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For me Humanity > Country > Family > Friends > (Religion = Science).Sorry if I disappointed you, but this is what I was and I will follow my whole life.  (Follow Quotes) People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. Live your truth and don’t EVER stop!  (Follow Quotes) Have the courage to follow your dreams. It’s the first step towards attaining your destiny.  (Follow Quotes) Inspiring someone else to follow their dreams is the hope of anyone who has the courage to follow their own.  (Follow Quotes) Most people have an abundance of dreams, but lack the courage to follow them. Help them find that courage by inspiring them with yours.  (Follow Quotes) Have courage, be capable of loving.... Be happy in love. Be joyful in victory. Follow the dictates of your heart.  (Follow Quotes) Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail. When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you!  (Follow Quotes) It has always been something I could do, and it may seem odd that in my case I seem to create an interesting narrative and frustrate the reader’s opportunities to follow it at every step.  (Follow Quotes) Never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.  (Follow Quotes) Part of the creative process for me is an invitation for readers to follow their imagination  (Follow Quotes) These houses had been plunked down with an alarming randomness -- unevenly spaced, on crooked lines, like whoever had designed the place had said, We’ll just follow this cat, and wherever he sits down, we’ll build something.  (Follow Quotes) One of the enduring lessons of history is that whenever an empire becomes insular to ‘protect’ itself, intellectual decline and cultural intolerance are sure to follow.  (Follow Quotes) If you’re curious, you’ll probably be a good journalist because we follow our curiosity like cats.  (Follow Quotes) I’d rather experiment than follow the same formula. I’m a curious person. It’s gotten me into trouble, but I say, ‘Why not? Let’s try it.’  (Follow Quotes) I don’t know how much you follow current events. For some, there’s not enough time to keep up on what’s happening; for others, the news is too depressing, and peering too deeply fills one with boiling frustration all too quickly.  (Follow Quotes) Little Brother sounds an optimistic warning. It extrapolates from current events to remind us of the ever-growing threats to liberty. But it also notes that liberty ultimately resides in our individual attitudes and actions. In our increasingly authoritarian world, I especially hope that teenagers and young adults will read it - and then persuade their peers, parents and teachers to follow suit.  (Follow Quotes) Never be complacent about the current steps; don’t agree and follow the status quo. Be determined that you are making an indelible impact with great change. Now, dress up and go to make it happen!  (Follow Quotes) If you skillfully follow the multidisciplinary path, you will never wish to come back. It would be like cutting off your hands.  (Follow Quotes) Cartoonists create so many cartoons on any given topic that we can follow the life cycle of a comic idea and how it evolves over time more quickly than we can with a form like the novel.  (Follow Quotes) I used to see my dad and his brothers rhyming, and I knew I wanted to do that one day. I’m like any other boy, always wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps.  (Follow Quotes) I do not write by any set time schedule. I realize there are many writers who follow a daily regime where they arise at 6:00 a.m., do some sort of exercise, eat breakfast and then sit down and produce words for a three to four hour period.  (Follow Quotes) Work at your craft, write daily, and follow your dreams because dreams do come true  (Follow Quotes) Just take my hand, lead, dance with meand I will simply follow the blueness of the water, the white waves rolling freewhere the earth beneath my feet and stars make my heart whole againin long and priceless moments of shared solitude  (Follow Quotes) The Moonstone’ was all I could have hoped for. A mysterious, cursed jewel, wrested from India, only to be stolen later from a great British mansion. Enigmatic, dangerous priests who follow it across the ocean in hopes of wresting it back.  (Follow Quotes) Most people who make threats don’t follow through. The most dangerous people are often those who never make threats. But ‘most’ and ‘often’ aren’t what you are looking for when you’re dealing with a scary person. You want to ‘know.’ And there is no knowing.  (Follow Quotes) Everyone has talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.  (Follow Quotes) If the mind is to emerge unscathed from this relentless struggle with the unforeseen, two qualities are indispensable: first, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth; and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead.  (Follow Quotes) Everything doesn’t happen for a reason, if by this we mean evil is a part of God’s plan. But God does ensure that evil will not prevail and that light will always, ultimately, overcome the darkness. If we follow God’s lead, our work is to push back the darkness.  (Follow Quotes) If you’re going to decide to run a data-driven campaign, decision-making has to follow it  (Follow Quotes) Day by day, dear Lord, of thee three things I pray: to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day.  (Follow Quotes)
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