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We trifle with, make sport of, and despise those who are attached to us, and follow those that fly from us  (Follow Quotes) All becomes easy when we follow the current of opinion; it is the ruler of the world  (Follow Quotes) We know that the exercise of virtue should be its own reward, and it seems to follow that the enduring of it on the part of the patient should be its own punishment  (Follow Quotes) Most of us follow our conscience as we follow a wheelbarrow. We push it in front of us in the direction we want to go  (Follow Quotes) There must be a magnificent disregard of your reader, for if he cannot follow you, there is nothing you can do about it  (Follow Quotes) Follow then the shining ones, the wise, the awakened, the loving, for they know how to work and forbear  (Follow Quotes) Follow your genius closely enough, and it will not fail to show you a fresh prospect every hour  (Follow Quotes) Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate  (Follow Quotes) When the idea of any pleasure strikes your imagination, make a just computation between the duration of the pleasure and that of the repentance that is likely to follow it  (Follow Quotes) I follow nature as the surest guide, and resign myself with implicit obedience to her sacred ordinances  (Follow Quotes) So enjoy the pleasures of the hour as not to spoil those that are to follow  (Follow Quotes) This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future  (Follow Quotes) A man who tells you to follow him, will turn his followers into his company. While a true leader who does not tell you to follow him, will sit in the company of his followers  (Follow Quotes) Never follow a follower who is following someone who has fallen. Its why the whole world is falling apart  (Follow Quotes) I have to follow my thoughts and mine for the gold. I have to dig it out  (Follow Quotes) Many thrillers follow such reliable formulas that you can look at what’s happening and guess how much longer a film has to run  (Follow Quotes) There’s something depressing about a young couple helplessly in love. Their state is so perfect, it must be doomed. They project such qualities on their lover that only disappointment can follow  (Follow Quotes) Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it’s important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process  (Follow Quotes) If you do not have an absolutely clear vision of something, where you can follow the light to the end of the tunnel, then it doesn’t matter whether you’re bold or cowardly, or whether you’re stupid or intelligent. Doesn’t get you anywhere  (Follow Quotes) Girls see these defined roles they’re supposed to follow in life, but when I was a young child, my parents told me I could be anything  (Follow Quotes) Employers who violate rules of fairness are punished by reduced productivity, and merchants who follow unfair pricing policies can expect to lose sales  (Follow Quotes) Just because an employee does things differently doesn’t mean he or she won’t do the job right or as well. If you establish expectations of the goal and the standards to follow, then methodology shouldn’t be an issue  (Follow Quotes) Ultimately, it’s possible that social media platforms will be designed as templates that the users themselves customize in terms of the best way to express their community and experience of life, and brands will have to simply follow suit  (Follow Quotes) I’m not trying to follow a set of rules and stuff. I’m just living my life  (Follow Quotes) Academic experts may not be good at doing what they are experts in themselves, but they are good at explaining the subject matter to others. They write books, teach courses and offer lessons and give steps others can follow  (Follow Quotes) Groups that rose from poverty to prosperity seldom did so by having their own racial or ethnic leaders to follow  (Follow Quotes) I was an ambitious child and I tended to be scatterbrained. If I was at school and saw a bird outside the window I wanted to follow it. I was adventurous  (Follow Quotes) Follow the wandering, the distraction, find out why the mind has wandered; pursue it, go into it fully. When the distraction is completely understood, then that particular distraction is gone. When another comes, pursue it also  (Follow Quotes) Find out what your hero or heroine wants, and when he or she wakes up in the morning, just follow him or her all day  (Follow Quotes) Sometimes we can choose the paths we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all  (Follow Quotes)
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