Focus Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes we focus on the lyrics too much and forget to dance to the music (Focus Quotes)
Of course, my interests and my focus change and become more diverse, more worldly. At the same time, I am interested in the simple basics, which is I love to dance and I love to make people dance. (Focus Quotes)
I just want to continue to pursue dancing. I want to focus on making it out there and showing everybody my heart and soul through dance... and do it until I can’t walk anymore. (Focus Quotes)
So I don’t really focus too much on that, and I think it’s dangerous if your goal in life is to get the other guy, then you’re not going to be doing a really quality job yourself. (Focus Quotes)
I think it’s almost an indulgence to focus on the dark side of things. And as you get older, you want to focus on the positive. (Focus Quotes)
I stopped dating for six months a year ago. Dating requires a lot of energy and focus. (Focus Quotes)
When I was five years old, I told my parents that I wanted to take ballet. So, ballet was the focus of my life... until puberty. Then I discovered boys and started dating a guy with a mohawk who’d come to my ballet class and freak everybody out. Shortly after that is when I quit. (Focus Quotes)
I think what I am always trying to do is make clothes for every girl to wear, to make things that you are going to accessorize from day to night. I am really trying to focus on casualwear - making your basic sweatpants cool, trendy, and funky. (Focus Quotes)
Technology is helping more and more deaf people hear, but here at Gallaudet, we focus on learning and achieving-not on listening. So I would still say deaf people can do anything, except hear. (Focus Quotes)
Proof’ is a really cool pilot that I was lucky enough to read by Rob Braggin for TNT that’s about a surgeon who’s an agnostic, tough, grounded, scientific mind and she’s hired by a Steve Jobs-type who’s just been diagnosed with cancer to focus on near death experiences and what happens when you die. (Focus Quotes)
People will say what they want to say, and it’s okay. And my life will go on, and I need to focus on my life. So, do I need to defend that I’m a decent woman? I sure hope I don’t. I know I am. (Focus Quotes)
When making a decision, focus on what feels shackles off versus shackles on (Focus Quotes)
I just think there are enough hours in the day. If you just focus and dedicate yourself and approach each task as it presents itself, you can accomplish a lot. (Focus Quotes)
If you are feeling stressed out, stop and take 10 deep really does help! Then focus your mind on one thing and one thing only; things are only overwhelming when you look at them all at once. (Focus Quotes)
I just saw the emotion in everything, so I got to feel everything that was going on and that I was viewing, but I couldn’t think in terms of structure, which is the whole point of deep focus. (Focus Quotes)
Focus on faith and grow your roots strong and deep so no one can make you believe in something that is not good for your soul. (Focus Quotes)
Whenever faced with a challenge, I dig deep within myself and summon my spiritual and physical forces. This gives me the focus, determination, perseverance, and support I need to succeed. (Focus Quotes)
It’s really important to create something, like with my creations as a musician. Just let it flow. Focus on how to deliver message to audience. Don’t get ego. (Focus Quotes)
I’m not promoting myself as the next great American driver, as some people are describing me. If that’s what people want to call me, fine. But I’ve got more important things to focus on. (Focus Quotes)
A single model enables me to focus on one thing at a time, separating design and form and color into three successive stages. (Focus Quotes)
Where focus goes, energy flows. And if you don’t take the time to focus on what matters, then you’re living a life of someone else’s design. (Focus Quotes)
If you focus on the things you can’t do, you’ll destroy yourself. Just remember everything you can do. (Focus Quotes)
When both you and your spouse actively focus on developing godly character qualities, the foundation of your marriage will be twice as strong. (Focus Quotes)
When you can see a tiny light in a vision you believe in, you’ve got to kill every iota of distraction, set your focus on it and die for it (Focus Quotes)
One should not focus on the differences between people but look for commonality and similarity (Focus Quotes)
The beliefs of Native people are no less powerful or important just because they focus on a different form of magic. (Focus Quotes)
I like to be in a different place when I make a movie so that I can’t really focus on anything else, and that is your world. (Focus Quotes)
When you’re in a place, the details you focus on are different than details you focus on when you’re writing about it. (Focus Quotes)
My mind is constantly in five different places, but golf is great because it forces you to focus completely and purely on what you’re doing. (Focus Quotes)
Usually I’m pretty myopic. It’s hard for me to multi-task, so to speak. If I’m in a show and I’m creating a character, I’m just completely into that. It’s really hard for me to do anything else like write music. I have to sort of shut down different sides of my head and just focus. (Focus Quotes)