Fly Quotes

Text Quotes
Woman is shut up in a kitchen or in a boudoir, and astonishment is expressed that her horizon is limited. Her wings are clipped, and it is found deplorable that she cannot fly (Fly Quotes)
You are not called to be a canary in a cage. You are called to be an eagle, and to fly sun to sun, over continents (Fly Quotes)
The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us (Fly Quotes)
I said excuse me you’re a hell of a guy, I mean my my my my you’re like pelican fly! (Fly Quotes)
In running away from ourselves we either fall on our neighbor’s shoulder or fly at his throat (Fly Quotes)
Ah, to be a bird. To fly the skies, sing my song, and best of all occasionally peck someone’s eyes out (Fly Quotes)
I was just letting the shots fly. You know, I don’t leave any bullets in the chamber (Fly Quotes)
A hollow edifice erected for the habitation of man, rat, mouse, beetle, cockroach, fly, mosquito, flea, bacillus, and microbe (Fly Quotes)
All you have to do is think one happy thought, and you’ll fly like me (Fly Quotes)
My mother wanted me to be her wings, to fly as she never quite had the courage to do. I love her for that. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings (Fly Quotes)
The optimist pleasantly ponders how high his kite will fly; the pessimist woefully wonders how soon his kite will fall (Fly Quotes)
As long as anything in this world means anything to you, your freedom is only a word. You are like a bird that is held by a leash; you can only fly so far (Fly Quotes)
We attain freedom as we let go of whatever does not reflect our magnificence. A bird cannot fly high or far with a stone tied to its back. But release the impediment, and we are free to soar to unprecedented heights (Fly Quotes)
Nay, fly to altars; there they’ll talk you dead; For fools rush in where angels fear to tread (Fly Quotes)
If you’re really a mean person you’re going to come back as a fly and eat poop (Fly Quotes)
What happiness this is: to fly, skimming over the earth just as we do in our dreams! Life has become a dream. Can this be the meaning of paradise? (Fly Quotes)
Optimism is not the ability to live on the highest branch. It is the faith to learn to fly (Fly Quotes)
I’m afraid you will have to fly holding the rock with its heavy chain (Fly Quotes)
They have not any difficulties on the way up because they fly, but they have many when they reach the summit (Fly Quotes)
You cannot learn to fly by flying. First you must learn to walk, to run, to climb, to dance (Fly Quotes)
Nothing is so rash as fear; its counsels very rarely put off, whilst they are always sure to aggravate the evils from which it would fly (Fly Quotes)
It is assumed that the woman must wait, motionless, until she is wooed. That is how the spider waits for the fly (Fly Quotes)
Even the wildest dreams have to start somewhere. Allow yourself the time and space to let your mind wander and your imagination fly (Fly Quotes)
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly (Fly Quotes)
To run and work the law commands, but gives us neither feet nor hands. But better news the gospel brings, it bids us fly and gives us wings (Fly Quotes)
Screenwriting is an opportunity to fly first class, be treated like a celebrity, sit around the pool and be betrayed (Fly Quotes)
The lion of anger shall give place to the lamb of meekness; the raven of uncleanness shall fly before the dove of purity; the vile serpent of deceit shall be trodden under the heel of truth (Fly Quotes)
I have always felt it is my destiny to build a machine that would allow man to fly (Fly Quotes)
When I took the leap, I had faith I would find a net; Instead I learned I could fly (Fly Quotes)
If you don’t try to fly and so break yourself apart, you will be broken open by death, when it’s too late for all you could become (Fly Quotes)