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Focused Quotes

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I’m really focused on my research almost 100 percent. That, and my family and kids  (Focused Quotes) When you come onto the set, everything should be focused around your character and you should stay in the pocket, as much as possible. Every actor has their own process. For me, I really need to stay in the pocket  (Focused Quotes) The way I do things I usually always prefer to have a very clear strategy and be very focused. At the same time to be very rock solid, and crisp in execution  (Focused Quotes) At the end of the day, so many things that we hold so much value with, it just doesn’t even mean anything. I really try to stay focused on being really positive  (Focused Quotes) Anybody that I ever dealt with knows that I’m a very focused individual, and when it comes to my work and what I do, you might have to play the back burner to that  (Focused Quotes) I’m not focused on the outrageousness. I’m just focused on being funny, and raising my kids. I don’t even read the newspaper, I don’t read that crap  (Focused Quotes) I guess my work is described a lot of the time as very sensual and sexy. When I take a picture, I’m very focused on trying to discover something about a person. Or about an idea. I try to be quite successful at it  (Focused Quotes) You never know when someone is videotaping you or trying to capture your image. I see how it makes some people crazy. But I am really lucky. I don’t understand it. I really, honestly, am much more focused on my personal life  (Focused Quotes) People spend all their time focused on things they can’t control. In truth, there are only two things you can control: your attitude and your work ethic  (Focused Quotes) I am not an absolute pacifist, because I can’t rule out the possibility that under some, carefully defined circumstances, some degree of violence may be justified, if it is focused directly at a great evil  (Focused Quotes) I love intricate plotting and exciting twists, but I realize more that people enjoy a good story in a simple, focused way  (Focused Quotes) I’m not racing for recognition, I’m not racing for popularity, that’s not who I am. I’m focused on the result and trying to get the best out of myself from a sporting capacity. That’s what really motivates me  (Focused Quotes) If you love cinema as much as I do, and not many people do, and if you are focused and actually have something to offer, you will get somewhere with it  (Focused Quotes) Playing music in front of thousands of people never bothered me. It was only when I started putting on magic shows in front of a much smaller audience that I would begin sweating bullets, so I’m much more focused now  (Focused Quotes) Focused. I’m a hustler. And my hustle is trying to figure out the best ways to do what I like without having to do much else  (Focused Quotes) My hair has never been my greatest feature, so that was funny enough unto itself that my hair became so focused on  (Focused Quotes) I never look at other people’s work. My mind has to be completely focused on my own illusions  (Focused Quotes) My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things  (Focused Quotes) I’m more focused and have a greater sense of challenge, because I constantly feel the weight of time  (Focused Quotes) Most times we’re so focused on what we think we want that we can’t appreciate how happy we already are. It’s only when we forget about our problems and help others forget theirs that we realize how good we really have it  (Focused Quotes) There’s no day that is the same as the day before. So you have to be energized; you have to be focused  (Focused Quotes) We don’t see very far in the future, we are very focused on one idea at a time, one problem at a time, and all these are incompatible with rationality as economic theory assumes it  (Focused Quotes) I always want to stay focused on who I am, even as I’m discovering who I am  (Focused Quotes) I’ve been pretty focused my entire life, and now that I have a family, I’m just going to keep that focus, but it’s going to be a family focus  (Focused Quotes) In order to be a great marketer, you have to be focused and intense and look at scarcity, urgency, activity and passion in the marketplace  (Focused Quotes) I was a keen observer and listener. I picked up on clues. I figured things out logically, and I enjoyed puzzles. I loved the clear, focused feeling that came when I concentrated on solving a problem and everything else faded out  (Focused Quotes) I am fairly concise when I work and I work quickly because I think work is done better in a high gear than done our in a gear when everyone’s exhausted. Get focused, do it!  (Focused Quotes) Bruises mapped my body from bumping into tables and tripping over curbs while walking with a book in my hand, my eyes focused on the pages instead of the live space around me  (Focused Quotes) He loved the scratching of pencil against paper when he was focused: it meant something was happening  (Focused Quotes) ... the thrill of being surrounded by something wondrous and fantastical, only magnified and focused directly at her. The feel of his skin against hers reverberates across her entire body, though his fingers remain entwined in hers  (Focused Quotes)
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