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God plans for everyone to be successful. If we’re not, we’ve chosen to follow a different set of blueprints  (Follow Quotes) I want to say to all the young women out there, as I say to all young people: believe in yourselves, follow your passion and never give up, because you will create a future filled with possibility  (Follow Quotes) Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there  (Follow Quotes) My parents always told me to be myself. I was always funny and silly as a kid. And I would always make them laugh. And they always told me to dream big and follow those dreams  (Follow Quotes) There’s a certain relationship which we have to have with our inner functioning. That of respect and that of wonder. When we are quiet enough and positive enough that we can follow these fine indications inside which lead us to more functioning, we will find out what precious abilities we have which we usually don’t use  (Follow Quotes) It’s easy: You simply follow the trail of your time, your affection, your energy, your money, and your allegiance. At the end of that trail you’ll find a throne; and whatever, or whoever, is on that throne is what’s of highest value to you. On that throne is what you worship  (Follow Quotes) Trust your own instincts, go inside, follow your heart, right from the start, go ahead and stand up for what you believe in. As I’ve learned, that’s the path to happiness  (Follow Quotes) You have to follow your instinct all the time. Otherwise you don’t make it  (Follow Quotes) The authentic thing is to follow your heart, your instincts, your emotions. If you located yourself in an idea, your life would be lived very sadly  (Follow Quotes) God leaves to our conscience the choice of the road we decide to follow, and the liberty of yielding to one or another of the opposing influences that act upon us  (Follow Quotes) Morality has been conceived up to the present in a very narrow spirit, as obedience to a law, as inner struggle between opposite laws. As for me, I declare that when I do good I obey no one, I fight no battle and win no victory. The cultivated person has only to follow the delicious incline of his or her inner impulses. Be beautiful and then do at each moment whatever your heart may inspire you to do. This is the whole of morality  (Follow Quotes) Let those who follow me continue to build with the plumb of honor, the level of truth, and the square of integrity, education, courtesy and mutuality  (Follow Quotes) We follow a path of discovery, strung like pearls on a thread of curiosity, lending richness to our work  (Follow Quotes) If you follow anything that I’ve ever done, I never stick to one thing more than one year. I’m just afraid to get typecast  (Follow Quotes) I believe if you follow your heart and do what you love, success will follow. If you enchant yourself, others will be too  (Follow Quotes) The easiest thing in the world is to succeed. You can’t help it if you follow the rules and play the game the best way you know how according to yourself, instead of according to the one next to you, or above you, or somewhere away from you  (Follow Quotes) It’s harder to live the way I live. There are certain places I like to shop and eat where I simply don’t go. The paparazzi follow you  (Follow Quotes) It is not true that good can only follow from good and evil only from evil, but that often the opposite is true  (Follow Quotes) Place yourself among those who carry on their lives with passion, and true learning will take place, no matter how humble or exalted the setting. But no matter what path you follow, do not be ashamed of your learning. In some corner of your life, you know more about something than anyone else on earth. The true measure of your education is not what you know, but how you share what you know with others  (Follow Quotes) Unless people can see broad vistas of unused resources in front of them, the belief in limited resources tends to follow as a matter of course. And if the idea is accepted that the world’s resources are fixed, then each person is ultimately the enemy of every other person, and each race or nation is the enemy of every other race or nation. The extreme result is tyranny, war and even genocide. Only in a universe of unlimited resources can all men be brothers  (Follow Quotes) An action movie should, like any other, follow the narrative traditions of literature. That means there should be subtlety, a slow build and a gradual bringing together of all the separate threads of the plot. To see all of it coming together slowly is very rewarding for the audience  (Follow Quotes) I felt I had an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of great soul musicians of the past, who made a lot of social and political commentary through their music  (Follow Quotes) Ballroom dancing: it’s a wonderful thing at so many levels because you’ve got to follow the rules. They used to call those rules etiquette once upon a time, but you don’t really have that any more  (Follow Quotes) When you think about what the odds are to have four boys to not only be able to follow in the footsteps in a basketball career but to also be good in the secondary career as far as the broadcasting, it’s pretty remarkable  (Follow Quotes) I feel like contemporary art is everywhere now and with the rise of the internet, it’s so much easier to see what artists are doing and to follow their careers  (Follow Quotes) I don’t really follow fashion exactly, but I’ve always been very interested in the way that you present yourself as an expression of yourself, so that’s my idea of fashion and style from a personal point of view  (Follow Quotes) The music has to drive you. That’s just it. You follow it. You follow the songs  (Follow Quotes) The joy of songwriting only gets messed up if you are trying to follow up a big success, or you are trying to create a hit single, or if you have conscious thoughts of a particular outcome for the music  (Follow Quotes) Most remember the groundbreaking first in sports; few remember the third or fourth to follow in those tracks. That’s not downplaying anyone’s achievements but rather recognizing that there comes a time when simply being there is no longer good enough for the record books  (Follow Quotes) It’s not at all uncommon for a writer to get a ton of publicity for one book and then not get as much for the next one. I don’t worry about that because I try to worry about the one single part of the job I can control: the writing of the book. If I do that well, I feel, good tidings generally will follow and readers will stick with me  (Follow Quotes)
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