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Flipping Quotes

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I’m a TV junkie. I’m always flipping through channels  (Flipping Quotes) I’m taking a lot of freestyle music and flipping it  (Flipping Quotes) I’ve become very interested in the spectrum of political discourse as seen on the cable news channels that are conveniently right in a row on my cable provider’s dial. I can flip from Fox to CNN to HLN to MSNBC, and I find myself at night flipping it back and forth through them, and it’s something of an addiction.  (Flipping Quotes) Flipping your pillow over to get the cold side is probably one of the best things ever  (Flipping Quotes) I love doing stunt stuff and action stuff. I’m not flipping off helicopters; that would be insane  (Flipping Quotes) Flipping our classrooms into active learning spaces really is important and having these convenient spaces where people feel comfortable.  (Flipping Quotes) I try to explain that to my kids - the experience of going to a record store, flipping through racks and finding that album cover that intrigues you - but my kids don’t want to know about it. They download the one song on the album they like, and pay their 99 cents.  (Flipping Quotes) One of the biggest challenges in the past for me in working on the networks was that audiences have grown accustomed to television being something that keeps you company-background music, something that you have on while you’re flipping through a magazine, cooking dinner, talking on the phone, putting the kids to bed.  (Flipping Quotes) When I started doing standup when I was 17, I was talking about being Indian and specifically ethnic jokes. Straightforward stuff that was fairly ignorant that I knew would get the laugh. It wasn’t flipping stereotypes; it was using them.  (Flipping Quotes) If it’s flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft.  (Flipping Quotes) I like men who are very cool but who are also so brilliant that they are almost insane. Sean Penn, Gary Oldman, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits - men who would be flipping burgers if they hadn’t found an outlet for their brilliant mind-sets.  (Flipping Quotes) If it’s flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft  (Flipping Quotes) I was actually on two reality shows, which is crazy. Just to think that, out there, there was some guy, like flipping through the channels, being like, ‘Hey, I 69’d her on a cruise ship.  (Flipping Quotes) I think lines are meant to be crossed anyways. The entire time I was singing on the cross, there’s numbers flipping over my head. You know, starting at one and going up to 12 million.  (Flipping Quotes) Bike lanes are the coolest. My favorite past time is flipping off cars from my bicycle. Just kidding - I’m more of a silent resentment kind of girl.  (Flipping Quotes) I was flipping channels, watching this cheerleading program on MTV. They took a field hockey girl and transformed her into a cheerleader by the end of the show. I was just wondering: what if she liked field hockey better~?  (Flipping Quotes) Whether you’re going to a museum or a flea market or flipping through a book, always be on the lookout for something special.  (Flipping Quotes) The first comedians I became fascinated with were the Marx brothers. I couldn’t get enough of them. Later in life, I thought, Well, maybe it’s because they were so rebellious and they were just flipping the bird to society and all the rules we’re supposed to follow. They were saying that none of it is fair.  (Flipping Quotes) If you had asked me when I was 28 and in my wedding dress if I ever thought I would end up in my forties flipping my husband the bird over potato chips, I’d say you were crazy.  (Flipping Quotes) Sometimes you’re a psychiatrist and sometimes you’re a group therapist. The dynamics in between people and the misgivings sometimes that artists have when they get into the studio because they’re under a different level of scrutiny. A lot of them can be insecure about it. My job is not simply to make musical determinations but sometimes to just keep people from flipping out during the process  (Flipping Quotes) A reciprocal of a fraction is found by flipping it upside down. If you want the reciprocal of a mixed number or a whole number, just convert it to an improper fraction, and then flip it!  (Flipping Quotes) You can tell how boring a person is by the lack of fear in their eyes when someone is flipping through photos on their phone  (Flipping Quotes) What I do know is that traditional gender roles are very real and flipping the norm is difficult for even the strongest, funniest, smartest men  (Flipping Quotes) I could tell you that when you have trouble making up your mind about something, tell yourself you’ll settle it by flipping a coin. But don’t go by how the coin flips; go by your emotional reaction to the coin flip. Are you happy or sad it came up heads or tails?  (Flipping Quotes) I don’t think any poetry is written that isn’t primarily written to the self, in a way... I’m always talking to myself. But I seem to want somebody else to listen to it. I need, I do want an audience. So it’s a strange thing. It’s a very private conversation that then, you make public, kind of like the starfish flipping its stomach out  (Flipping Quotes) Imagine a future where we won’t be living in the past. I’d be flipping birds like a chicken breast on a spatula  (Flipping Quotes) Well, everybody faces the fact there really aren’t many records stores around to just go and browse. Maybe browse online, yet that tactile feel of flipping through a stack of vinyl remains one of life’s simple pleasures  (Flipping Quotes) One path leads back to this world, to rebirth; one path leads beyond. Your soul stands at a crossword, trying to make a decision, flipping a coin, a nice image for the soul, I think  (Flipping Quotes) We operate under a jury system in this country, and as much as we complain about it, we have to admit that we know of no better system, except possibly flipping a coin  (Flipping Quotes) Whether you’re going to a museum or a flea market or flipping through a book, always be on the lookout for something special  (Flipping Quotes)
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