has flaws  (Flaws Quotes) I do not believe we can blame genetics for adultery, homosexuality, dishonesty and other character flaws  (Flaws Quotes) Western society has many flaws, and it is good for an educated person to have thought some of these through, even at the expense of losing a lecture or two to tear gas  (Flaws Quotes) It’s the glitches and twists, I thought, that make this universe unique and compelling. Without flaws, there would be no depth, no substance  (Flaws Quotes) But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. This is rare and pure and perfect  (Flaws Quotes) You are perfect exactly as you are. With all your flaws and problems, there’s no need to change anything. All you need to change is the thought that you aren’t good enough  (Flaws Quotes) I just want you that’s it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. I just want you  (Flaws Quotes) We’re all human beings, but some of us are more sophisticated at covering our flaws. We’re just smart enough to lie to ourselves that everything is OK  (Flaws Quotes) Eventually you love people - friends or lovers - because of their flaws  (Flaws Quotes) I expect VA’s inspector general and the FBI to work closely together so that we can identify and eliminate the flaws that allowed this leak and prosecute any criminal acts  (Flaws Quotes) Comedy is about flaws anyway... There’s a lot of humor in the dark areas of life  (Flaws Quotes) I acknowledge my beauty and my flaws, I do my best to keep it one hundred with the woman in the mirror so making friends is actually easy  (Flaws Quotes) The best thing in life is finding someone who knows about all your flaws and still thinks you’re completely amazing  (Flaws Quotes) Smart people know their strengths, but happy people are the ones who have accepted their flaws  (Flaws Quotes) A guy that can accept your flaws, love you unconditionally, and kiss you on your worse is a guy worth loving  (Flaws Quotes) Ladies when a guy can handle your flaws, love on you on your moody days and kiss you when you don’t look great. He’s definitely worth it  (Flaws Quotes) I owe no explanations for my flaws. I don’t have to justify my mistakes, my past, or my insecurities. I am growing and learning. Let me live  (Flaws Quotes) I forgave, accepted and even loved you for your flaws, but in the end you couldn’t accept mine  (Flaws Quotes) I aint perfect, so I don’t expect perfection. People come with flaws. Flaws come with stories. Who wants to read a blank book?  (Flaws Quotes) I have too many flaws to be perfect. But I have too many blessings to be ungrateful  (Flaws Quotes) You’re strong when you know your weaknesses. You’re beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You’re wise when you learn from your mistakes  (Flaws Quotes) I’m beautifully broken, perfectly imperfect, beautiful in my flaws. All together I am a beautiful disaster  (Flaws Quotes) No one is perfect, I won’t try to be, cause these flaws I got, they are what makes me who I am, so take me or leave me, that’s just life and it is what it is  (Flaws Quotes) The brain overlooks the flaws of a person you are in love with, making it harder to leave them after they’ve hurt you  (Flaws Quotes) Before you open your mouth to point out someone else’s flaws, take a quick look at yourself and make sure you’re perfect first  (Flaws Quotes) I think what is interesting in life is all the cracks and all the flaws and all the moments that are not perfect  (Flaws Quotes) Troubles and flaws are a part of your life. If you try to hide them, you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you fully  (Flaws Quotes) Dear haters, don’t criticize me for my flaws and mistakes when you can’t even see your own  (Flaws Quotes) The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws, differences and mistakes and yet still sees the best in you  (Flaws Quotes) Love causes the human brain to overlook someone’s flaws, which is why people have a hard time leaving someone who hurts them  (Flaws Quotes)
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