Focus Quotes

Text Quotes
One of my biggest assets is my ability to focus on something and go out and get it, but it’s one of my biggest weaknesses too (Focus Quotes)
I pursue this dream and carry on. I don’t dwell too much on the outside, I just focus on the inside (Focus Quotes)
There’s people that focus on the game and forget about the art. There’s that specific special individual that can do both (Focus Quotes)
Don’t focus on the wins and losses... focus your efforts on performing to your full potential (Focus Quotes)
If you want the secondary greatness of recognized talent, focus first on primary greatness of character (Focus Quotes)
Don’t focus on the outcome, when you focus on the outcome it creates anxiety and it builds. I just need to enjoy the moment and let it be. If I just fight I know I’m going to go out there and perform and do it my best. Don’t focus on winning or losing (Focus Quotes)
You really can’t worry about stuff you can’t control... You need to focus on getting where you need to be and not worry about what could have been and what should have been (Focus Quotes)
Focus on the positives is what I teach my kids. The rest takes care of itself (Focus Quotes)
We make my opponent out as a monster. We focus on his strengths because that’s what we need to negate (Focus Quotes)
I’m a very private person. I don’t go out much. I’m home with kids. I go to work. I don’t really like being the focus of attention, which is why I like being behind the camera more (Focus Quotes)
I really wanted to focus on my songwriting, or songwriting with other people. I wanted to go learn from other people who were really good at the classic, more traditional idea of songwriting (Focus Quotes)
You aren’t always going to make stuff that everybody does. The sooner that you just realize that and accept that, the better. At best, hopefully, you will like it, every time, and that might not even happen. It’s the nature of your work. It’s just what comes with it. So, it makes it easier to deal with anybody criticizing you or anything thinking you’re wonderful when you realize that you just need to focus in this one area, which is your creative fulfillment and enjoyment (Focus Quotes)
I had always made pictures as I thought I saw the world, focusing on what lay in front, but this is not how one sees the world. It only frames the centre and cuts off the lateral vision, which lies unfocused. Now I found that I could turn my eye to the adjacent field of vision, seeing another focus, an extension which I added to the original. Instead of stopping at two focuses, I looked further to the side, adding another and yet another (Focus Quotes)
Just as the child must trust his mother, the white belt must believe in the good will of his instructor. There will be a time for questioning, but for now he must focus and train (Focus Quotes)
One bit in or out of focus makes the difference between our bodies being ourselves and our being part of a group. I want to melt the idea of specificity and blend individuality into the crowd (Focus Quotes)
A successful economic development strategy must focus on improving the skills of the area’s workforce (Focus Quotes)
No matter who you are, no matter what you’re doing, no matter how focus you are, no matter how ready you think you? are, you’re not gonna catch me (Focus Quotes)
Don’t think about what the market’s going to do; you have absolutely no control over that. Think about what you’re going to do if it gets there. In particular, you should spend no time at all thinking about those rosy scenarios in which the market goes your way, since in those situations, there’s nothing more for you to do. Focus instead on those things you want least to happen and on what your response will be (Focus Quotes)
One of the nice things about being busy is it makes you focus on what’s important to you and how you use your time (Focus Quotes)
I like things pretty reduced. I don’t understand how people live with so much stuff around them, because you can’t focus on it, and after a while it ends up becoming absorbed. It’s not as if anything’s really being appreciated. To me all that stuff is some desperate message to everyone about who you are, like bumper stickers (Focus Quotes)
I focus a lot on my voice because I want it to be an instrument as well. I want my voice to add color (Focus Quotes)
Even the mistakes, even everything bad that happened, I wouldn’t change because then I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. The past is the past. I just want to focus on the future, and getting better, not making the same mistakes and just becoming a better person, a better artist. Just a better everything (Focus Quotes)
The relative ease of most driving lures us into thinking we can get away with doing other things. Indeed, those other things, like listening to the radio, can help when driving itself is threatening to cause fatigue. But we buy into the myth of multitasking with little actual knowledge of how much we can really add in or, as with the television news, how much we are missing. As the inner life of the driver begins to come into focus, it is becoming clear not only that distraction is the single biggest problem on the road but that we have little concept of just how distracted we are (Focus Quotes)
If everybody else your age is doing something very different than what you’re doing, there’s always going to be someone saying to you you might not succeed with it, you might not make any money with that... there’s always going to be some type of obstacle in the way. All of those things will go away if you really focus on what makes you happy (Focus Quotes)
What cancer does is, it forces you to focus, to prioritize, and you learn what’s important (Focus Quotes)
Give yourself a compliment every day. I know this sounds silly, but it really is important. As girls, we spend countless hours focusing on our flaws and trying to correct them or cover them up. It’s essential to focus on something you like about yourself. Maybe you’re having a good hair day or your skin is looking especially healthy. Take a moment each day to focus on the good, and then try to carry that with you throughout the day, because while bangs don’t look good on everyone, confidence does (Focus Quotes)
We all have personalities, but in football a lot of times you don’t talk about that because you want to focus more on the grit and grind of the season, instead of people’s personal styles or worldly habits (Focus Quotes)
Leaving some areas less finished in a painting, or more out of focus than others, allows the imagination to finish them and gives more importance to the detailed parts (Focus Quotes)
In general, my paintings are multifocal. You can’t call it unfocused space, but not being fixed to a single focus is very much of our time (Focus Quotes)
Filling a need that others aren’t addressing has always been a focus of the companies that I have been involved with (Focus Quotes)