Focus Quotes

Text Quotes
Center Stage focused on the drive and what it’s like to be a student, and this is what it’s like to be an adult and what you need to give up in the pursuit of that passion and that focus. (Focus Quotes)
Sometimes when a new piece of knowledge comes along you suddenly change your priorities and focus on something completely different instead. (Focus Quotes)
Focus on your problem zones, your strength, your energy, your flexibility and all the rest. Maybe your chest is flabby or your hips or waist need toning. Also, you should change your program every thirty days. That’s the key. (Focus Quotes)
Others are ahead of me. I am continually challenged. My focus is forward. The atmosphere is affirming. I am often out of my comfort zone. I wake up excited. Failure is not my enemy. Others are growing. People desire change. Growth is modeled and expected. (Focus Quotes)
I’ve seen kids turn their lives around. It’s usually a kid who’s outside of the team-sport world, or maybe has a darker personality or doesn’t fit in. Skateboarding ends up being something they latch onto. It sounds hokey, but finding a focus on something - whether it’s skateboard or playing your guitar - can be life changing. (Focus Quotes)
You don’t need to stick to tough rules or overnight changes; you need not rely on hardcore discipline that makes you hate your life. You need only focus on progress, not perfection. Lean in to the process of losing weight, and it will happen easily. (Focus Quotes)
Ignoring negative things that need to be changed is destructive and does nothing to alleviate negativity. Instead, we should focus on the way we’re treating other people in our brief interactions with them. (Focus Quotes)
Rather than focus on the negative aspects of change, which is loss, I focus on the adventure of it and say What’s next? (Focus Quotes)
There’s been a sea change in our focus on corporate ethics. We’ve made more progress in the last three years than the previous 30. (Focus Quotes)
Once the season starts for me, there isn’t a change in my focus, just a change in my tactics and strategies. (Focus Quotes)
Yoga changed my life. I go between 4 and 6 times a week. It’s incredibly grounding and an intense level of focus. (Focus Quotes)
Do you want to be an artist and a writer, or a wife and a lover? With kids, your focus changes. I don’t want to go to PTA meetings. (Focus Quotes)
What are you thinking about? What you focus on right now will tend to come into your life a little later. Here’s your reminder to change your mind. (Focus Quotes)
I always wanted kids but I always thought I’d have kids later on in my life, maybe when I turn 30. I really wanted to focus on my career, but you meet the right person and your whole world changes. (Focus Quotes)
It is treacherous on a high wire to change your focus point and suddenly look down (Focus Quotes)
Instead of focusing on that circumstances that you cannot change - focus strongly and powerfully on the circumstances that you can. (Focus Quotes)
When your focus is social change and not financial change, why wouldn’t you want to share that openly? Innovation only succeeds when it’s shared. (Focus Quotes)
We eat every day, and if we do it in a way that doesn’t recognize value, it’s contributing to the destruction of our culture and of agriculture. But if it’s done with a focus and care, it can be a wonderful thing. It changes the quality of your life. (Focus Quotes)
Life is full of tough decisions, and nothing makes them easy. But the worst ones are really your personal koans, and tormenting ambivalence is just the sense of satori rising. Try, trust, try, and trust again, and eventually you’ll feel your mind change its focus to a new level of understanding. (Focus Quotes)
I am very driven. I work really hard, whether it’s acting or my charity or even poker. When I focus on something I give it my all. (Focus Quotes)
My job is to play chess, the game that I love. I achieve what I can in chess. That is what I focus on. Basically, I am always focused on playing the game, and this is important to me. (Focus Quotes)
My entire history with the Navy have been trying to get the Navy to focus on families and child care and all the things that they were way behind in - housing, all of those things. (Focus Quotes)
Comparison is a disease. I never felt any competition, since I never compared myself to others. I only focus on my work. I never feel pressurised and do films in my style. Also, I’m very active since childhood, and that gives me the edge to always put my best. (Focus Quotes)
I focus on supporting high quality early childhood health care and education. By betting my resources on very young children, I know I’m making an investment that pays guaranteed dividends with a high rate of return. (Focus Quotes)
If you have fewer teenagers having children, they could focus more on their vocational development (Focus Quotes)
When I became a father acting sort of took the place of what I did in my free time and my children became the main focus. I play a lot and my children play. Both my sons - my daughter’s still too young really - have surpassed me with their music skills, which is wildly irritating. (Focus Quotes)
Originally I had planned to write just a couple of children’s books and then, return the focus on adult literature. A funny thing happened along the way - I kept having new ideas, and then I looked up one day, and 30 years had passed! (Focus Quotes)
The focus on my wife and my children, it really helps me make sense of the music side of it somehow. (Focus Quotes)
Our focus going forward is on sectors where the life of China’s middle class can be upgraded: health, travel, leisure, education, and the Internet. We call it marrying China’s growth with global resources. (Focus Quotes)
I’m so compulsive about stuff, I know if I had ever gotten pregnant, of course, that would have been my whole focus. But I didn’t choose to have children because I’m focused on my career. And I just don’t think, as compulsive as I am, that I could manage both. (Focus Quotes)