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Employees want to believe their company has a meaningful purpose. They want to know that their own job is worthwhile. They want to make a difference. If all three of these conditions are accomplished, bottom line results will follow  (Follow Quotes) Can the difficulty of an exam be measured by how many bits of information a student would need to pass it? This may not be so absurd in the encyclopedic subjects but in mathematics it doesn’t make any sense since things follow from each other and, in principle, whoever knows the bases knows everything. All of the results of a mathematical theorem are in the axioms of mathematics in embryonic form, aren’t they?  (Follow Quotes) Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense  (Follow Quotes) Stay in school, stay off drugs, don’t make the same mistakes I did, respect yourself, and others will follow  (Follow Quotes) I found that married life gave me the necessary freedom to follow an ambition which had been with me since childhood; and so I started to write in earnest  (Follow Quotes) Each time I write, each time the authentic words break through, I am changed. The older order that I was collapses and dies. I lose control. I do not know exactly what words will appear on the page. I follow language. I follow the sound of the words, and I am surprised and transformed by what I record  (Follow Quotes) In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadow follows the body  (Follow Quotes) A saint is to put forth his faith in prayer, and afterwards follow his prayer with faith  (Follow Quotes) When you don’t follow your nature there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be  (Follow Quotes) The individual organs follow the same pattern as the whole organism, i.e. they have their period of growth, of stationary, maximum activity and then of aging decline  (Follow Quotes) What is terrible when you seek the truth, is that you find it. You find it, and then you are no longer free to follow the biases of your personal circle, or to accept fashionable clichés  (Follow Quotes) Charisma is the intangible that makes people want to follow you,to be around you, to be influenced by you  (Follow Quotes) From the beauty they deserve will come the love they deserve. And from the love will follow truth  (Follow Quotes) Sad people have the gift of time, while the world dizzies everyone else; they remain stagnant, their bodies refusing to follow pace with the universe. With these kind of people everything aches for too long, everything moves without rush, wounds are always wet  (Follow Quotes) Politics, life, and business are not spectator sports. You have to get involved to get ahead. Most importantly, when you reach that level of success, keep the door open and the ladder down for others to follow  (Follow Quotes) As for me, I’ve chosen to follow a simple course: Come clean. And wherever possible, live your life in a way that won’t leave you tempted to lie. Failing that, I’d rather be disliked for who I truly am than loved for who I am not. So, I tell my story. I write it down. I even publish it. Sometimes this is a humbling experience. Sometimes it’s embarrassing. But I haul around no terrible secrets  (Follow Quotes) Champion the right to be yourself; dare to be different and to set your own pattern, live your own life, and follow your own star  (Follow Quotes) To know how to choose a path with heart is to learn how to follow intuitive feeling  (Follow Quotes) Many teachers will tell you to believe; then they put out your eyes of reason and instruct you to follow only their logic. But I want you to keep your eyes of reason open; in addition, I will open in you another eye, the eye of wisdom  (Follow Quotes) If I had to advise parents, I should tell them to take great care about the people with whom their children associate... Much harm may result from bad company, and we are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is better  (Follow Quotes) The loss of liberty in general would soon follow the suppression of the liberty of the press; for it is an essential branch of liberty, so perhaps it is the best preservative of the whole  (Follow Quotes) Lolitas do not recognize any authority. They follow only the values they have chosen for themselves, regardless of what anybody might say  (Follow Quotes) Follow your dreams. If you have a goal, and you want to achieve it, then work hard and do everything you can to get there, and one day it will come true  (Follow Quotes) I mean its an obsession, you follow the obsession but at the same time you have so many doubts, you know. Why am I wasting so much money going back to this place, taking more pictures? What’s the point of it? No one cares about it. I think I care about it but maybe I am deceiving myself  (Follow Quotes) There was a man that hated his footprints and his shadow, so one day he thought that if he ran fast enough, his footprints and shadow would not be able to follow him and then he never ever had to look at them again. He ran and he ran as fast as he could, but the shadow and the footprints had no problems keeping up to him. And he ran even faster and all of a sudden he fell dead to the ground. But if he been standing still there hadn’t been any footprints and if he had been resting under a tree his shadow had been swallowed of the trees shadow  (Follow Quotes) To follow without halt, one aim; there is the secret of success. And success? What is it? I do not find it in the applause of the theater; it lies rather in the satisfaction of accomplishment  (Follow Quotes) People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours  (Follow Quotes) Within me is the potential to commit every evil act I see being committed by other men, and unless I feel this potential, I can at any moment be controlled by these same urges. I am free from these urges only if I recognize when I am feeling them, and while feeling them and acknowledging them to be me, choose not to follow them. Only in this way can I begin to regain the disowned parts of me. And only in this way can I know what it is I am criticizing in others  (Follow Quotes) I don’t believe, for instance, that evolutionary biology or any scientific endeavor has much to say about love. I’m sure a lot can be learned about the importance of hormones and their effects on our feelings. But do the bleak implications of evolution have any impact on the love I feel for my family? Do they make me more likely to break the law of flaunt society’s expectations of me? No. I simply does not follow that human relationships are meaningless just because we live in a godless universe subject to the natural laws of biology  (Follow Quotes) We begin to forgive by choosing to forgive... by deciding, not by feeling. Our feelings don’t lead us to forgive. Most times, our feelings lead us the other way. That’s why a person has to decide to forgive first. Our feelings always follow along behind our decisions  (Follow Quotes)
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