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I love working with technology because it allows me to follow my imagination and to invent new things  (Follow Quotes) Design implies a sense of mapping something out and then you follow the plan  (Follow Quotes) What he [Bernie Sanders] does next will really determine whether he is blazing a trail that others can follow into office, or whether he is an exception to the rule  (Follow Quotes) If we can repair things emotionally, a lot of other things would follow  (Follow Quotes) This is not our job, but we always follow the actions of our European partners closely and we wish them luck  (Follow Quotes) In some cases, I would not want us to follow their [Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton] pattern. I do not believe they are setting the best example  (Follow Quotes) Best believe that needle hurt you Best to see these true colors Than follow one of your false virtues A little secret to make you think: Why is the crazy stuff we never say, poetry in ink  (Follow Quotes) You must follow Jesus for yourself, but you can’t follow Him by yourself  (Follow Quotes) I don’t follow fashion and I don’t follow trends, I just follow my instincts  (Follow Quotes) People too weak to follow their own goals will always try to find a way to discourage yours  (Follow Quotes) Follow your heart regardless of what others tell you to do. At the end of the day it’s you that has to live with your decisions, not them  (Follow Quotes) Follow your heart and chase your dream, no matter what the challenges are. You’ll reach to that happy place someday  (Follow Quotes) Sometimes, the simplest advice that you give to others is the hardest thing for you to follow  (Follow Quotes) Girl: Why are you following me? Boy: I was told to follow my dreams. You’re me dream girl  (Follow Quotes) Your head is smarter then your heart. Follow your head, your heart will learn to love what your head knows is right  (Follow Quotes) Follow your heart, when you don’t you feel a loss of energy, loss of power and an emptiness  (Follow Quotes) False friends are like your shadow; they follow you in the sun, but leave your side when it gets dark  (Follow Quotes) They say you should always follow your heart, but what should I do when everywhere my heart leads me I end up hurting  (Follow Quotes) Stay away from people who try to belittle your faith, goals and ambitions. Follow your heart and keep pushing forward  (Follow Quotes) May you follow your dreams and always believe in yourself. Keep your eyes on the stars and hope in your heart  (Follow Quotes) People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours  (Follow Quotes) Follow your heart, because it knows what you truly want to be, but don’t forget to take your brain with you  (Follow Quotes) Never been a fan of wagons, that’s why I’m not a rider. I’ll walk my own path, bet these hoes are quick to follow  (Follow Quotes) Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you as your shadow, unshakable  (Follow Quotes) Providence must call us and we must follow it, if we are to go forward confidently  (Follow Quotes) Sometimes there are no explanations and all I have to do is follow my heart and hope I made the right decision  (Follow Quotes) Admire without jealousy, praise without flattery, follow without imitating, and lead without manipulating  (Follow Quotes) Always believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter what the challenges are. It’s the real key to success  (Follow Quotes) Messy females talk noise, stupid hoes chase boys, ignorant tricks follow dick and bad bitches get rich  (Follow Quotes) Just because love is blind, doesn’t mean you always have to follow your heart and pay no mind to your head  (Follow Quotes)
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