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It is easier to show the disorder that must accompany reform than the order that should follow it  (Follow Quotes) If there is some profound method that offers a quick way, we would rather follow that than undertake arduous journeys and difficult practices. But some manual work and physical effort is necessary  (Follow Quotes) Willingness opens the doors to knowledge, direction, and achievement. Be willing to know, be willing to do, be willing to create a positive result. Be willing, especially, to follow your dream  (Follow Quotes) Just as counterpoint and harmony follow their own laws, and differ in rhythm and movement, both formal tensions and color tensions have a development of their own in accordance with the inherent laws from which they are separately derived. Both, however, aim toward the realization of the same image. And both deal with the depth problem  (Follow Quotes) Perhaps the importance that we must attach to the achievement of an artist or a group of artists may properly be measured by the answer to the following question: Have they so wrought that it will be impossible henceforth, for those who follow, ever again to act as if they had not existed?  (Follow Quotes) Let me not follow in the clamor of the world, but walk calmly in my path  (Follow Quotes) Write down each day what surprised you and how you surprised others. When something strikes a spark of interest, follow it  (Follow Quotes) You must first realize the thing completely in your mind. Then grasp the brush, fix your attention so that you see clearly what you wish to paint; start quickly, move the brush, follow straight what you see before you, as the buzzard swoops down when the hare jumps out. If you hesitate one moment, it is gone  (Follow Quotes) No calamity happens to those who eagerly follow auspicious customs and the rule of good conduct, to those who are always careful of purity, and to those who mutter,sacred texts and offer burnt oblations  (Follow Quotes) We therefore must keep the faith, despite the defeat of policies, because men pass with their policies whilst generations follow each other  (Follow Quotes) The crowd will follow a leader who marches twenty paces ahead of them, but if he is a thousand paces ahead of them, they will neither see nor follow him  (Follow Quotes) If you write genre fiction, you follow the rules, and you have to follow them because readers expect that  (Follow Quotes) I think of my studio as a vegetable garden, where things follow their natural course. They grow, they ripen. You have to graft. You have to water  (Follow Quotes) I understand it’s difficult but you’ve got to think about yourself, you know, and not just follow the crowd  (Follow Quotes) If you have a success, the terror is how on earth can you follow it up  (Follow Quotes) They say one of the greatest forms of flattery is for your son to follow in your footsteps. And so I enjoy that greatest form of flattery, without a doubt  (Follow Quotes) A parent’s job is to encourage kids to develop a joy for life and a great urge to follow their own dreams. The best we can do is to help thm develop a personal set of tools for the task  (Follow Quotes) Good new art may not look like art. Inspiration doesn’t follow style, it creates it  (Follow Quotes) Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path  (Follow Quotes) In doing your work in the great world, it is a safe plan to follow a rule I once heard on the football field: Don’t flinch, don’t fall; hit the line hard  (Follow Quotes) It is the business of cavalry to follow up the victory, and to prevent the beaten army from rallying  (Follow Quotes) There are fashions in reading, even in thinking. You don’t have to follow them unless you want to. On the other hand, watch out. Don’t stick too closely to your favorite subject. That would keep you from adventuring into other fields. It’s silly to build a wall around your interests  (Follow Quotes) Manage the top line: your strategy, your people, and your products, and the bottom line will follow  (Follow Quotes) Do not advise too much: do the job yourself. This is the only advice you can give to others. Do it and others will follow  (Follow Quotes) We do not accost a physician as we do any mere nobody; nor a magistrate as we do a private individual. We try to get some advantage from the skill of the one and the position of the other. Walk in the sun, and your shadow will follow you, whether you will or not  (Follow Quotes) It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts  (Follow Quotes) Naturally, to follow dharma, we have to find out what it is. You have to struggle with it. The answer will not come easily. You will be swayed by your desires, conditioning, and those around you who have ideas about what you should do, what is proper, what is improper  (Follow Quotes) To not follow the dharma, either intentionally or through lack of awareness, creates a very low level of attention. In this low level of attention we make all kinds of mistakes and we are unhappy no matter what good fortune befalls us  (Follow Quotes) The future is certain for those who follow dharma. Those who don’t follow dharma are pushed back again and again into the net of rebirth. They are drawn back to the same planes of attention, or lower. It could happen to you!  (Follow Quotes) If you want to follow the path of love, it’s a good idea to meditate on the heart chakra everyday. The heart chakra is in the center of the chest  (Follow Quotes)
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