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If you follow your dreams and spend your life doing what brings you joy, you are more likely to find success  (Follow Quotes) It may seem like a big risk to follow your dream, but isn’t the greatest risk of all to miss your life?  (Follow Quotes) It’s been great. I’ve been very lucky to work with more experienced actors early on in my career because I get a chance to learn from them. There is so much you can learn from them. You can just follow them and you’ll be pretty safe  (Follow Quotes) Freedom to me is a luxury of being able to follow the path of the heart, to keep the magic in your life. Freedom is necessary for me in order to create, and if I cannot create I don’t feel alive  (Follow Quotes) I’ve had to make the difficult decision to follow my intuition, and allow myself the space and time to explore my true purpose in life  (Follow Quotes) We have not strength enough to follow our reason so far as it would carry us  (Follow Quotes) Only to the rational animal is it given to follow voluntarily what happens; but simply to follow is a necessity imposed on all  (Follow Quotes) I’m not letting any stupid decisions get in my way. I want to be a role model, letting girls know that they can follow their dreams  (Follow Quotes) ... it is a great mistake to confuse conventionality with simplicity... it takes a good deal of intelligence and a great many inhibitions to follow a social code  (Follow Quotes) Executives will talk about the importance of passion, but what they really mean is finding somebody who will work nights and weekends on their assigned task but predictably and reliably follow orders and just work harder  (Follow Quotes) Let go of a need for personal recognition. Heap kudos on others and they’ll perform even better next time. Leaders are only as good as those who follow them and followers are at their best when leaders are quick to give credit for successes  (Follow Quotes) I don’t like women who follow fashion in the sense of becoming victims of it. I like women who have elegance, who have allure, who use fashion, rather than the other way around  (Follow Quotes) I follow my inspiration to wherever it goes. I do want the fans to feel the fun and excitement about it, and I like for people to be able to make their own interpretations about my work. I don’t like to overexplain it  (Follow Quotes) I had the wonderful benefit of growing up with parents that not only encouraged me to follow my dreams, but supported my aspirations through school and beyond  (Follow Quotes) A lot of amazing comedians that I’ve worked with just really follow their instincts and you can’t really teach someone comedic timing. And you just kind of have it  (Follow Quotes) Tobacco is the second most dangerous drug available to our culture. Number one is alcohol follow by many pharmacy pills. So no, marijuana is not more dangerous then tobacco  (Follow Quotes) That was an important development for me, just realizing that you need to follow your pleasure, at least as a painter. I think any kind of artist needs to, no matter what you’re doing  (Follow Quotes) I think anyone who gives you relationship advice goes off of past relationships they have that didn’t work. You’ve got to follow your own path  (Follow Quotes) Humor is like a rhythm; it’s like music. And you throw a couple of extra syllables in, you wreck the beat and you kill the laugh. So I try to follow the writers very carefully because I know how carefully they worked to do it that way  (Follow Quotes) I fail all the time, but we are all just human and imperfect, but you know what’s best for you, so follow your gut. That’s probably my biggest life lesson, follow your gut  (Follow Quotes) Realize you can chase your dreams with just believing. Don’t be afraid to believe in some magic; if proof not in front in of you, follow your gut  (Follow Quotes) A lot of my work is helping people to find their own life’s purpose and then follow it. I find that when people are not working on their life’s purpose there is a sense of emptiness and anxiety  (Follow Quotes) All of us gave it all we’ve got, overcame a whole lot just being on the show and learned a lot about ourselves. We’re just normal people trying to do what we love and follow our dreams  (Follow Quotes) Don’t follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise  (Follow Quotes) Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness  (Follow Quotes) I figured out it was a social thing, what women were allowed to do. At a very young age, I decided I was not going to follow women’s rules  (Follow Quotes) I just kind of wake up with a new idea and new dreams every day, and I follow that dream, as they say  (Follow Quotes) I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won’t believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation  (Follow Quotes) I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies  (Follow Quotes) I’ll tell you one thing: Don’t ever give anybody your best advice, because they’re not going to follow it  (Follow Quotes)
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