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When you decide to follow a certain path, you should follow it to the end and not be diverted from it for personal reasons  (Follow Quotes) It is better to follow even the shadow of the best, than to remain content with the worst  (Follow Quotes) Leaders are the ones who have the courage to go first, to put themselves at personal risk to open a path for others to follow  (Follow Quotes) When once you consider an action, do not let anything dissuade you. Consult your heart, not others, and then follow its dictates  (Follow Quotes) Each one has a special nature peculiar to himself which he must follow and through which he will find his way to freedom  (Follow Quotes) People do support themselves as artists and writers, so there’s no need to be all doom and gloom about it. You just have to push forward. You have to follow your vision and hope for the best. You have to write for love  (Follow Quotes) Start today to follow your heart. Map out your own journey. Have the adventure of a lifetime  (Follow Quotes) The way to choose happiness is to follow what is right and real and the truth for you. You can never be happy living someone else’s dream. Live your own. And you will for sure know the meaning of happiness  (Follow Quotes) The way to choose happiness is to follow what is right and real and the truth for you  (Follow Quotes) Where the way is hardest, there go thou; Follow your own path and let people talk  (Follow Quotes) Do you realize the weight of the one who has invited us to follow him? He is worthy of more than church attendance and casual association; he is worthy of total abandonment and supreme adoration  (Follow Quotes) It’s only when you make the process your goal that the big dream can follow  (Follow Quotes) Follow your pain as if it were a candle in the night, leading you to a place of decision  (Follow Quotes) Too many among us are afraid to be ourselves. So we give up our dreams to follow the crowd  (Follow Quotes) Leaders don’t convince people to follow them. Leaders walk forward alone and those who want to go down their path decide to follow  (Follow Quotes) If there was a template for success in sports, everyone would follow it. You do the best you can and trust the people you trust  (Follow Quotes) If you follow your heart, you’re never going to regret anything, even if you completely mess up constantly  (Follow Quotes) Whether or not we follow any particular spiritual tradition, the benefits of love and kindness are obvious to anyone  (Follow Quotes) If I found any new truths in the sciences, I can say that they follow from, or depend on, five or six principal problems which I succeeded in solving and which I regard as so many battles where the fortunes of war were on my side  (Follow Quotes) What will follow will not be a repeat of any other conflict. It will be of a force and scope and scale that has been beyond what has been seen before  (Follow Quotes) I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous  (Follow Quotes) In writing practice, there’s no direction. You enter your own mind and follow it where it takes you. We have a great need to connect with our own mind and our own true self. And all of us have a story to tell  (Follow Quotes) He who would arrive at the appointed end must follow a single road and not wander through many ways  (Follow Quotes) I don’t follow any of what the pop world is doing. Sometimes I feel like that’s a weakness, actually, that I’m too in my own bubble. But I’m really just interested in the inner journey. And pop is all about the exterior world, the material  (Follow Quotes) Discipleship is not an option. Jesus says that if anyone would come after me, he must follow me  (Follow Quotes) Let art, then, imitate nature, find what she desires, and follow as she directs. For in invention nature is never last, education never first; rather the beginnings of things arise from natural talent, and ends are reached by discipline  (Follow Quotes) If you follow your bliss... the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living  (Follow Quotes) You must not pay a person a compliment, and then straightway follow it with a criticism  (Follow Quotes) I believe that in every circumstance I have been able to see rather clearly the most advantageous course I could follow, which is very rarely the one I did follow  (Follow Quotes) I really had no religious upbringing, which is unusual. But I think it saved me, because when I found the theory that I wanted to follow, I did not have anything to unlearn  (Follow Quotes)
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