Florida Quotes

Text Quotes
There were times when I was broke, when I was down in Florida and I had to go to cocktail parties for 500 bucks - to see the guy that used to be in pictures. I’m not ashamed of that. I’ve never done anything that I was ashamed of. I’ve done a lot of things I didn’t mean to do. (Florida Quotes)
I am thrilled to return as Honorary Captain of the GREEKs for HBCUs Team. I reflect fondly on my days at Florida A (Florida Quotes)
When I first joined the Secret Service in 1983, I was right out of college, having spent the last two or three years of my college experience working as a police officer for the city of Orlando, Florida. (Florida Quotes)
I’m an avid University of Miami Hurricanes fan. I hope to come to the day where I can still do some stuff for NBC and somehow integrate it with an RV tour of the South for college football. Luckily, my wife, she’s a Florida State alum, so I wouldn’t have to talk her into it. I think our kids would think we’re weird. (Florida Quotes)
It’s not unusual for people to like Florida in the winter. I’m not a great tourist. I like coming down to work. (Florida Quotes)
We passed a bill in 1997, signed by Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles, which created a pilot program for a novel experiment called Florida Virtual School. The notion of children using a computer for a classroom and reporting to virtual teachers wasn’t exactly mainstream thinking in those days. (Florida Quotes)
Folk-punk artists like This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb or Paul Baribeau were popular in the Florida punk community. I saw people early on combine roots music with more aggressive music. (Florida Quotes)
The real con artist is Senator Marco Rubio.Who was elected in Florida and who has the worst voting record in the United States Senate. He doesn’t go to vote. He’s absent. (Florida Quotes)
I have an unusual hobby: I collect pictures of people I don’t know. It started when I was a kid growing up in South Florida, the land of junk stores, garage sales, and flea markets, as a kind of coping mechanism. (Florida Quotes)
I love Florida Georgia Line. I love ‘Round Here.’ So if a fan wants to listen to that, and if a fan that wasn’t listening to country music before is listening to ‘Cruise’ on Pandora, and after that a song by George Jones comes on, they may have never heard George Jones before. I think it’s a good thing for the genre. (Florida Quotes)
The felonious five in their Supreme Court decision never said Gore did anything improperly in Florida. (Florida Quotes)
Florida is a crazy place, and I have played some of the wildest shows of my life here (Florida Quotes)
I went to UCF in Florida in Orlando. I went for advertising and public relations. I moved out to California my senior year because I knew I wanted to be an actor, but I also wanted to finish school and get my degree. I took mainly a bunch of criminal justice courses online for the last year because that’s all that they offered. (Florida Quotes)
Growing up in Florida and having naturally curly hair was a bit tough. I had to learn to do treatments and masks to keep the frizz under control. (Florida Quotes)
I was born in a hurricane in Pensacola, Florida... my dad was in the military, so we moved all over the place. But I consider myself a southerner from Louisiana. I’ve lived in Texas for most of my adult life. (Florida Quotes)
The dark night of the soul for me was one night in Florida, when I had been on the road for about four years and I realized that everybody around me was on my payroll, that my old friends hadn’t been in touch with me and my family didn’t know where to get me. I was a very unhappy guy and it was because I was really alone. (Florida Quotes)
I grew up in Florida in different cities. I was born in Mississippi. My parents moved a lot, so I moved to Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia, all through the South. But my family’s roots were from central Florida, like Daytona Beach area, so we ended up moving there. (Florida Quotes)
I grew up in central Florida in the nineteen-sixties, barefoot half the time and running around the orange groves where my father worked. I remember flocks of white birds that would lift from the backs of cattle, disturbed by the jackhammers and bulldozers clearing land for Walt Disney World. (Florida Quotes)
If you’re a sponsor, and you’re doing business globally, to bring your guests to South Florida is pretty nice. (Florida Quotes)
Florida is one of the first states that sort of gives the legislature a very clear criteria for re-drawing electoral district maps. Basically, all the criteria do is tell the legislators that you can’t draw a seat that helps yourself or a political party. That’s really critical. (Florida Quotes)
It would be nice if we didn’t have to drill for oil in the gulf. We have this shallow continental shelf on the west coast of Florida, and it would be a real disaster if we had a major oil spill there. It would be wonderful if we could find some other source of energy. (Florida Quotes)
My job is to make sure that if you’re a family in Florida, your children can get a good education and you have the opportunity for a job. That’s my job and that’s what I think about every day. (Florida Quotes)
Election victories increasingly depend on factors other than who votes, or tries to vote, and for whom. In 2000, the presidency was awarded by the Supreme Court, pre-empting the count of thousands of Florida votes. (Florida Quotes)
In the 2000 presidential election, Al Gore got more votes than George W. Bush, but still lost the election. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Florida gave Bush that pivotal state, and doomed Gore to lose the Electoral College. That odd scenario - where the candidate with the most votes loses - has happened three times in U.S. history. (Florida Quotes)
When I was 13, my family moved from a suburb of New York City to Miami, Florida, and we moved there the Friday before Labor Day weekend. (Florida Quotes)
I wanted to stay in New York to pursue acting, but my dad urged me to get a four-year degree. Reading about the film school at Florida State University, he suggested I go there. I received my bachelor’s degree in 2003. (Florida Quotes)
A strong accountability system needs to broaden, not narrow, the curriculum. That cannot happen if you only have accountability without adequate school funding. Until Tallahassee understands the need to raise the bar as well as the financial investment, Florida will continue to celebrate mediocrity at the expense of true achievement. (Florida Quotes)
The Glades’ is a light cop procedural about a cop from Chicago who got shot in the bum by his captain and made a change down to Florida, so he’s a bit of a fish out of water. (Florida Quotes)
I grew up in West Palm Beach, Florida. My dad took me hunting, trapping and fishing when I was a kid. (Florida Quotes)
I’ve often argued that oil and gas exploration is a state’s rights issue. It is abundantly clear that the State of Florida does not want drilling to negatively affect its beaches and shores. (Florida Quotes)