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Somewhere inside, we hear a voice. It leads us in the direction of the person we wish to become. But it is up to us whether or not to follow  (Follow Quotes) If we do not let people do things the way they do, we will never know what they are really capable of and they will just follow our boarding school rules  (Follow Quotes) It is not incumbent on the world to conform to your vision of change. It is up to you to explain the future in terms that those living in the past and present can follow  (Follow Quotes) An idea or an insight doesn’t come from a single happening, it requires a meeting to alter a perspective. Often it takes a while for the events to collide, but when they do it is inevitable that a change will follow  (Follow Quotes) Marathoning is a metaphor for life, so there are a lot of parallels you can draw. I tell people to follow your dream, follow your heart, follow your passion, run your own race and believe in yourself. I think anybody who wants to succeed has to have passion. My love for this sport, you can’t instill it in someone else  (Follow Quotes) You couldn’t change a river into a sea, but you could trace a new channel for it to follow  (Follow Quotes) In the end, to ski is to travel fast and free – free over untouched snow country. To be bound to one slope, even one mountain, by a lift may be convenient but it robs us of the greatest pleasure that skiing can give, that is to travel through the wide wintery country; to follow the lure of peaks which tempt on the horizon and to be alone for a few days or even hours in clear, mysterious surroundings  (Follow Quotes) To be alive means to live in a world that proceeded one’s own arrival and will survive one’s own departure. On this level of sheer being alive, appearance and disappearance, as they follow upon each other, are the primordial events, which as such mark out time, the time span between birth and death  (Follow Quotes) Religion is just a path for finding truth: Religion is not truth. It is just a path. And different people follow different paths  (Follow Quotes) Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest, never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which they lead, is where we truely belong. Life’s greatest tragedy is not that it will some day end, but that most of us just live to follow directions, and many times we end up totally lost  (Follow Quotes) At the beach, life is different. A day moves not from hour to hour but leaps from mood to moment. We go with the currents, plan around the tides, follow the sun. We measure happiness by nothing we can hold, nothing we can catch. Everywhere, life is jumping and elusive and momentously momentary  (Follow Quotes) Our complexity is much more likely to lead us astray than any simplicity we may follow  (Follow Quotes) Do not follow after the past; do not go forward to meet the future. Instead, just rest the mind naturally in the present awareness  (Follow Quotes) It is easy for men to give advice, but difficult for one’s self to follow; we have an example in physicians: for their patients they order a strict regime, for themselves, on going to bed, they do all that they have forbidden to others  (Follow Quotes) The pageant of life is divided into ying and yang. They’re two circles. You can follow either circle and manage to develop enough speed to move beyond this world to other worlds, dimensional realities  (Follow Quotes) Who says there’s an unemployment problem in this country? Just take the five percent unemployed and give them a baseball stat to follow  (Follow Quotes) During the next 50 years, in countless cycles, in countless entrepreneurial companies, this let’s just go and do it mentality will help us finally get off the planet and irreversibly open the space frontier. The capital and tools are finally being placed into the hands of those willing to risk, willing to fail, willing to follow the dreams  (Follow Quotes) Do you know what’s one mistake we always make? Believing that life’s immutable, that once you get on a particular track you have to follow it to the end of the line. But it appears that fate has more imagination than we do. Just when you think you’re in a situation you can’t escape from, when you’ve reached the lowest depths of total desperation, everything changes as fast as a gust of wind, everything’s overturned; from one second to the next you find you’re living a new life  (Follow Quotes) Simply notice that you’re aware. At any given moment, you can choose to follow the chain of thoughts, emotions, and sensations that reinforce a perception of yourself as vulnerable and limited, or to remember that your true nature is pure, unconditioned, and incapable of being harmed  (Follow Quotes) Look, nobody is ever exactly the same as anybody else. You’re handed the cards you are for a particular reason, so you follow that path and see where it takes you  (Follow Quotes) Is there one specific source that determines correct morality and everybody should follow that? Or should individuals come up with following that source or not depending on their situation?  (Follow Quotes) As in the piling up of hypothetical alternatives, creative accidents follow the law of probabilities the more we fish, the more likely we are to get a strike  (Follow Quotes) You have thousands of choices and decisions to make everyday. You have the right to not go to the gym, you the right to follow poor nutritional habits, you have the right to overwork yourself and not get enough sleep. You must accept the fact that your physique has suffered because of the choices that you make everyday  (Follow Quotes) Don’t follow it blindly into every dark alley. Always remember that you are not a model or a mannequin for which the fashion is created  (Follow Quotes) It is better to follow out a plan consistently even if it isn’t the best one than to play without a plan at all. The worst thing is to wander about aimlessly  (Follow Quotes) Take one more deep breath, savor it, and plunge forward without thinking. Do not allow yourself hesitation. Do not allow yourself a moment of doubt. Follow your instincts and go where you never would have considered possible  (Follow Quotes) Curiosity is a raw and genuine sign from deep inside our tangled psyches, and we’d do well to follow the direction it points us in  (Follow Quotes) Never forget, organizational values start and end with you, the leader. Whether your example is good or bad, expect most employees to follow your lead  (Follow Quotes) Be aware of your inner voice and follow it, even though most of the time it will tell you the most uncomfortable path to choose  (Follow Quotes) Being different is awesome! All of those who are different are more interesting than those who are clamoring for acceptance because they follow the path  (Follow Quotes)
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