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I’ve always been obsessed with penetrating the female psyche. When I shoot, I’m like a tornado. I never sit down, never take a break, never eat. I’m focused on getting that moment of revelation, of insight, of poignancy, of meaning  (Focused Quotes) We have limited time in our life, therefore we should try to teach ourselves, not to teach others. We should conquer ourselves, rather than conquer others. Whether coming or going, standing, sitting or lying down, our mind should be focused in this way. If we practise like this and develop mindfulness continuously, wisdom arises quickly and this is a fast way of practice  (Focused Quotes) All companies would be better off if they stopped trying to be amazing and just focused on being useful  (Focused Quotes) The urge to quit is strongest just before breakthroughs occur. Those are the times when it’s most important to stay focused and committed. You will encounter the urge to quit many times. Get over it. Quitting is not an option; always be prepared to give it one more day  (Focused Quotes) Athletes who are able to stay completely focused in pursuit of their dreams are the ones that are most likely to become champions  (Focused Quotes) I think the whole definition of a geek is somebody being passionate and focused, and being proud of saying that they’re passionate and focused, on a narrow range of subjects  (Focused Quotes) Life is way too short to be focused on scales, weight and cellulite. If you can look in the mirror and know that you’re a beautiful, loving, friendly person who’s good to people, that’ll ultimately make you shine on the outside  (Focused Quotes) The reason I haven’t had kids yet is because I was so focused on my acting career, hoping I could get something to break  (Focused Quotes) I was always active as a child. My dad tried to place me in every sport imaginable. I had so much energy, he wanted to push me in a direction where that energy was used appropriately to keep me out of trouble and focused while I was in school  (Focused Quotes) We were very focused on becoming profitable from a very early time, which was not true of most companies in the bubble  (Focused Quotes) It wasn’t enough to be positive, focused and fearless, I had to take action! Musicians say that the hardest part of practicing is taking the instrument out of the case. To begin is to be half done!  (Focused Quotes) The religious lifestyle keeps you focused. It’s helpful when trying to manoeuvre through the music scene  (Focused Quotes) The twin guardian angels whose eyes and hands and wings had focused protective attention on the souls that lay there no longer faced each other. They stared blindly into a random middle distance. The scroll they held between them proclaiming eternal resurrection was broken in two  (Focused Quotes) Churches that make an impact are more focused on putting boots on the streets than butts in the seats  (Focused Quotes) People deal with models like they are children. They think they can pull one over on you. It’s actually funny. I’m always like, I’m about to pull something on you, and you’re so focused on thinking I’m dumb you’re not even going to know  (Focused Quotes) When I got into the music industry, I wasn’t focused on being the most famous artist or even getting a major record deal. It was just to make music on my own terms or create my own image, do my own hair, do my own makeup  (Focused Quotes) Human attention tends to be focused on the satisfactions relationships are hoped to bring, precisely because somehow they have not been truly satisfactory. And if they do satisfy, the price of this satisfaction has often been found to be unacceptable  (Focused Quotes) I think what endurance sports teach you is to stay dedicated, stay focused, and also to understand youre going to have ups and downs, but you need to keep running right through them  (Focused Quotes) When you’re trying to solve a problem on a new product type, you become completely focused on problems that seem a number of steps removed from the main product. That problem solving can appear a little abstract, and it is easy to lose sight of the product  (Focused Quotes) The thing to remember is that the work comes first, and not to get distracted by anything else. If you keep focused on the work, everything else will fall into place. That’s my mantra now  (Focused Quotes) Sky is the limit, never doubt yourself, stay focused, never let anything slow or stop you from concurring your goals and making your dreams happen!  (Focused Quotes) I’m focused on myself and on what I’ve got to do... I’m just trying to get back on track and keep this positive mindset  (Focused Quotes) I think brands should go back to being more specialised and focused on particular market segments. Sometimes the business you don’t do is more important than that which you actually do  (Focused Quotes) Being generous without keeping score strengthens your spirit, keeps you focused on the people who make your business what it is, and helps breed success  (Focused Quotes) You can’t talk about life without talking about politics. You have to have both. If you’re just a political person, you’re going to burn out. If you, as an artist, are just focused inward, you’re going to eventually be irrelevant  (Focused Quotes) Like most men, my father is interested in action. And this is why he disappoints my mother when she tells him she doesn’t feel well and he offers to take her to the doctor. He is focused on what he can do, whereas she wants sympathy  (Focused Quotes) Running cleared the day’s cobwebs from my mind and focused my thinking, and gave me time and space to sort out anything that was bothering me, or to detach and think of nothing at all. When it’s pouring rain and you’re bowling along through the wet, there’s satisfaction in knowing you’re out there and the others aren’t  (Focused Quotes) In an ideal world, it would not take a film star to get the media focused on mental illness  (Focused Quotes) I try to keep myself in what I’m doing and focused on character stuff, as opposed to getting wrapped up in worrying or being nervous. It won’t benefit me, in any way, to focus on that  (Focused Quotes) For a couple of years, I focused more on producing because I wanted to be close to home, after traveling a lot for work  (Focused Quotes)
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