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I think the whole definition of a geek is somebody being passionate and focused, and being proud of saying that they’re passionate and focused, on a narrow range of subjects.  (Focused Quotes) Being focused in life is not only knowing what you want, but also how and why  (Focused Quotes) Having good strategies in playing chess is often a good indication of being focused in life  (Focused Quotes) Religion is so focused on family. These days, for many people, being gay is also focused on family.  (Focused Quotes) Very often, the judgments by ordinary citizens may be better than those by professional economists, being more rooted in reality and less narrowly focused.  (Focused Quotes) Running is special. We’ve all done it: well, poorly, focused, in fear, being pursued, toward a goal. It’s just elemental. Running is like fire.  (Focused Quotes) I’m sort of focused on my long-term goal of carving out a career that’s for life, rather than being a flash in the pan.  (Focused Quotes) You are much more likely to have a holy experience in a quiet, focused, and communal context than you are when you are being entertained.  (Focused Quotes) It’s time we admitted that there’s more to life than money, and it’s time we focused not just on GDP, but on GWB - general well-being  (Focused Quotes) I’m not focused on the outrageousness. I’m just focused on being funny, and raising my kids. I don’t even read the newspaper, I don’t read that crap.  (Focused Quotes) A lot of people have tried to put labels on me, but right now I’m focused on being Kristi Noem and getting my message out to South Dakotans.  (Focused Quotes) I’m doing whatever I have to do to help my team win. So, instead of being focused on anything from the outside, I’m focused on winning and that next game.  (Focused Quotes) In trying to commit my life to finding and participating in some of the purposes of Christ, as I can determine them, my energies and abilities are gradually being focused and are working together.  (Focused Quotes) I’m interested in glorifying something that we in the world would say doesn’t deserve being glorified. Something that’s forgotten, focused on as though it were some sort of sacred object.  (Focused Quotes) I remember when President Bush, George W. Bush, came into office, he focused on No Child Left Behind, and with - and before very long, suddenly, Republicans were thought of as being as interested and as competent in education as Democrats, and why? Because they were talking about it and doing something about it.  (Focused Quotes) I want a partner in crime and a Bonnie to my Clyde. I’ve just been so focused on my career. Women don’t like being number two, so I’ve been glad to keep my distance so I could focus on me, get my life together and take care of my mom without disappointing the woman I love.  (Focused Quotes) Studying organisms at a molecular level was totally compelling because it was moving from being a naturalist, which was the 19th-century kind of science, to being very focused and really getting to the heart of these molecules.  (Focused Quotes) Nobody saw the struggle they just see the reward They focused on the peace but they never saw the war  (Focused Quotes) I developed my own production company. I’m reading different books and writing, working on myself. I’m being focused on that, but also being focused on in front of the camera and balancing mommy life at the same time. I just want to continue to move forward.  (Focused Quotes) My extensive career, with its victories and defeats, championships, etc., has been well documented. My entire life has been focused on being the best race car driver I can be.  (Focused Quotes) What I’ve learned in these 11 years is you just got to stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment.  (Focused Quotes) Believe in your work, educate yourself about the business, surround yourself with good people, set goals and timetables and stay focused on them,  (Focused Quotes) I write in my study, where I also have my prayer altar. I believe that keeps me focused and gives me positive energy and reminds me that I’m merely the instrument of greater creative forces.  (Focused Quotes) I graduated in 1989, and I’d focused almost entirely on the Soviet Union and communism ... so when the Berlin wall fell, I was, well, I was screwed.  (Focused Quotes) My parents were extraordinarily focused on education. It was the topic of every dinner conversation, is are you number one, are you getting all As, if not, why not. You need to do better. So my entire orientation and focus growing up was around doing your best and making sure that you were going to get the best education possible.  (Focused Quotes) What I’m really focused on is the majesty of the best films I see are films that don’t panhandle for an extra laugh later, but actually deliver the goods. And when the screen goes black, you go, Yes.  (Focused Quotes) I focused solely on the sprints, dedicated my time there, got in the weight room, just really did everything I could to make sure I would be in the best position to run for gold.  (Focused Quotes) Well, TV does a better job. In film, the justification has been that movies focused on stories or featuring people of color don’t make money.  (Focused Quotes) What’s important to have is a president that’s focused on jobs, the economy, giving our children a better future and keeping our nation strong and safe.  (Focused Quotes) The more I focused on my need to get better the worse I actually got - the more neurotic and self-conscious and self-absorbed I became.  (Focused Quotes)
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