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Fluid Quotes

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Because if time can be fluid, then maybe something that is just one day can go on indefinitely  (Fluid Quotes) I’m the guy that gets up at three in the morning to jot down an entire sheet of lyrics for something that won’t be recorded for six months. You have to get it down when you can, because thoughts are fluid  (Fluid Quotes) In diabetes the thirst is greater for the fluid dries the body... For the thirst there is need of a powerful remedy, for in kind it is the greatest of all sufferings, and when a fluid is drunk, it stimulates the discharge of urine  (Fluid Quotes) Life is so fluid that one can only hope to capture the living moment, to capture it alive and fresh... without destroying that moment  (Fluid Quotes) If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, heat; if height, depth; if solid, fluid; if hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if calm, tempest; if prosperity, adversity; if life, death  (Fluid Quotes) The opinions which we hold of one another, our relations with friends and kinsfolk are in no sense permanent, save in appearance, but are as eternally fluid as the sea itself  (Fluid Quotes) It is more than likely that the brain itself is, in origin and development, only a sort of great clot of genital fluid held in suspense or reserved. This hypothesis would explain the enormous content of the brain as a maker or presenter of images  (Fluid Quotes) I had forgotten that time wasn’t fixed like concrete but in fact was fluid as sand, or water. I had forgotten that even misery can end  (Fluid Quotes) The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way  (Fluid Quotes) Crime is to the passions what nervous fluid is to life: it sustains them, it supplies their strength  (Fluid Quotes) So she sat on the porch and watched the moon rise. Soon its amber fluid was drenching the earth, and quenching the thirst of the day  (Fluid Quotes) Then the writing became so fluid that I sometimes felt as if I were writing for the sheer pleasure of telling a story, which may be the human condition that most resembles levitation  (Fluid Quotes) Time is fluid, so the moments where everything feels perfect pass in a wink, and those where you’re on your knees in despair drag on like the death of a thousand cuts  (Fluid Quotes) Curiously, the one bodily fluid of other people that doesn’t disgust us is the one produced by the human alone: tears. Consider the sole type of used tissue you’d be willing to share  (Fluid Quotes) Are you jealous of the ocean’s generosity? Why would you refuse to give this joy to anyone? Fish don’t hold the sacred liquid in cups! They swim the huge fluid freedom  (Fluid Quotes) Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong  (Fluid Quotes) Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid  (Fluid Quotes) ... the computer models are very good at solving equations of fluid dynamics but very bad at describing the real world. The real world is full of things like clouds and vegetation and soil and dust which the models describe very poorly  (Fluid Quotes) It’s so much baby and so much amniotic fluid, it’s crazy. If we have a 10 pounder, pray for me!  (Fluid Quotes) Whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. What is soft is strong  (Fluid Quotes) A man in a desert can hold absence in his cupped hands knowing it is something more than water. There is a plant whose heart, if one cuts it out is replaced with fluid containing herbal goodness. Every morning one can drink the liquid amount of the missing heart  (Fluid Quotes) A bad earthquake at once destroys the oldest associations: the world, the very emblem of all that is solid, has moved beneath our feet like a crust over a fluid; one second of time has conveyed to the mind a strange idea of insecurity, which hours of reflection would never have created  (Fluid Quotes) We’re more into sort of fluid structures that are simultaneously the most efficient, the most beautiful, and the most engineered. You know what I mean? We like the balance you can get in there  (Fluid Quotes) This has been a great experience for me. The first couple of days you don’t always feel too well. You adjust to the fluid shifting, how to fly through space without hitting things or anybody else. But then you get in a groove  (Fluid Quotes) Speech is a laggard and a sloth; but the eyes shoot out electric fluid that condenses all the elements of sentiment and passion in one single emanation  (Fluid Quotes) Human sexuality is... A long way from the depositing of seminal fluid, like squirting jam in a donut  (Fluid Quotes) His movements were so graceful that I wondered if he had been a dancer, but his words betrayed to me that his fluid gestures were those of a trained killer  (Fluid Quotes) It must be that there is something in the hearts of human beings, some natural fluid perhaps, that insists on happiness, even confronted with the most powerful arguments against it  (Fluid Quotes) Paperwork is the embalming fluid of bureaucracy, maintaining an appearance of life where none exists  (Fluid Quotes) London,... like a bowl of viscid human fluid, boils sullenly over the rim of its encircling hills and slops messily into the home counties  (Fluid Quotes)
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