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Always be prepared; always work hard and take pride in your work no matter what it is. I still follow that advice and have already tried to pass it on to my children. They, of course, ignored me  (Follow Quotes) I don’t work for production houses. I only work for good scripts and roles. If you follow my career graph, you will find that I have not given a single flop yet in my career. I am proud of it  (Follow Quotes) Stop trying to figure it all. Why worry about it all so much? Why not just live? And then you die. And then you live again, unless, of course, you follow me  (Follow Quotes) Thousands and thousands of incarnations and nothing to show for it. You must choose whether to follow the path of love or the path of attachment  (Follow Quotes) I was writing poems when I was young, you know, because my father was a poet, so it was absolutely normal to follow my father  (Follow Quotes) I find that when you open the door toward openness and transparency, a lot of people will follow you through  (Follow Quotes) Probably every subject is interesting if an avenue into it can be found that has humanity and that an ordinary person can follow  (Follow Quotes) It is widely known that the effects of childhood poverty follow children through adolescence and into adulthood  (Follow Quotes) Those who follow the part of themselves which is great are great men; those who follow the part which is little are little men  (Follow Quotes) I now know that experience comes to us for a purpose, and if we follow the guidance of the spirit within us, we will probably find that the purpose is a good one  (Follow Quotes) I have not looked at a newspaper in twenty years; if one is brought into the room, I flee. This is not because I am indifferent but because one cannot follow every road  (Follow Quotes) Like any parent, I just want the best for my kids, whatever they decide to do. They will choose what path they want to follow, and we will always be there to encourage them  (Follow Quotes) My mother encouraged me and was very great about me being gay, but she always encouraged me to follow my musical dreams, which I’m very grateful for  (Follow Quotes) Great leaders create movements by empowering the tribe to communicate. They establish the foundation for people to make connections, as opposed to commanding people to follow them  (Follow Quotes) Revenge never does anyone any good. Killing the person you hate will never ease the pain. Always look forward! Follow the path of light!  (Follow Quotes) In a hockey fight, barring the occasional brawl, theres actually some etiquette that goes into it. Honor, too, absolutely. Most of those guys that do it, thats their job, and they follow a certain code of conduct in doing it  (Follow Quotes) All mathematics is is a language that is well tuned, finely honed, to describe patterns; be it patterns in a star, which has five points that are regularly arranged, be it patterns in numbers like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 that follow very regular progression  (Follow Quotes) The virtual world is not the enemy. The pioneers invented a world they believed in, but the followers must follow that world whether they believe in it or not  (Follow Quotes) Leadership is all about taking people on a journey. The challenge is that most of the time, we are asking people to follow us to places we ourselves have never been  (Follow Quotes) Conscience is a man’s compass, and though the needle sometimes deviates, though one often perceives irregularities in directing one’s course by it, still one must try to follow its direction  (Follow Quotes) Stand up for what you believe. Follow your gut, which most of the time is your heart talking. This has been my hardest lesson. I have given this advice and not always followed it myself. The truth is, there is no other way  (Follow Quotes) Epidemiologists study patterns in order to combat infection. Stories about epidemics follow patterns, too. Stories arent often deadly, but they can be virulent: spreading fast, weakening resistance, wreaking havoc  (Follow Quotes) Sometimes, in order to follow our moral compass and/or our hearts, we have to make unpopular decisions or stand up for what we believe in  (Follow Quotes) Well, the first quality of being a good leader is you have to be able to follow. See, a good leader can’t just be the leader all the time, I have to be able to follow  (Follow Quotes) I do know that I fell in love with the moment of falling in love and I wanted to keep that moment alive forever, at the expense of all those moments to follow  (Follow Quotes) If I didn’t follow my passion for surfing... I would have never come up with the concept to make a wrist camera  (Follow Quotes) They knew no better, but I do not propose to follow the example of a barbarian because he was honestly a barbarian  (Follow Quotes) I can connect with whoever I want to connect with in the world. And I can also write my own script. I don’t have to follow rules. I can sort of just be unconventional  (Follow Quotes) Social change isn’t something you should do just to help pad a resume. Follow your passion  (Follow Quotes) The wise man should withdraw his soul within, out of the crowd, and keep it in freedom and power to judge things freely; but as for externals, he should wholly follow the accepted fashions and forms  (Follow Quotes)
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