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Determine to become one of the best. Sufficient money will almost automatically follow if you get to be one of the “best” in your chosen field, whatever it is  (Follow Quotes) I don’t really believe in ‘directions’ in art; the rope twists as you follow it, that’s all  (Follow Quotes) It is clear enough that you are making some distinction in what you said, that there is some nicety of terminology in your words. I can’t quite follow you  (Follow Quotes) It’s nice having your work recognized but having people follow you around is kinda weird  (Follow Quotes) I follow a set of principles; I follow the Constitution. And that’s what I base my votes on. Limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty  (Follow Quotes) When I go to Rome, I fast on Saturday, but in Milan I do not. Do you also follow the custom of whatever church you attend, if you do not want to give or receive scandal  (Follow Quotes) The minute a person whose word means a great deal to others dare to take the open - hearted and courageous way, many others follow  (Follow Quotes) He that will write well in any tongue must follow this counsel of Aristotle: to speak as the common people do, to think as wise men do  (Follow Quotes) I still have not given up the idea of becoming a journalist, but at 17 I decided to follow my heart and stay in Los Angeles with my girlfriend as opposed to going to Johns Hopkins  (Follow Quotes) Duruing all these years there existed within me a tendency to follow Nature in her walks  (Follow Quotes) It is an understanding with the Great Spirit or Creator that we will follow these ways  (Follow Quotes) Do not worry about the incarnation of ideas. If you are a poet, your works will contain them without your knowledge - they will be both moral and national if you follow your inspiration freely  (Follow Quotes) I cannot follow you Christians; for you try to crawl through your life upon your knees, while I stride through mine on my feet  (Follow Quotes) One of the rules I try to follow is that normal people are going to be involved even in heroic events  (Follow Quotes) If the EU and the US can cooperate successfully on regulating financial markets, everyone else will follow  (Follow Quotes) And who knows? Somewhere out there in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the president’s spouse. I wish him well!  (Follow Quotes) Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the president’s spouse. I wish him well!  (Follow Quotes) My Advice to Young Filmmakers is This: Don’t Follow Trends. Start Them!  (Follow Quotes) That’s what life is - you follow where your heart leads you - at least I do  (Follow Quotes) People, like sheep, tend to follow a leader - occasionally in the right direction  (Follow Quotes) I don’t think Russia will follow the United States’s way. I don’t think Russia will follow the French way. I’m sure Russia will find its own way  (Follow Quotes) Elizabeth, lady C, claims to be writing at the limits of language. Would it not be insulting to her if I were diligently to follow after her, explaining what she means but is not smart enough to say?  (Follow Quotes) Follow up the interview with a phone call. If Carrot Top can figure out how to use a phone, so can you  (Follow Quotes) Sometimes, when a person gains a lot of success at a very young age, they become targets, and it’s really easy to follow the crowds and not make independent decisions based on truly how you feel  (Follow Quotes) The question I’m constantly asking myself is: what are we afraid of? I think it’s important for us to follow that line of fear, because that is ultimately our line of growth  (Follow Quotes) I think film is a director’s medium and the good filmmakers that I like tell the darker stories. Therefore, I’m always inclined to follow people like David Cronenberg  (Follow Quotes) A writer decides to follow some ideas and not others for reasons that aren’t always clear to him. It’s often a matter of intuition  (Follow Quotes) If an idea seems to find its way towards a stage setting, that’s the direction I take. I don’t know if I’m trying to achieve anything other than to follow an idea on to the page  (Follow Quotes) Not only must we follow the golden thread towards spiritual freedom, but we must also unravel the garden-variety twine that is wrapped tightly around our hearts and minds  (Follow Quotes) I follow these intimate connections of strangers and, surprise!, end up finding even myself in the work at some point  (Follow Quotes)
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