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Do not fear death, but welcome it, since it too comes from nature. For just as we are young and grow old, and flourish and reach maturity, have teeth and a beard and grey hairs, conceive, become pregnant, and bring forth new life, and all the other natural processes that follow the seasons of our existence, so also do we have death. A thoughtful person will never take death lightly, impatiently, or scornfully, but will wait for it as one of life’s natural processes  (Follow Quotes) The creative process, so far as we are able to follow it at all, consists in the unconscious activation of an archetypal image and elaborating and shaping the image into the finished work. By giving it shape, the artist translates it into the language of the present and so makes it possible for us to find our way back to the deepest springs of life  (Follow Quotes) Too often, we decide to follow a path that is not really our own, one that others have set for us. We forget that... in both cases we will pass through both difficult and happy moments. But when we are living our dream, the difficulties we encounter make sense  (Follow Quotes) Rationalism belongs to the cool observer. But because of the stupidity of the average person, they follow not reason, but faith. This naïve faith, requires necessary illusions and emotionally potent oversimplifications, which are provided by the myth maker to keep the ordinary person on course  (Follow Quotes) The aster has not wasted spring and summer because it has not blossomed. It has been all the time preparing for what is to follow, and in autumn it is the glory of the field, and only the frost lays it low. So there are many people who must live forty or fifty years, and have the crude sap of their natural dispositions changed and sweetened before the blossoming time can come; but their lives have not been wasted  (Follow Quotes) Communists must always go into the why’s and wherefore’s of anything, use their own heads and carefully think over whether or not it corresponds to reality and is really well founded; on no account should they follow blindly and encourage slavishness  (Follow Quotes) If you go to a master to study and learn the techniques, you diligently follow all the instructions the master puts upon you. But then comes the time for using the rules in your own way and not being bound by them... You can actually forget the rules because they have been assimilated. You are an artist. Your own innocence now is of one who has become an artist, who has been, as it were, transmuted... You can’t have creativity unless you leave behind the bounded, the fixed, all the rules  (Follow Quotes) The essence of songs is neither vocal nor cerebral but organic. We follow songs in order to be enclosed. We find ourselves inside a message. The unsung, impersonal world remains outside, on the other surface of a placenta. All songs, even when their content or rendering is strongly masculine, operate maternally  (Follow Quotes) Don’t just follow the trend. You may have heard me say that it’s good to think in terms of the physics approach of first principles. Which is, rather than reasoning by analogy, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths you can imagine and you reason up from there  (Follow Quotes) By 1980, we knew it was time to renew our faith, to strive with all our strength toward the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with an orderly society. We believed then and now there are no limits to growth and human progress when men and women are free to follow their dreams  (Follow Quotes) I do not write by any set time schedule. I realize there are many writers who follow a daily regime where they arise at 6: 00 a. M., do some sort of exercise, eat breakfast and then sit down and produce words for a three to four hour period  (Follow Quotes) If you’re serious about what you’re doing, you’ve got to keep your head and follow your instinct. Maybe you won’t reach the same dizzy heights as others, but you will get something back  (Follow Quotes) We have one authority and one law and everyone has the responsibility to follow that law and that authority  (Follow Quotes) I was never very good at exams, having a poor memory and finding the examination process rather artificial, and there never seemed to be enough time to follow up things that really interested me  (Follow Quotes) Whatever country you go to, you need to definitely follow the rules. So I believe it’s very important for people, wherever they go, any immigrant should know or should try to learn something about the culture  (Follow Quotes) The individual organs follow the same pattern as the whole organism, i. E. They have their period of growth, of stationary, maximum activity and then of aging decline  (Follow Quotes) There is a time when we must firmly choose the course which we will follow or the endless drift of events will make the decision for us  (Follow Quotes) No film should try to follow a trend, and do what film people think the public wants. There’s no such thing as knowing what the public wants  (Follow Quotes) The real duties of an ambassador are to enter into or follow negotiations between his own government and that of the country to which he is accredited  (Follow Quotes) Any plan of administration which contemplates a concentrating of responsibility is open to the dangers which follow the creation of a bureaucracy  (Follow Quotes) You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through  (Follow Quotes) You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too  (Follow Quotes) Am I willing to give up what I have in order to be what I am not yet? Am I able to follow the spirit of love into the desert? It is a frightening and sacred moment. There is no return. One’s life is charged forever. It is the fire that gives us our shape  (Follow Quotes) I spend a fair amount of time on my computer, but I don’t hack into anything. I have to open the manual and follow instructions  (Follow Quotes) I think a lot of composers get into trouble just making up a plot and expecting an audience to follow that  (Follow Quotes) If I told you about a land of love, friend, would you follow me and come?  (Follow Quotes) The first eight songs we were using someone else’s monitors and it is hard to follow the changes when you are jamming if you can’t hear those who you are jamming with  (Follow Quotes) The regular hours necessary to be observed by those who follow country business, are perhaps of more consequence than any of the other articles, however important those may be  (Follow Quotes) The real technical problems came because people working on the project didn’t really follow my proposal at all, but set out to do other things instead of making a laser  (Follow Quotes) Follow me around. I don’t care. If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead. They’d be very bored  (Follow Quotes)
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