Focus Quotes

Text Quotes
If you focus completely on the things you love, then you are on your way to a beautiful life (Focus Quotes)
The ability to focus is the key separation point between those who move ahead and those who fall behind (Focus Quotes)
My mum has always said I am too hard on myself. But I have always been like that and it has always helped me. After matches I focus only on what I did wrong. Never what I did well (Focus Quotes)
Often people, especially computer engineers, focus on the machines. But in fact we need to focus on humans, on how humans care about doing programming or operating the application of the machines (Focus Quotes)
I think when I look out and I see there’s so much negativity in the world and a lot of people are unhappy and a lot people are anxious, it just feels like that’s one view of the world. But you don’t have to always focus on that view of the world (Focus Quotes)
Are we gonna just make movies about trying to get laid over and over again or focus on something that’s more relevant? (Focus Quotes)
You can’t focus on what everyone else is doing - it has to be about what’s really broken and what you can do to fix it (Focus Quotes)
If I’m focusing on playing and enjoying the song, then it always goes well. I get lost in the song, and the performance is so much better. If the focus becomes not making a mistake, then it just feels rigid to me (Focus Quotes)
The idea of celebrity has always been very strange to me because it’s taking the focus away from the music and attaching it to a person. When we put someone on a pedestal or idolize them, we’re giving our own power away (Focus Quotes)
A master of happiness will appreciate what he or she has while they have them and the moment any specific thing is gone or lost, the focus will be on other things to appreciate and be grateful for. At times, this could be gratitude for the memories that remain. Material and physical objects are temporary, memories are forever (Focus Quotes)
The thoughts you think create your feelings and emotions. The thoughts you think are the key factor in what you say and do. The entire quality of your life is totally dependent on the thoughts you choose to think focus on. Choose thoughts of gratitude. You will be tremendously grateful that you did (Focus Quotes)
Being present. The mind is like a butterfly that flits from one flower to the next. Seldom do we find ourselves nestled in the excuisite and eternal ocean of here and now. When you are, you can connect with your true self that is beyond the chattering of your mind. When you take the effort to focus your drifting consciousness to become fully awake to the present moment, you will discover the glorious light that dwells within you (Focus Quotes)
Don’t worry about trying to impress people... Just focus on how you can add value to their lives (Focus Quotes)
We can learn to trust ourselves by inquiring within. To practice doing this, sit quietly, close your eyes, and for a minute focus your attention on your breathing. Gently visualize your inner wisdom as a graceful butterfly. Admire her beauty, and encourage your butterfly to sit on your shoulder and whisper her wisdom in your ear. Be still and listen (Focus Quotes)
Most people’s strategy to achieve more is to do more. But when you focus on becoming more, you find that you can achieve more by doing less (Focus Quotes)
Consider that worrying excessively about another person, especially a loved one, is a destructive act. It causes you emotional distress which prevents you from being at your best and contributing at the levels you’re capable of. Instead of worrying, focus on accepting what is out of your control, and actively changing all that you can (Focus Quotes)
Through the good times and bad, the quality of your relationships will ultimately determine the quality of your life. So be grateful for your loved ones and focus on adding as much value to their lives as you possibly can (Focus Quotes)
And so I am feeling numb. It’s a curious feeling, and I get it all the time. My attention to the world around me disappears, and something starts to hum inside my head. Far off, voices try to bump up against me, but I repel them. My ears fill up with water and I focus on the humming in my head (Focus Quotes)
Focus on an object of some type, hopefully an object that’s beautiful or powerful. You could find a pretty colored stone that you just feel good about (Focus Quotes)
Sit in front of an object of concentration with the eyes open. Focus on a candle flame, or a yantra, a little dot, something small. Just look at it. Focus on it until there is nothing else in your mind. This develops willpower (Focus Quotes)
Focus on one point and hold your attention there. The mind will waiver, you’ll think a million thoughts, but each time you do, bring your mind back to the point of concentration, seeing it visually (Focus Quotes)
When we mediate, we are raising the kundalini through focus, through concentration. There is a metaphysical astral process that’s taking place (Focus Quotes)
The key to gazing is stopping thought. Gazing is a soft focus; you are touching something with your luminosity. If you could but look into the mountains you would see a diffuse glow (Focus Quotes)
Whatever you focus on, you become. That is the key line, you know. Meditation is the bow and concentration is the arrow (Focus Quotes)
In pranayama you don’t worry about taking breaths, you focus on exhalation. If you exhale properly you will inhale. The more deeply you exhale the more deeply you will inhale (Focus Quotes)
By disciplining and training the mind to focus on one thing, we gain control of perception; we learn to grab it and put it someplace we want it to be (Focus Quotes)
An advanced way to meditate, of course, is to focus on your teacher. If you have a spiritual teacher and you focus on them during mediation, then you access the light that flows through them (Focus Quotes)
You can focus on me or on any spiritual teacher. Spiritual teachers who have left the body, who are no longer on earth can help you too. When I leave the body someday, I can help people just as effectively if they focus upon me (Focus Quotes)
Remember you have lots of help. God is meditating in you and through you. The beneficent forces of existence are glad to help you. You can focus on any spiritual teacher. We are glad to help you (Focus Quotes)
People focus on things that vibrate very slowly during meditation and because they are so open they make themselves really sick, psychically (Focus Quotes)