Following Quotes

Text Quotes
Of course he had a female following. Was there anything college girls found sexier than being told what to think? (Following Quotes)
I wasn’t trying to make a following. I was just trying to make interesting music. That’s not being modest, that’s just being realistic. (Following Quotes)
It’s difficult to get your creative juices flowing if you’re always being practical, following rules, afraid to make mistakes, not looking into outside areas, or under the influence of any of the other mental locks. (Following Quotes)
Folks in the media ask at the behest of Democrats, isn’t it insensitive for us to do a Second Amendment rally following this terror attack? Let me tell you something. I really don’t view our job as being sensitive to Islamic terrorists. (Following Quotes)
Research is about following the gleam into the dark. It’s also about being sensitive enough to know which fact is the creative fact; the fertile fact; the fact that suggests and engenders, as opposed to the fact that deadens and kills a delicate new project. (Following Quotes)
Character comes from following our highest sense of right, from trusting ideas without being sure they’ll work. (Following Quotes)
I don’t see how a person can be sensuous - unless they’re just, you know, following some kind of script - without being vulnerable. (Following Quotes)
The attraction of being wild is living on the edge, living up to the reputations of the people you’ve been following or emulating. People are always talking about how wild and exciting they were, but the key word is ‘were’, because there’s a long list of dead, famous people. (Following Quotes)
If you’re following your dreams, you’re doing something you love and that you believe in yourself for. (Following Quotes)
I don’t believe in following a path set by others. You have to create a path for yourself. (Following Quotes)
If you are not following your dreams then you’re not truly living, and if you are, you must completely believe in your journey! (Following Quotes)
By learning of Him, by believing in Him, by following Him, there is the capacity to become like Him. (Following Quotes)
Awakening is the ultimate of religion. Religion is, not really, in believing something outside of your being. It is not in believing or following some authoritative figure, the church, temple, organization or any ideological system of belief. Religion is trusting in what is eternal within you. (Following Quotes)
For those who believe in the quote, Laughter is the best medicine and are looking for a divorce quote on the lighter side, the following divorce sayings range from mildly humorous to outrageously funny: Men are just like a book - with a beginning, middle and an end. (Following Quotes)
The best opportunities are often ones where you’re being contrarian. That doesn’t mean being contrarian for contrarian’s sake, but it means you’re thoughtful about the risks of following the crowd. (Following Quotes)
I feel like, big city or small town, you can relate to following your parents’ footsteps or putting your own dreams on the back burner or vices that we get caught up in - that whole cycle. That’s not just a small-town thing. That’s a life thing. (Following Quotes)
My films do have a big following among young girls, and I want to instill confidence in them, a sense of self-appreciation - to make them feel they can be spirited and say what they feel. (Following Quotes)
Instead of following through on their promise to concentrate on jobs, Republicans have attacked seniors, working families, women, and the most vulnerable among us. They have pursued an extreme agenda that would end Medicare as we know it and cut Social Security benefits in order to continue giving tax breaks to Big Oil and millionaires. (Following Quotes)
I had an advantage because people would post me on blogs because I had co-signs from Kanye West, Def Jam, and G.O.O.D. Music. Everything I put out, the blogs would put up. When I realized that, I used that to my advantage and helped build my following on my own. (Following Quotes)
Believe it or not, the biggest obstacle for a business owner with any size business is the internal response to the question - ‘Now what?’ Often this question is followed by a - deer in the headlights - response, which is then followed by stagnation. Following stagnation comes fear. (Following Quotes)
Suffering should not make us bitter people,’ my mother once said, ‘it should make us better comforters.’ Young people need to hear this from those who have walked before them, because someday they’ll be walking those same steps, but there may not be anyone following behind. (Following Quotes)
A deep, black grief gripped Robert Kennedy in the months following his brother’s assassination. He lost weight, fell into melancholy silences, wore his brother’s clothes, smoked the cigars his brother had liked, and imitated his mannerisms. (Following Quotes)
While the old spiritual ‘Slavery Chain Done Broke at Last’ was sung by blacks in the hours following the Appomattox surrender, racism sadly continues to be a crippling national scourge. (Following Quotes)
I was desperately unhappy with it [Blade Runner]. I was compelled by contract to record five or six different versions of the narration, each of which was found wanting on a storytelling basis. The final version was something that I was completely unhappy with. The movie obviously has a very strong following, but it could have been more than a cult picture. (Following Quotes)
I try to live my life where I end up at a point where I have no regrets. So I try to choose the road that I have the most passion on because then you can never really blame yourself for making the wrong choices. You can always say you’re following your passion. (Following Quotes)
Every time we’ve gone somewhere, it’s just been better and better and God’s always blessed us for following. (Following Quotes)
Emotion is always multiplied in the art of a person who doesn’t really show much emotion. It once expanded deep within his hidden soul, and following the downplay his audience is blown away. (Following Quotes)
After one hundred days of confinement following a bone marrow transplant, I rejoiced in taking short walks to a nearby park as I was writing ‘Girl in Hyacinth Blue.’ The uncertainty of my survival made every blade of grass gorgeous in its green intensity, lifting itself up, doing its part to make the world beautiful. (Following Quotes)
Dharma doesn’t necessarily mean following a mundane and boring life. It means a life of high adventure, not a life of endless, boring repetition. (Following Quotes)
I think the fun of following the movie box office and stocks is very similar to the fun of sports - all three combine passion and unpredictability. (Following Quotes)