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Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold.  (Follow Quotes) I don’t like gurus. I don’t like people who ask you to follow or believe. I like people who ask you to think independently.  (Follow Quotes) I’m pretty upfront about my love and admiration for the military. One of the perks of making movies is that you get to sort of follow your own passions, and I believe quite passionately that we don’t pay enough attention and respect to our veterans. Not just our wounded veterans, but all veterans.  (Follow Quotes) Your character and attitude is what takes the lead in your leadership role and you follow them as a true leader. Poor character and attitude is eventually poor leadership.  (Follow Quotes) You can no more trust Jesus and not intend to obey him than you could trust your doctor and your auto mechanic and not intend to follow their advice. If you don’t intend to follow their advice, you simply don’t trust them. Period.  (Follow Quotes) If you move faster than the music, it will look strange; if you move slower than the music, it will look strange! Be like autumn leaves which follow exactly the rhythm of the wind!  (Follow Quotes) All you have to do is follow the money and if you follow the money, it leads right back to Donald Trump’s pockets.  (Follow Quotes) On having a backup plan: Always a good plan anytime you want to follow your dream - I love writing, acting, and psychiatry - there are crazy people everywhere which means I can take my career anywhere my dream needs to go.  (Follow Quotes) The dreams that you hold for your future are what you dream about at night. They’re always at the back of your mind. They’re what your heart desires. They keep you going. Accept reality and have a backup plan, but always follow your dreams no matter what.  (Follow Quotes) Good bye is a good gift when you wave it at me because I refuse to follow a bad advice you gave. Wave it at me and I will show you the door.  (Follow Quotes) Choices made, whether bad or good, follow you forever and affect everyone in their path one way or another.  (Follow Quotes) When being unable to differentiate a good from a bad decision:it has become time to follow your heart.  (Follow Quotes) Many have wondered if Greece’s economy would get so bad that it would eventually break away from the Eurozone - a move that could encourage other countries to follow and therefore splinter the currency union.  (Follow Quotes) Your karma should be good, and everything else will follow. Your good karma will always win over your bad luck.  (Follow Quotes) Death can’t be so bad if mom went through it. It makes it easier for the child to follow.  (Follow Quotes) We’re attracted to bad guys, and we like to follow bad guys, because they do things that we want to do but just don’t do, for whatever reasons.  (Follow Quotes) Is it not true that your gloominess and bad temper are due to your lack of determination in breaking the subtle snares laid by your own disordered desires? The daily examination of conscience is an indispensible help if we are to follow our Lord with sincerity of heart and integrity of life.  (Follow Quotes) Being an offensive lineman, you always have the mindset of being an unsung hero - a lot of the people who look at the game follow the ball.  (Follow Quotes) Ballroom dancing: it’s a wonderful thing at so many levels because you’ve got to follow the rules. They used to call those rules etiquette once upon a time, but you don’t really have that any more.  (Follow Quotes) When you follow your heart instead of worrying about how to fatten your bank account, you can attract more ways to do both.  (Follow Quotes) I don’t remember much about my bar mitzvah. The only thing I remember - I killed! That’s what I remembered. Nobody could follow me at my bar-mitzvah. It was over when I was done.  (Follow Quotes) Baseball is the favorite American sport because it’s so slow. Any idiot can follow it. And just about any idiot can play it.  (Follow Quotes) Everything in life is built on principles - plants, seas, birds, all of the natural elements of nature, they all follow and obey certain basic fundamental principles.  (Follow Quotes) After you’ve written a story, the thing to do is sell it. Sounds simple, and it is, if one will follow certain basic principles of salesmanship.  (Follow Quotes) Running was a part of my hardwiring, and that’s what I wanted to do. So this is what I tell people who talk about wanting to follow their passion. ‘It doesn’t have to be running. It can be basket weaving. Be the best basket weaver in the world. Throw your heart and soul into it.’  (Follow Quotes) I’ve always had a passion for giving back. It’s a family tradition that comes from my devout parents. They were always giving back and serving the community. So when I became fortunate enough and blessed to play the game of basketball, I was also fortunate enough to follow in my parents’ footsteps and give back like the way they did.  (Follow Quotes) I have a general moral: great philosophers may be great, but that is not a reason to follow them. Don’t be a follower. Work it out for yourself.  (Follow Quotes) I’m a rule follower. But there is also a part of me, clearly, that doesn’t follow them.  (Follow Quotes) Well, the first quality of being a good leader is you have to be able to follow. See, a good leader can’t just be the leader all the time, I have to be able to follow.  (Follow Quotes) I follow suit, said the lion, vacating his coat of arms and movie logos; and the eagle said, Get me off this flag.  (Follow Quotes)
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