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Floated Quotes

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I remember the first time I saw him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cockier spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind  (Floated Quotes) The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good; and many a good book has remained unwritten... because there floated before the mind’s eye the ideal of a better or a best  (Floated Quotes) The universe now appeared to me as a void wherein floated rare flakes of snow, each flake a universe  (Floated Quotes) If everybody floated with the tide of talk, placidity would soon end in stagnation. It is the strong backward stroke which stirs the ripples, and gives animation and variety  (Floated Quotes) The air came laden with the fragrance it caught upon its way, and the bees, upborne upon its scented breath, hummed forth their drowsy satisfaction as they floated by  (Floated Quotes) A woman with her two children was captured on the steps of the capitol building, whither she had fled for protection, and this, too, while the stars and stripes floated over it  (Floated Quotes) And each of his voices left his body in a different colored soul and floated up towards the sun still singing  (Floated Quotes) I am away from home and must always write home, even if any home of mine has long since floated away into eternity  (Floated Quotes)
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