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Focused Quotes

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The general rule is that my life is focused on the present, and very little on the past. If anything, I’m a little bit more focused toward the future  (Focused Quotes) The kingdom of self tends to be more focused on what the hands can touch than what the heart should embrace  (Focused Quotes) I love being inside my brain and pushing myself to think in ever more complex ways because I know the ideas are there for the taking. It’s all about being focused and disciplined and making use of one’s abilities  (Focused Quotes) It is necessary to be occupied almost all the time, to have your mind focused; otherwise, you get very spaced out. There are many variant psychic forces and powers that roam through the worlds. You can pick them up  (Focused Quotes) Universities are very clarifying places of power, because everyone is focused on trying to figure out exactly what to do with their lives  (Focused Quotes) Drama is more focused and it reveals itself to you, whereas comedy is just right there, when you first read it  (Focused Quotes) If the people around you are negative and you can’t change that, either remove yourself from the situation or view it simply as one obstacle you face in pursuing your own potential. Stay focused on your own goals and make the best of the situation  (Focused Quotes) If you don’t keep the eyes of your heart focused on the paradise that is to come, you will try to turn this poor fallen world into the paradise it will never be  (Focused Quotes) Weight was the thing I hyperfocused on. It went from me losing a few pounds to slowly over time losing more and more weight and becoming more and more focused on it  (Focused Quotes) The more we are focused on controlling and changing others, the more unmanageable our life becomes. The more we focus on living our own life, the more we have a life to live, and the more manageable our life will become  (Focused Quotes) I consider myself the head coach whose job is to keep this winning team intact. I keep everybody focused and motivated  (Focused Quotes) I’m focused on solving the problem that would make it plausible for gov’t to get back to solving real problems  (Focused Quotes) Stay focused. You gotta believe in yourself. I think that’s the biggest thing I’ve been able to do throughout my whole career, even before I actually had a big career in this industry  (Focused Quotes) The poem is always the last resort. In it the poet makes a world in little, and finds peace, even though, under complete focused emotion, the evocation be far more bitter than reality, or far more lovely  (Focused Quotes) It is difficult to be yourself on court, as you become very involved in the match and very focused  (Focused Quotes) I see things differently when I’m focused on opening doors for other people, and more often than not, my doors are opened as well  (Focused Quotes) You can have fun, but when it is time to work, work hard and be focused  (Focused Quotes) For aspiring actors out there, I would say stay focused and don’t let anyone pull you away from your goals. Shoot for the stars so that if you ever fall short you can land on the clouds  (Focused Quotes) I think my motto is to always remain focused on what it is that you’re trying to accomplish  (Focused Quotes) We are increasingly open to understanding how we are all connected and that if we sink the ship that we are all on, we all drown. However, we have simultaneously become so focused on our own life experiences that we think we are alone  (Focused Quotes) Solyndra will be remembered in the history books as a sad hallmark of a newly installed administration that felt it was above the rules, lusting for positive headlines rather than focused on delivering results  (Focused Quotes) If you’re focused on the friendship as its own reward, serendipitous stuff just happens. I know that sounds weird, but I can tell you for our 12 years of existence, it’s actually how a lot of stuff happens  (Focused Quotes) I can multitask very well. But I know exactly when to block off anything coming in from the outside and just stay focused on the film  (Focused Quotes) I’ve always been able to stay focused on trying to recruit good players and trying to develop those players  (Focused Quotes) Apple is so focused on its vision that it does things in a very careful, deliberate way  (Focused Quotes) I’m not an elitist. I hate the fashion industry sometimes because it becomes so focused on the elite  (Focused Quotes) Football has to work really hard to put a smile on peoples face and not to be so focused on the question of money. Everything is in danger of losing its soul if you’re always going to sell out to the highest bidder  (Focused Quotes) I have never, ever focused on the negative of things. I always look at the positive  (Focused Quotes) Conversation creates a new kind of network within organizations. Current networks are used for competitive advantage, but conversation is focused on encouraging people to realize their potential  (Focused Quotes) Success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the small successes achieved day by day that build a company. So, don’t be impatient or focused on immediate financial rewards  (Focused Quotes)
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