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So far, indian companies have focused more on customer application. This needs to shift to packaged software for sectors such as banking and financial services  (Focused Quotes) You can say things which cannot be done. This is elementary. The trick is to keep attention focused on what is said and not on what can be done  (Focused Quotes) When speaking, being present means you choose to respond rather than react, letting go of emotions and objections and remaining focused on what is to be achieved  (Focused Quotes) Sometimes we become so focused on the finish line, that we fail to find joy in the journey  (Focused Quotes) In the luxury segment, if we just focused on fuel economy, that wouldn’t be enough  (Focused Quotes) It’s hard to pay attention and stay focused, especially when there is a lot going on around you  (Focused Quotes) But the fact is, no matter how good the teacher, how small the class, how focused on quality education the school may be none of this matters if we ignore the individual needs of our students  (Focused Quotes) Turnaround or growth, it’s getting your people focused on the goal that is still the job of leadership  (Focused Quotes) Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort  (Focused Quotes) When I put my nose in a glass, it’s like tunnel vision. I move into another world, where everything around me is just gone, and every bit of mental energy is focused on that wine  (Focused Quotes) I’m focused on energy only. And I know what I’m talking about. And I don’t want to be distracted on other things  (Focused Quotes) I’ve been an activist in the LGBT community for a long time. I think nothing’s changed, I’m just a little bit more focused on the ‘T’ now than I was on the ‘L’ or the ‘G  (Focused Quotes) I knew when I went to a very hippie high school that focused on music that I wanted to do something in the industry  (Focused Quotes) Three hours of focused time on the projects that will really add value and uplift your career are so much better than 10 hours where you are constantly being interrupted and taken off your focus  (Focused Quotes) At a certain time, an artist needs a big retrospective. At other times, they need a more focused exhibition. It’s a different story each time; it’s about establishing a dialogue  (Focused Quotes) My parents were passionate about what they did, very cheap, and very focused on doing good in society  (Focused Quotes) When you’ve accomplished a certain amount in your career, you’re not so focused on your ambitions  (Focused Quotes) When you do everything to make the very best product, it also means you’re very focused on just a few products  (Focused Quotes) Helping convene global stakeholders to establish a set of measurable, actionable and consensus-built goals focused on extreme poverty is invaluable  (Focused Quotes) We’re so very focused on ourselves and on self-promotion. It goes on all day with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram  (Focused Quotes) I’m facing Niagara Falls - the wind and the mist and the dark and the peregrine falcons - and I’m going to stay focused on the other side  (Focused Quotes) But my activities have been pretty much focused in the last almost 30 years on the recovery, of my own recovery, the understanding for my family of my recovery  (Focused Quotes) We’re focused on doing the things that make the economy perform well, and as you do that, reduce deficits, for one, very important; secondly, keep growth rates high, very important  (Focused Quotes) I like grey characters; fantasy for too long has been focused on very stereotypical heroes and villains  (Focused Quotes) If I can start my day out by saying my prayers and getting myself focused, then I know I’m doing the right thing. That 10 minutes helps me in every way throughout the day  (Focused Quotes) It is hard to stay focused with so much swirling around me. God is distracting. He never stops talking, and I can never stop listening. There is a reason we sleep  (Focused Quotes) Teams are successful when they are focused, have a short cycle time, and are supported by the executives  (Focused Quotes) Great leaders understand that historical success tends to produce stable and inwardly focused organizations, and these outfits, in turn, reinforce a feeling of contentment with the status quo  (Focused Quotes) Gratitude helps us love well by keeping us focused on the beauty in our relationship and the person we love  (Focused Quotes) The person one loves never really exists, but is a projection focused through the lens of the mind onto whatever screen it fits with least distortion  (Focused Quotes)
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