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Fluidity Quotes

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Fixation is the way to death. Fluidity is the way to life  (Fluidity Quotes) Fluidity and discontinuity are central to the reality in which we live  (Fluidity Quotes) Life is a cycle, and mime is particularly suitable for showing fluidity, transformation, metamorphosis. Words can keep people apart; mime can be a bridge between them  (Fluidity Quotes) The kinds of roles dogs fill can be hard to come by in human relationships. We touch the dog or the pet at whim. There is a lack of self-consciousness and a fluidity to it that is absent from most human relationships. If someone acted that way to you, you’d feel claustrophobic pretty quickly. It’s a boundary violation.  (Fluidity Quotes) True genius, in strategy or anywhere, lies in self-control, self-mastery, presence of mind, fluidity of thought.  (Fluidity Quotes) When I see a wall that’s hung with different objects, framed or unframed, what I like about it is its fluidity and rule-breaking nature. Just experiment a bit.  (Fluidity Quotes) I love the flow of the game. There’s a certain fluidity to basketball. I don’t enjoy watching baseball or football in the same way.  (Fluidity Quotes) Most modern Indians don’t stick to their caste jobs any more. There is more inter-caste marriage, more fluidity, more freedom than ever before. But the outcastes are usually still outcastes, because they are still the ones who tan India’s animals, burn its dead, and remove its excrement.  (Fluidity Quotes) The fluidity of thought is based on the flexibility of beliefs and the emotional boundaries surrounding them  (Fluidity Quotes) I really kind of liked the fluidity and not really being tied down. I saw the kind of people that were tenured and what happened to them there and I thought it was kind of death, really  (Fluidity Quotes) I love the idea of species fluidity, I guess, the sense of the maiden inherent in the swan or seal, the youth inherent in the bear or deer. After all, human beings are animals  (Fluidity Quotes) When I see a wall that’s hung with different objects, framed or unframed, what I like about it is its fluidity and rule-breaking nature. Just experiment a bit  (Fluidity Quotes) It must be obvious... That there is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity  (Fluidity Quotes) The directors that I end up having a really good time with are the ones that understand the fluidity of the medium and are interested in catching lightning in a bottle  (Fluidity Quotes) The trouble with life is its amorphousness, its ridiculous fluidity. Look at it: thinly plotted, largely themeless, sentimental and ineluctably trite. The dialogue is poor, or at least violently uneven. The twists are either predictable or sensationalist. And it’s always the same beginning, and the same ending  (Fluidity Quotes) Blood circulated through her veins with the fluidity of a song that branched off into the most hidden areas of her body and returned to her heart, purified by love  (Fluidity Quotes) I sensed that women wanted to be a little different. My fluidity gave them a way of interpreting their bodies in a more personal, individual way  (Fluidity Quotes) Fluidity means that our black identities are constantly changing as we respond to circumstances in our families and communities of origin, and as we interact with a wider world  (Fluidity Quotes) Fluidity is the way to an empty mind. You must free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying  (Fluidity Quotes) To a novelist, fluidity is the ultimate good omen; suddenly difficult problems are simply solved, intractable structural knots loosen themselves, and you come upon the key without even recognizing that this is what you hold  (Fluidity Quotes) I love the flow of the game. There’s a certain fluidity to basketball. I don’t enjoy watching baseball or football in the same way  (Fluidity Quotes) Ever since I started painting, I have tried to get the fluidity and surprise of image connection, the simultaneity of film montage, into painting  (Fluidity Quotes) Our modern economy privileges pure profit, momentary transactions and rapid fluidity. Part of craft’s anchoring role is that it helps to objectify experience and also to slow down labor. It is not about quick transactions or easy victories. That slow tempo of craftwork, of taking the time you need to do something well, is profoundly stabilizing to individuals  (Fluidity Quotes) Could it be that toxic mimics are toxic because they ignore responsibility, they ignore relationship, they ignore presence, they substitute control for fluidity and choice?  (Fluidity Quotes) The rigidity of a bottle’s form does not affect the fluidity of the liquid it contains  (Fluidity Quotes) My template for everything is organisation. With the ball you have to know the movement patterns, the rotation, the fluidity and positioning of the team. When we have the football everybody’s a player  (Fluidity Quotes) There are likewise three kinds of dancers: first, those who consider dancing as a sort of gymnastic drill, made up of impersonal and graceful arabesques; second, those who, by concentrating their minds, lead the body into the rhythm of a desired emotion, expressing a remembered feeling or experience. And finally, there are those who convert the body into a luminous fluidity, surrendering it to the inspiration of the soul  (Fluidity Quotes) It’s my experience that the fluidity of sexuality with younger people is more accepted  (Fluidity Quotes) Composing means you have a beginning, middle and end and a fluidity to what you’re doing  (Fluidity Quotes) I don't say we are a defensive team. I say we are a strong team in defensive terms, but at the same time lacking sufficient fluidity in attack because that will take time to come  (Fluidity Quotes)
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