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I have got other interests than just making music. I would like to follow those interests through  (Follow Quotes) The process of tracing regularity in any complicated, and at first sight confused, set of appearances, is necessarily tentative; we begin by making any supposition, even a false one, to see what consequences will follow from it ; and by observing how these differ from the real phenomena, we learn what corrections to make in our assumption  (Follow Quotes) But when the fox hath once got in his nose, he'll soon find means to make the body follow  (Follow Quotes) Follow thy drum; with man's blood paint the ground, gules, gules! Religious canons, civil laws are cruel; then what should war be? This fell whore of thine Hath in her more destruction than thy sword For all her cherubin look  (Follow Quotes) I do follow a version of the Dukan diet, but I don't follow it to the extreme so a lot of fish and vegetables. If I want chocolate I'll let myself have a bit of chocolate in moderation  (Follow Quotes) I stepped out on faith to follow my lifelong dream of being an author. I made real sacrifices and took big risks. But living, it seems to me, is largely about risk  (Follow Quotes) In seminary he had been taught that God had completely stopped any overt communication with moderns, preferring to have them only listen to and follow sacred Scripture, properly interpreted, of course. God's voice had been reduced to paper, and even that paper had to be moderated and deciphered by the proper authorities and intellects. It seemed that direct communication with God was something exclusively for the ancients and uncivilized, while educated Westerner's access to God was mediated and controlled by the intelligentsia. Nobody wanted God in a box, just in a book  (Follow Quotes) Follow your image as far as you can no matter how useless you think it is. Push yourself  (Follow Quotes) If I follow the inclination of my nature, it is this: beggar-woman and single, far rather than queen and married  (Follow Quotes) Don't be afraid to stumble. Any inventor will tell you that you don't follow a plan far before you strike a snag. If, out of 100 ideas you get one that works, it's enough  (Follow Quotes) Advice is very easy to give, and even easier not to follow, so I don't fool with it  (Follow Quotes) There is an excellent rule to follow; quarrel, not with the person who said the things (you can never be sure they were said), but with the person who has told of their being said  (Follow Quotes) A statesman, we are told, should follow public opinion. Doubtless, as a coachman follows his horses; having firm hold on the reins and guiding them  (Follow Quotes) Examples would indeed be excellent things were not people so modest that none will set, and so vain that none will follow them  (Follow Quotes) Whether confirmation be a sacrament or not, it is no use to dispute; and if it be disputed, it cannot follow that it is not of very great use and holiness  (Follow Quotes) When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown  (Follow Quotes) I am mad, I am going under, I must follow the advice of a friend, and pay no heed to myself  (Follow Quotes) Crave for a thing, you will get it. Renounce the craving, the object will follow you by itself  (Follow Quotes) I followed an Italian manager and it cannot be easy when you follow a manager who thinks very differently  (Follow Quotes) In the same way that I had to follow an Italian manager here, I can imagine that it was not easy for an Italian manager to follow me at Porto  (Follow Quotes) We want to follow a dream, yes it's true, but it's one thing to follow a dream and another to follow an obsession... A dream is more pure than obsession. A dream is about pride  (Follow Quotes) Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow  (Follow Quotes) It takes months to find a customer... seconds to lose one. Do not follow where the path may lead... go instead where there is no path and leave a trail  (Follow Quotes) My favourite people to follow on Twitter are... my fans. They make me laugh so much and keep me smiling  (Follow Quotes) Simply because a problem can be shown to exist, it doesn't necessarily follow that there is a solution  (Follow Quotes) If we turn to the divine conductor and follow the wise and loving baton that is his will, his word, then the music of our life will be a symphony  (Follow Quotes) Developing prayer fitness is similar to developing physical fitness: we must follow a pattern in order to stay balanced  (Follow Quotes) Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it  (Follow Quotes) There is but one way in which God should be loved, and that is to take no step except with Him and for Him, and to follow with a generous self-abandonment every thing which He requires  (Follow Quotes) For me, life is about enjoying yourself because you only live once. We should try to make the most of things and follow our dreams  (Follow Quotes)
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