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The dress must not hang on the body but follow its lines. It must accompany its wearer and when a woman smiles the dress must smile with her  (Follow Quotes) Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead  (Follow Quotes) I regretted I was not the head of a clan; however, though not possessed of such an hereditary advantage, I would always endeavour to make my tenants follow me  (Follow Quotes) In the labs, the young make things move, and the older ones follow like parents evolving with their children  (Follow Quotes) The last thing a monster wanted was a fellow to follow him around all day long with a mirror  (Follow Quotes) The world will, in the end, follow only those who have despised as well as served it  (Follow Quotes) It is far safer to know too little than too much. People will condemn the one, though they will resent being called upon to exert themselves to follow the other  (Follow Quotes) I am content. While my shrewd fellows rode about the world to seek and to attain power and wisdom, I have elected, as and unpractical realist, to follow after beauty  (Follow Quotes) Man started out on the wrong foot. The misadventure in paradise was the first consequence. The rest had to follow  (Follow Quotes) A very great vision is needed, and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky  (Follow Quotes) Such is life, here today, gone tomorrow! Nothing goes with one, except one’s merit and demerit; good and evil deeds follow one even after death  (Follow Quotes) People will only follow you if they see you’re ahead, are convinced you know the route, trust you, and want to get there too  (Follow Quotes) Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you. Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you  (Follow Quotes) The line must follow some direction of policy, whether rooted in logic or experience. Lines should not be drawn simply for the sake of drawing lines  (Follow Quotes) As morning branded the sea, darkness fell away at the far side of the beach. I turned to follow it  (Follow Quotes) The only true rule for cavalry is to follow the enemy as long as he retreats  (Follow Quotes) We are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it  (Follow Quotes) I have ever deemed it more honorable and profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one  (Follow Quotes) Follow a shadow, it still flies you; Seem to fly it, it will pursue: So court a mistress, she denies you; Let her alone, she will court you  (Follow Quotes) If we get public education right, everything else will follow. But if we get it wrong, not much else will matter  (Follow Quotes) Never indulge people who follow negative paths because it will lead to your ruin in the process. Show them the way to positivism even if there’s a risk of losing their friendship  (Follow Quotes) The devil... Seldom leads people astray anymore, finding it easier to just follow along in their footsteps  (Follow Quotes) Take thought of the seed from which you spring. You were not born to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge  (Follow Quotes) My thesis... Is that the bodily changes follow directly the perception of the exciting fact, and that our feeling of the same changes as they occur is the emotion  (Follow Quotes) If you let people follow their feelings, they will be able to do good. This is what is meant by saying that human nature is good  (Follow Quotes) I always bear in mind that my mission is to leave behind me the kind of impression that will make it easier for those who follow  (Follow Quotes) If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else  (Follow Quotes) It’s fantastic knowing you’re going to die; it really makes having priorities and trying to follow them very real to you  (Follow Quotes) It becomes no man to nurse despair, but, in the teeth of clenched antagonisms, to follow up the worthiest till he die  (Follow Quotes) Consider your breed; you were not made to live like beasts, but to follow virtue and knowledge  (Follow Quotes)
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