Focus Energy Quotes
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Text Quotes
It is our hypocrisy and self-focus that drains us. When we become purpose centered, internally directed other focused and externally open, we discover energy we didn’t know we had (Focus Energy Quotes)
Avoid fragmentation: Find your focus and seek simplicity. Purposeful living calls for elegant efficiency and economy of effort-expanding the minimum time and energy necessary to achieve desired goals (Focus Energy Quotes)
ÂŽTo focus on matters beyond our control is to misdirect energy, waste time, and doom us to frustration and failure. (Focus Energy Quotes)
Yoga calms me down. It gives me energy and focus (Focus Energy Quotes)
Members of trusting teams admit weaknesses and mistakes, take risks in offering feedback and assistance, and focus time and energy on important issues, not politics (Focus Energy Quotes)
Channel your energy. Focus (Focus Energy Quotes)
Please remember, that even in your darkest moments, you still have the choice to focus your energy on the positive and create a better life (Focus Energy Quotes)
It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses (Focus Energy Quotes)
I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative (Focus Energy Quotes)
I think romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your mating energy on just one individual at a time, thereby conserving mating time and energy (Focus Energy Quotes)
A positive attitude goes a long way. Focus your energy on the here and now, and see how a happier you shines through (Focus Energy Quotes)
Goals provide the energy source that powers our lives. One of the best ways we can get the most from the energy we have is to focus it. That is what goals can do for us; concentrate our energy (Focus Energy Quotes)
Romantic love allows you to focus mating energy. Attachment sustains that relationship as long as necessary to raise your baby (Focus Energy Quotes)
Anxiety and fear produce energy. Where we focus that energy noticeably affects the quality of our lives: focus on the solution, not the problem (Focus Energy Quotes)
Institutions too often focus their energy preserving the problem to which they are a solution than to innovate their way to success (Focus Energy Quotes)
Focus all your attention and energy on the achievement of the objectives you are involved with right now (Focus Energy Quotes)
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you (Focus Energy Quotes)
We are the product of our thinking, so it is important that we choose carefully where to focus our mental energy (Focus Energy Quotes)
To rid yourself of old patterns, focus all your energy not on struggling with the old, but on building the new (Focus Energy Quotes)
Today I set my mind and heart on a new path. I focus my energy on love, appreciation, and my highest possibilities (Focus Energy Quotes)
I was shy and a hard worker, so acting was a way to focus whatever nervous energy I was experiencing onto a goal (Focus Energy Quotes)
You need a job. You need a career. You need a focus. Otherwise, you will just pick up lots of strange psychic energy because you are not focused (Focus Energy Quotes)
The more you focus on sex without love, and drugs and violence, lifestyle of intimidation and recycling, the less energy you spend on opening up the big tent (Focus Energy Quotes)
How shall we pass most swiftly from point to point, and be present always at the focus where the greatest number of vital forces unite in their purest energy? (Focus Energy Quotes)
When one learns to focus energy through surrender and sensitivity, they become free, and can access the expansiveness of endless possibility (Focus Energy Quotes)
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