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Fog Quotes

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Fog was so dense, bird that had been disturbed went flat into a balustrade and slowly fell, dead, at her feet  (Fog Quotes) How thick the fog is. I can’t see the road. all the people in the world could pass by and I would never know. I wish it was always that way. It’s getting dark already. It will soon be night, thank goodness  (Fog Quotes) The girl had hoped for fog, but the gods ignored her prayers as gods so often did  (Fog Quotes) But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy  (Fog Quotes) In TV, sometimes you get lost in the fog of the scene, and when you’re working with such good actors, they can bring you into the scene  (Fog Quotes) Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way  (Fog Quotes) We get lost in a fog of abstractions and easily forget that man is a bloodhound sniffing out the real  (Fog Quotes) I was amazed at how easy it was for the Clinton Administration to basically cover what they did at Waco in the fog of lies and avoid any responsibility for it  (Fog Quotes) It is not the clear-sighted who rule the world. Great achievements are accomplished in a blessed, warm fog  (Fog Quotes) London and Fog! When these two come together, it is time to be a writer!  (Fog Quotes) Much of the impotence of American churches is tied to a profound ignorance and apathy about justification. Our people live in a fog of guilt. Or just as bad, they think being a better person is all God requires  (Fog Quotes) I dreamed a place where I have come to dwell Cold Mountain says it all Monkeys scream, the valley fog is cold My door blends with the color of the peaks I gather leaves and thatch a hut among the pines Dig a pond and lead a trickle from the brook Long ago I left the world behind Eating ferns I pass the years in peace  (Fog Quotes) I sit cross-legged on the rock The valleys and streams are cold and damp Sitting quietly is beautiful The cliffs are lost in mist and fog I rest happily in this place At dusk the tree shadows are low I look into my mind A white lotus emerges from the dark mud  (Fog Quotes) The thing that I like about Germany is that Germans are so much like us. It’s not like going to some other countries, where the differences are overwhelming and you walk around in a fog. Germans are so similar to Americans  (Fog Quotes) Oh, the foghorns... even the foghorns, they’re all brass. It’s something by Ingrid Marshal called Fog Tropes. It’s not a sound effect. It’s an actual piece of music. If you listen to what’s going on after he has a flashback about his wife you’ll hear... it sounds like the humpback whales in a way. But it’s all music. And we use it again later, too  (Fog Quotes) I have been interested in the dialogue of abstraction and modernist painting - and the rich history of the grid. I also think I have been influenced a bit by some of the particular qualities of the Bay Area. The weather and the atmosphere here is so exotic, like the fog rolling in and the nuanced differences in the quality of light  (Fog Quotes) Sometimes when you lose your way in the fog, you end up in a beautiful place! Don’t be afraid of getting lost!  (Fog Quotes) The grapes on a score of rolling hills are red with autumn flame. Across Sonoma Mountain wisps of sea fog are stealing. The afternoon sun smoulders in the drowsy sky. I have everything to make me glad I am alive. I am filled with dreams and mysteries. I am all sun and air and sparkle. I am vitalized, organic.  (Fog Quotes) I was born in London, England during the great fog of 1952, but survived the coal-fueled air pollution with no ill effects and after less than a year in England was carried to Canada by my parents.  (Fog Quotes) There is no particular source my stories come from. The stories always seem to be there waiting for me, though sometimes shrouded in mist and fog.  (Fog Quotes) As was the case in Requiem for a Dream, Pollock, A Beautiful Mind, House of Sand and Fog, The Hulk and Dark Water, Jennifer Connelly’s mere presence in a film guarantees that things will turn out badly for the male lead, as Connelly is always cast as the Angel of Death. Fun to hang out with, great eyes, amazing eyebrows, but the Angel of Death.  (Fog Quotes) Without the fog, London would not be a beautiful city. It is fog that gives it its magnificent amplitude...its regular and massive blocks become grandiose in that mysterious mantle.  (Fog Quotes) We went to a small lake, Bass Lake. It was beautiful. It was perfectly still when we got there in the morning. The fog was lifting off the water. It was just magical. And we did catch some fish, 13 fish.  (Fog Quotes) It was a foggy day in London, and the fog was heavy and dark. Animate London, with smarting eyes and irritated lungs, was blinking, wheezing, and choking; inanimate London was a sooty spectre, divided in purpose between being visible and invisible, and so being wholly neither.  (Fog Quotes) The threat of war hung on the air like a thick fog and it blinded him until he could see nothing beyond the haze. Even the stars grew faint.  (Fog Quotes) Groundhog found fog. New snows and blue toes. Fine and dandy for Valentine candy. Snow spittin’ if you’re not mitten-smitten, you’ll be frostbitten! By jing-y feels spring-y.  (Fog Quotes) The past is a fog on our minds. The future? A complete dream. We can’t neither guess the future, neither change the past.  (Fog Quotes) The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog... How you gonna see ‘em if you livin’ in the fog?  (Fog Quotes) A great sea fog is not homogenous--its density varies: it is honeycombed with streets, it has its caves of clear air, its cliffs of solid vapour, all shifting and changing place with the subtlety of legerdemain.  (Fog Quotes) I was amazed at how easy it was for the Clinton Administration to basically cover what they did at Waco in the fog of lies and avoid any responsibility for it.  (Fog Quotes)
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