Focus Quotes

Text Quotes
The things we think about, focus on, and surround ourselves with will shape who we become (Focus Quotes)
Life is like a camera; Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if it goes wrong. Take another shot (Focus Quotes)
If we want to make a change in our lives, we should first focus on our personal attitudes and behaviors (Focus Quotes)
Life’s full of choices. Focus on your purposes. Remember: Your choice determines your outcome! (Focus Quotes)
Don’t be too stressed over something in the past; there’s nothing you can do to change it. Focus on your present to create a better future (Focus Quotes)
What is focus and who has the right to say what focus is the legitimate focus (Focus Quotes)
Don’t put your focus on money because there are too many things that more precious. They called: family, friend, and health (Focus Quotes)
Today I pray that I keep my eyes on the prize. Focus on the important things and don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t hurry and laugh a lot (Focus Quotes)
If you focus on the obstacles, then you give them more power. Instead focus on your purpose, on your most authentic and fundamental intentions (Focus Quotes)
The person who loves his life will lose it: it could not be otherwise, for to love one’s life is a fundamental denial of God’s sovereignty, of God’s rights, and a brazen elevation of self to the apogee of one’s perception, and therefore an idolatrous focus on self, which is the heart of all sin (Focus Quotes)
My focus has always been on the work - that work being critical thinking and writing. I am always doing that. That’s where I am, wherever I am. Critical thinking and writing as my heartbeat (Focus Quotes)
In the early 1970s in Atlanta, I attended what had formerly been an all-white school but had become a black school after integration and white flight. Perhaps because of this, the teachers created a curriculum that included a focus on African American literature and history year-round, not just in February (Focus Quotes)
Indeed, our everyday world presents intellectual challenges just as daunting as those of the cosmos and the quantum, and that is where 99 per cent of scientists focus their efforts. Even the smallest insect, with its intricate structure, is far more complex than either an atom or a star (Focus Quotes)
If I give dollars to some charity, nobody cares. I mean, it helps the charity, but nobody cares. But if the Dodgers do the same thing, they bring more focus to issues, and that makes it better (Focus Quotes)
People are going to paying attention to him whether they love him or hate him. So I think Tiger is a huge focus point on a stage that is as little as golf (Focus Quotes)
My mom taught me the power of love. I learned to focus on the long-term big picture from my father. His sense of humor and light-hearted approach always make me smile. My husband is a pivotal anchor in my life. His influence encourages me to be independent and take risks (Focus Quotes)
The eyes get lost in 3-D. With 3-D, your eyes are looking for the plane of focus, right? And the problem is, when you do quick cuts, your eyes can’t find it (Focus Quotes)
Our obsessive focus on college schooling has blinded us to basic truths. College is a place, not a magic formula. It matters what subjects students study, and subsidies should focus on the subjects that matter the most - not to the students, but to everyone else (Focus Quotes)
My two primary areas of focus have been open-space conservation and education, and I expect those to remain my priorities in the future. The Irvine open space and parklands provide serenity and balance to our unique Orange County lifestyle (Focus Quotes)
One of the biggest benefits of playing box for a young lacrosse player is in the development of lacrosse IQ. Because everyone plays with a short stick [in box lacrosse], you have to focus on being a complete lacrosse player versus specializing as an attackman or d-man. That is how your IQ grows and skills improve (Focus Quotes)
In America, there seems to be more focus on the idea that it’s important to do things differently. In Britain, it’s not an issue (Focus Quotes)
What is needed [to combat terrorism], in my view, is resolve, not retreat; courage, not concession. Rather than thinking in terms of an exit strategy, focus on a strategy for success (Focus Quotes)
When you face challenges, ask yourself what is the lesson here? Focus on the lesson and don’t complain about the test. Everything happens for a reason. Every person you meet, may teach you something - good or bad (Focus Quotes)
While the focus in the landscape of Old World cities was commonly government structures, churches, or the residences of rulers, the landscape and the skyline of American cities have boasted their hotels, department stores, office buildings, apartments, and skyscrapers. In this grandeur, Americans have expressed their Booster Pride, their hopes for visitors and new settlers, and customers, for thriving commerce and industry (Focus Quotes)
It is far more lucrative and fun to leverage your strengths instead of attempting to fix all the chinks in your armor. The choice is between multiplication of results using strenths or incremental improvement fixing weaknesses that will, at best, become mediocre. Focus on better use of your best weapons instead of constant repair (Focus Quotes)
Now, here’s a good question: should serious people focus on global political instability - terrorism, failing states, nuclear weapons - or should we focus on global climate instability - droughts, floods, extreme weather? Here’s the correct answer: yes, both, because climate disruption will make every other national security problem worse (Focus Quotes)
Actors are inherently self-centered. We’re trained to focus on who I am. What do I want? Who is in my way? How do I get this? That’s how we’re trained. Unfortunately, that sometimes spills over into real life. But it’s all very subjective. You just try to portray someone beyond the surface, the different layers (Focus Quotes)
As all entrepreneurs know, you live and die by your ability to prioritize. You must focus on the most important, mission-critical tasks each day and night, and then share, delegate, delay or skip the rest (Focus Quotes)
I don’t want to over generalize, but I believe that women are typically drawn to leadership styles that focus on consensus building, effective listening and working in teams. That’s certainly been my leadership style, and I think it’s been very successful (Focus Quotes)
On the one hand I follow a vocation because I have an ability that I should exercise, but I want to use it for a reason, because I don’t see that the freedoms that I enjoy are God-given realities. So I have a very healthy, activist general tension in me which feels that no, this is not gratuitous, it is important to keep this in focus (Focus Quotes)