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My final word: don’t follow your dreams . . . chase them. With a stick, or a shovel, or whatever you have handy. Get that [bleep]ing dream!  (Follow Quotes) Due to the NFL lockout, I’m excited to be able to follow my childhood dream of playing for a Major League Soccer team.  (Follow Quotes) When teaching children with autism we must be quick to adapt, follow our instinct and go off plan  (Follow Quotes) Dance in the rain, follow the path of lovely lanes, you are what you always wanted to be, so chill out, dear friend!  (Follow Quotes) Chinese no longer crave so much for food and accommodation, but they do crave democracy. I stand by that. I don’t know which model China will follow.  (Follow Quotes) The heart makes its choices without weighing the consequences. It doesn’t look ahead to the lonely nights that follow.  (Follow Quotes) I’m a happy person. If you want to be around me, you can either choose to be happy too, or follow the signs to the nearest exit!  (Follow Quotes) Choosing one path means abandoning others - if you try to follow every possible path you will end up following none.  (Follow Quotes) I think it’s imperative to follow your heart and choose a profession you’re passionate about, and if you haven’t found that ‘spark’ yet, if you’re not sure what you want to do with your lives - be persistent until you do.  (Follow Quotes) There is no shame in losing to the sword of the Prince. There is only shame in choosing not to follow Him.  (Follow Quotes) The only way all people can have the opportunity to choose or reject the gospel of Jesus Christ is for us, without judgment, to invite them to follow the Savior.  (Follow Quotes) If I am to wholly follow the Lord Jesus Christ, I must forsake everything that is contrary to Him  (Follow Quotes) I am a follower of Jesus Christ. The Bible is my primary way of knowing Him and what it means to follow Him. And I am a pastor, and I teach and preach the Bible to my congregation every week. But the Bible is not a manufacturer’s handbook. Neither is it a science textbook nor a guidebook for public policy.  (Follow Quotes) Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ, and seek to follow Him every day. Don’t be swayed by the false values and goals of this world, but put Christ and His will first in everything you do.  (Follow Quotes) My job is to let everybody know what I stand for and to let my light shine. I want to show others the way I live so that hopefully they follow. I can also tell about my experiences as a Christian so that I may help bring others to Christ.  (Follow Quotes) Men mark the passion of Christ, and print it on their heart somewhat to follow it. It was the most voluntary passion that ever was suffered, and the most painful. It was most voluntary, and so most meritorious.  (Follow Quotes) Christ always had a passion for whatever He was doing. That’s how I try to define myself as an athlete. That’s the example I try to follow.  (Follow Quotes) We are each one on a road going toward home, but we’re not trying to get there for Christmas. We’re trying to get there for eternity. We want to arrive home safely to our loving Father in Heaven. He wants us to make it safely there, so He has sent a guiding light for us to follow: a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect example.  (Follow Quotes) I follow no doctrine. I don’t belong to a church or a temple or a synagogue or an ashram.  (Follow Quotes) No Prophet ever said to follow a church, religion or holy book. Do you think that is just a coincidence?  (Follow Quotes) Sports teams, people who follow sports teams, religion, churches, work - any company, I find that people just generally have a need to belong to something larger than themselves.  (Follow Quotes) In Peter Ackroyd’s book ‘London: The Biography,’ he describes the route of the medieval wall that enclosed the original city. Take the book and follow it from the Tower of London via the Barbican to Ludgate Hill. You experience the real history of London.  (Follow Quotes) Liberal Democrats in government will not follow the last Labour government by sounding the retreat on the protection of civil liberties in the United Kingdom. It continues to be essential that our civil liberties are safeguarded, and that the state is not given the powers to snoop on its citizens at will.  (Follow Quotes) I’ve made money by just trying to do world-class science. That’s the goal that we’re setting at Celera. If we do world-class science and create new medicine paradigms, the money will more than follow at a corporate level and at a personal level.  (Follow Quotes) I’m a classic example of what can happen if you follow your inner voice. I was cursed with interests and some talent in many different areas. It confuses people.  (Follow Quotes) In Maine, we are fortunate to have a Clean Elections system that allows legislators to turn down corporate special interest money. At the national level, Congress should follow Maine’s example by empowering the voices of small donors.  (Follow Quotes) If you do not have an absolutely clear vision of something, where you can follow the light to the end of the tunnel, then it doesn’t matter whether you’re bold or cowardly, or whether you’re stupid or intelligent. Doesn’t get you anywhere.  (Follow Quotes) When I released my first record, I was really in the middle of having made the decision to follow the clinical psychology path, which is competitive, rigorous, and fairly conservative.  (Follow Quotes) Well, I think the golden rule I can think of is the fact that you must follow your passion and do something that’s close to your heart. And I think that that’s very important, well, to be successful and to be happy.  (Follow Quotes) Sometimes you just close your eyes and jump... you don’t think too long or maybe you just won’t. Sometimes you just follow your heart, don’t analyze too long, or maybe it might just be gone.  (Follow Quotes)
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