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There’s as much great authorship in the filmmaker community as in the literary community, and I’d love to welcome more filmmakers into the fold  (Fold Quotes) I could explain a hundred fold more than I ever have of the glories of the kingdoms manifested to me in the vision, were I permitted, and were the people prepared to receive them  (Fold Quotes) Fame is not the glory! Virtue is the goal, and fame only a messenger, to bring more to the fold  (Fold Quotes) He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance rather by the impulse of the wind than the strokes of the oar; and many fold in their passage; while they lie waiting for the gale  (Fold Quotes) You cannot fold a flood and put it in a drawer, because the winds would find it out and tell your cedar floor  (Fold Quotes) Sometimes it is better not to know. Sometimes when you do know you just fold up  (Fold Quotes) I took his wildness from him and tried to fold it into myself, filling up the empty spaces all those second place finishes left behind  (Fold Quotes) He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out  (Fold Quotes) A cat determined not to be found can fold itself up like a pocket handkerchief if it wants to  (Fold Quotes) I like money. It’s fun to fold and stack and smell and look at. It’s just plain fun to count money, and I often do it in a loud falsetto while wearing nothing but a captain’s hat and a coin changer  (Fold Quotes) The time to guard against corruption and tyranny is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered  (Fold Quotes) Here's to woman! Would that we could fold into her arms without falling into her hands  (Fold Quotes) I don’t fold under pressure, great athletes perform better under pressure, so put pressure on me  (Fold Quotes) I’m gonna tie you up, blind fold you, and we gonna play which hole feel the best  (Fold Quotes) Fold him in his country’s stars. Roll the drum and fire the volley! What to him are all our wars, what but death bemocking folly?  (Fold Quotes) Why don’t you fold it five ways and put it where the moon don’t shine  (Fold Quotes) Fame is the scentless sunflower, with gaudy crown of gold; But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold  (Fold Quotes) Even with a turkey that you know will fold, you may be stranded out in the cold, still you wouldn’t change it for a sack of gold. Let’s go on with the show  (Fold Quotes) And the rose like a nymph to the bath addrest, which unveiled the depth of her glowing breast, till, fold after fold, to the fainting air, the soul of her beauty and love lay bare  (Fold Quotes) Living with a woman is going to be really tough. They tend to be really domesticated, you know. They fold things and clean things and know what they are going to have for dinner several hours before it’s time to eat  (Fold Quotes) The easiest way to get a reputation is to go outside the fold, shout around for a few years as a violent atheist or a dangerous radical, and then crawl back to the shelter  (Fold Quotes) Depend upon it, as long as the church is living so much like the world, we cannot expect our children to be brought into the fold  (Fold Quotes) CRATEL is a center with a two - fold mission - to explore technology as an expressive element and to use technology to bridge gaps between diverse groups of people  (Fold Quotes) I can’t believe it’s 2012 and there is still no fold button on my dryer  (Fold Quotes) My baby know I got it under control, never will I crack under pressure or will I fold  (Fold Quotes) If you have a problem with me, could you please write it nicely on a piece of paper, fold it up, and shove it up your ass  (Fold Quotes) In life, everybody faces choices between doing what’s popular, easy, and wrong vs. doing what’s lonely, difficult, and right. These decisions intensify when you run a company, because the consequences get magnified 1,000 fold. As in life, the excuses for CEOs making the wrong choice are always plentiful  (Fold Quotes) I’m one of those women who’s not to be messed with. I’m very opinionated and boisterous at times. I’m also kind and humble. I know when to fold and when to hold, and that’s important. If my edge scares you, then you have a choice to remove yourself  (Fold Quotes) Concepts like edX and online learning will transform education. This will completely change the world. I believe that people will move to online learning, both on campuses and worldwide. We have a real opportunity to be able to bring people around the world into our fold  (Fold Quotes) Satisfaction in life doesn’t jump on you, you work for it, you earn it. You will not sit in a place, fold your hands and expect to be satisfied with life  (Fold Quotes)
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