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Fluid Quotes

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So sometimes it is an outright manipulation like that, but most of the time I’m just, I’m creating a mood that is a place of comfort for the person and a way for our dialogue to be more fluid  (Fluid Quotes) Amazon’s identity and goals are never clear and always fluid, which makes the company destabilizing and intimidating  (Fluid Quotes) I’ve gotten much better at multi-tasking. It’s hard, though. But, writing a script is not totally focused. You’re taking little breaks, all the time. If a kid runs in, you give ‘em a horsey ride. It’s a pretty fluid process  (Fluid Quotes) The most consistent characteristic of awakened teachers and people I have met is a childlike nature. They laugh, cry, twinkle, and joke, all with a spontaneity born of freedom. Their faces are fluid and reflect a timeless sweetness, even into old age  (Fluid Quotes) I love writing plays because they are living, fluid things that are energised by the producer, designers, musicians, actors and audience.  (Fluid Quotes) The relationship between art and a job is not quite linear, but I really love any and all manifestations of art, really respect any kind of artistic impulse, whether it’s paintings and sculptures or really good filmmaking or music. I really see the relationships between these different mediums as very fluid.  (Fluid Quotes) She wants to teach me to dance, but how do you instruct water to flow? I’m so fluid all you can do is swim in my moves and drink my essence.  (Fluid Quotes) Both bisexuality and transgender are fluid notions of identity, while lesbian and gay are fixed identities. Some people believe that means there should be two movements: LG and BT. But then what’re ya gonna do about SM players? And intersexed folks who want their own I in the alphabet soup of sex and gender related politics?  (Fluid Quotes) American politics is always somewhat fluid. In this age of social media, it means that voters can swing back and forth.  (Fluid Quotes) There are more social skills required to talk one-on-one [than to an audience]. You don’t have to be socially fluid to talk to two thousand people.  (Fluid Quotes) Even two of humanity’s most intimate possessions - a sense of self and a body image - are fluid, highly modifiable creations of the brain’s mischievous deployment of electricity and a handful of chemicals. They both can change or be changed on less than a second’s notice.  (Fluid Quotes) If one story becomes too hot, then you can’t forget it. As an actor, you want to remain fluid.  (Fluid Quotes) My constant goal is to create clothing that applies to the lifestyle of my customers. My clothing must be aesthetically pleasing in color, texture, and construction. Rapid changes are a part of fashion, and the demands of the industry are that I remain fluid and versatile. But my aesthetic requirements will always be the same.  (Fluid Quotes) Eye , gazelle, delicate wanderer, Drinker of horizon’s fluid line; Ear that suspends on a chord The spirit drinking timelessness; Touch, love, all senses...  (Fluid Quotes) When people are collecting gold they aren’t doing business. ... Gold is constipation: even bankruptcy is more fluid. Gold isn’t wealth: positions in markets are wealth.  (Fluid Quotes) Are you jealous of the ocean’s generosity?Why would you refuse to givethis joy to anyone?Fish don’t hold the sacred liquid in cups!They swim the huge fluid freedom.  (Fluid Quotes) Successful innovation has consistently proved to be fluid and flexible, fast and furious - that is, passionate.  (Fluid Quotes) I hated labels anyway. People didn’t fit in slots--prostitute, housewife, saint--like sorting the mail. We were so mutable, fluid with fear and desire, ideals and angles, changeable as water.  (Fluid Quotes) In the 1920s, a generation before the coming of solid-state electronics, one could look at the circuits and see how the electron stream flowed. Radios had valves, as though electricity were a fluid to be diverted by plumbing. With the click of the knob came a significant hiss and hum, just at the edge of audibility.  (Fluid Quotes) Gee, what a terrific party. Later on we’ll get some fluid and embalm each other.  (Fluid Quotes) In the fluid world of 1919, it was possible to dream of great change, or have nightmares about the collapse of order.  (Fluid Quotes) This has been a great experience for me. The first couple of days you don’t always feel too well. You adjust to the fluid shifting, how to fly through space without hitting things or anybody else. But then you get in a groove.  (Fluid Quotes) I’m not that fluid when it comes to scales and modes. I just pick up the guitar and play. It’s all about exploration: just tune the guitar any way you want and start playing.  (Fluid Quotes)
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