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Text Quotes
I think when people twitter 20 or 30 times per day, that’s too much. They are boxing everyone else out, and people stop following them because they need a break. (Following Quotes)
Chum was a British boy’s weekly which, at the end of the year was bound into a single huge book; and the following Christmas parents bought it as Christmas presents for male children. (Following Quotes)
I’ve sort of become the poster boy for quitting your job and following your dreams (Following Quotes)
Change is more often a rapid transition between two stable states than a continuous transformation at slow and steady rates. . . .Change occurs in large leaps following a slow accumulation of stress that a system resists until it reaches the breaking point. Heat water, and it eventually boils. Oppress the workers more and more and bring on the revolution. (Following Quotes)
The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages. (Following Quotes)
Blogs are easy to start, but unless the author is famous, it takes years to build a following (Following Quotes)
It is not about whether you are an executive, a studio or a network. If you have a story or an idea you can build a following for it. (Following Quotes)
Blogs are quite a new development - now, everyone wants to know you, everyone wants to know everything about you. And you can build a following that way. In a way, it’s a good thing if you want to create a buzz around yourself. (Following Quotes)
A real foolproof way to do it is play your stuff by hook or by crook and build up a grass roots following. (Following Quotes)
Hugh Howey and Amanda Hocking come to mind immediately as authors who managed to build a successful following without the initial support of a large publisher. (Following Quotes)
Waveform’ puts you in charge of the wavy pathway of a ship in space. Hit the good stuff and avoid the bad things. While it sounds simple, this title will keep you on your toes as you try to navigate the dark inky space. By hitting the items you want or following the correct path, you build up your combo as well as your speed. (Following Quotes)
I think there’s still room for compelling voices to build up and get a great following (Following Quotes)
Persons who reach the higher rungs in business management, selling, engineering, religious work, writing, acting, and in every other pursuit get there by following conscientiously and continuously a plan for self-development and growth. (Following Quotes)
If I could have gotten my way at an early age, I would have entered the priesthood, but my mother informed me that I could not become a priest because I was a girl. It really was the biggest blow to my ego, because it was my calling. When she told me I’d have to be a nun, I looked at her and said, ‘I’m not following anyone.’ (Following Quotes)
Somebody is looking at you - and someone needs to see you walk this journey of following God’s calling. (Following Quotes)
I know this will blow your mind, but most people would probably never ever get it, but I listen to classical music when nobody else is around. It calms me down and I can get into this, like, deep thinking mode, you know, because there’s really no lyrics to it, so you’re not following something that - that you’re listening to a story. (Following Quotes)
I’ll know I’m famous when I have five Ferraris, seven houses, Cameron Diaz on my arm and a little man following me with a huge bag of money. (Following Quotes)
Every successful cancer treatment includes the following three ingredients: thorough detoxification, a change of diet and mental or spiritual work. (Following Quotes)
I married a pretty famous girl, and when we drive through town there’s usually a car following us, when I walk out of my front door in Chelsea there’s six guys waiting for me. (Following Quotes)
The Catholic Church is one of the oldest, largest and richest institutions on earth, with a following 1.2 billion strong, and change does not come naturally. (Following Quotes)
I think a lot of people get lost. They start following iconic figures and get drowned in the pool of celebrity. Our society, as we know it, is definitely changing. With social media and cell phones, you freak out when you don’t know what’s going on. (Following Quotes)
It’s not Apple’s fault that they’re seeking to avoid paying taxes. They’re not lying, cheating or stealing. They’re following the rules that were created by governments. If the government doesn’t like the rules, they can change them. (Following Quotes)
We’re following the evolution of tennis. On the women’s side, there has been a very positive change, with the arrival of many new stars. (Following Quotes)
I recently did a play, Athol Fugard’s ‘Coming Home’ at Long Wharf Theatre, where I played one character throughout - I sat at a table and didn’t have any costume changes. Following one character’s arc from beginning to end is a whole different mindset. (Following Quotes)
My mother’s belief in spiritual healers grew stronger after our family went through a rough patch following my father’s death. Sufi saint Karimullah Shah Kadri changed our lives, and all of us converted to Sufism. But it wasn’t an instantaneous decision - it took us 10 years to convert. The change in religion was like washing away the past. (Following Quotes)
The true cost of following your dreams isn’t what you sacrifice when you chase them, it’s what you lose when you don’t (Following Quotes)
I got Twitter like two months ago, checked it out a bit more, and I concluded the only thing Twitter I’m interested in following is Nick Stoller. (Following Quotes)
Big actions, in our system of checks and balances, require approval by Congress and have to pass constitutional muster by the Supreme Court, and some powers are reserved to the states. So this overused czar word is a little misleading. But the things America ought to do should include the following: (Following Quotes)
Choosing one path means abandoning others - if you try to follow every possible path you will end up following none. (Following Quotes)
Nets are generally defined as devices for capturing something. In a more narrow but more important sense, we might define a net as anything that entices or prevents us from following the call of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. (Following Quotes)