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Fluid Quotes

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To fly, we have to have resistance. It’s all about turbulence. Reacting to images of wave patterns in fluid motion  (Fluid Quotes) We suffer because we want life to be different from what it is. We suffer because we try to make pleasurable what is painful, to make solid what is fluid, to make permanent what is always changing  (Fluid Quotes) I realize that if I were stable, prudent and static; I’d live in death. Therefore I accept confusion, uncertainty, fear and emotional ups and downs; because that’s the price I’m willing to pay for a fluid, perplexed and exciting life  (Fluid Quotes) If one story becomes too hot, then you can’t forget it. As an actor, you want to remain fluid  (Fluid Quotes) What if not just women, but both men and women, worked smart, more flexible schedules? What if the workplace itself was more fluid than the rigid and narrow ladder to success of the ideal worker? And what if both men and women became responsible for raising children and managing the home, sharing work, love, and play? Could everyone then live whole lives?  (Fluid Quotes) Magnetic lines of force convey a far better and purer idea than the phrase magnetic current or magnetic flood: it avoids the assumption of a current or of two currents and also of fluids or a fluid, yet conveys a full and useful pictorial idea to the mind  (Fluid Quotes) There are endless planes of attention, endless realities and endless mind states. They’re like collections of atoms and protons and neutrons, nuclei. They just go on forever. They’re plasma, they’re fluid... they’re alive  (Fluid Quotes) There wasn’t a single day in which the world was created. It’s created anew at every moment. The structures of eternity are completely fluid but they are bound together by the mind forming a nexus point so reality comes into being  (Fluid Quotes) When you can become completely impassive in play, then you become fluid and completely unpredictable. No one knows, including yourself, what you will do next. You couldn’t even explain it  (Fluid Quotes) You are a fluid metaphor for existence. You are your own death and your own rebirth. Here is forever. It never changes. We bring perpetual oblivion until we change the world  (Fluid Quotes) Business is many things, the least of which is the balance sheet. It is a fluid, ever changing, living thing, sometimes building to great peaks, sometimes falling to crumbled lumps  (Fluid Quotes) However, the balloon, lightened of heavy articles, such as ammunition, arms, and provisions, had risen into the higher layers of the atmosphere, to a height of 4,500 feet. The voyagers, after having discovered that the sea extended beneath them, and thinking the dangers above less dreadful than those below, did not hesitate to throw overboard even their most useful articles, while they endeavored to lose no more of that fluid, the life of their enterprise, which sustained them above the abyss  (Fluid Quotes) I always tell people, anger is like liquid. It’s fluid, it’s like water. You put it in a container and it takes the shape of that container. So many people you see in prison, unleashing war on their people, they are angry, and they take their anger and put it into a violent container  (Fluid Quotes) Water creates a neurosis in golfers. The very thought of this harmless fluid robs them of their normal powers of rational thought, turns their legs to jelly, and produces a palsy of the upper limbs  (Fluid Quotes) See your life as not just your life but as eternity. Be so completely integrated in the experience of perception that there’s no sense of a perceiver but just the fluid moment of ecstasy that is reality unfolding itself to itself  (Fluid Quotes) Honestly, live is my favorite way of performing. Every show is a completely different energy. With recording, it’s not really as organic as it can be. But I feel like I’m a lot more fluid, and I can be a little bit more aggressive  (Fluid Quotes) Music is the vapor of art. It is to poetry what reverie is to thought, what fluid is to solid, what the ocean of clouds is to the ocean of waves  (Fluid Quotes) They just teach by their presence. They don’t really have a message for humanity. It’s irrelevant at that point. They’re just a fluid, perfect embodiment of what we call the dharmakaya or the enlightenment of nirvana  (Fluid Quotes) When you’re angry, you can’t fight rationally. Your body chemistry is all messed up. Your energy goes to all the wrong places. You can’t do anything well except get angrier. That’s why I like fighting guys who are pumped up on steroids. Fighting is all about relaxing and releasing tension, so your body is flexible and fluid, able to bend and flex quickly, like water. I like fighting angry guys who are really tense. They can’t think right, and they can’t fight right  (Fluid Quotes) What we think of as physical reality is an intermingling of appropriate realities, a fluid massive consciousness in which each of us exists independently of each other and yet coexists interdependently with each other  (Fluid Quotes) Fluid intelligence doesn’t look much like the capacity to memorise and recite facts, the skills that people have traditionally associated with brainpower  (Fluid Quotes) Human attention, in the best of circumstances, is a fluid but fragile entity. Beyond a certain threshold, the more that is asked of it, the less well it performs. When this happens in a psychological experiment, it is interesting. When it happens in traffic, it can be fatal  (Fluid Quotes) I have an urban background, but I need melody, I need a song, so I try to mix and match and keep it fluid  (Fluid Quotes) We all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid. The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time  (Fluid Quotes) It is misleading in a crucial way to view information as something that can be poured into an empty vessel, like a fluid or even energy  (Fluid Quotes) In man, social intercourse has centred mainly on the process of absorbing fluid into the organism, but in the domestic dog and to a lesser extent among all wild canine species, the act charged with most social significance is the excretion of fluid  (Fluid Quotes) When people are collecting gold they aren’t doing business.... Gold is constipation: even bankruptcy is more fluid. Gold isn’t wealth: positions in markets are wealth  (Fluid Quotes) Golf is fluid. It’s always changing. It’s always evolving. First of all, you never master it  (Fluid Quotes) No matter who you are, the game is fluid. The game is always evolving, so you always have to keep working on it. There are plenty of hours in the day to get that done  (Fluid Quotes) The earth I tread on is not a dead inert mass. It is a body, has a spirit; is organic and fluid to the influence of its spirit and to whatever particle of the spirit is in me  (Fluid Quotes)
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