Fool Quotes

Text Quotes
Fools and sensible men are equally innocuous. It is in the half fool and the half wise that the danger lies (Fool Quotes)
A fool is he that comes to preach or prate, when men with swords their right and wrong debate (Fool Quotes)
Flattery is never so agreeable as to our blind side; commend a fool for his wit, or a knave for his honesty, and they will receive you into their bosoms (Fool Quotes)
The fool of vanity; for her alone he lives, loves, writes, and dies but to be known (Fool Quotes)
Tis my maxim, he’s a fool that marries; but he’s a greater that does not marry a fool (Fool Quotes)
Fond fool! Six feet shall serve for all thy store, and he that cares for most shall find no more (Fool Quotes)
I am a fool, I know it; and yet, heaven help me, I’m poor enough to be a wit (Fool Quotes)
It might be argued, that to be a knave is the gift of fortune, but to play the fool to advantage it is necessary to be a learned man (Fool Quotes)
Commend a fool for his wit, or a knave for his honesty, and they will receive you into their bosom (Fool Quotes)
Fool, what is sleep but the likeness of icy death? the fates shall give us a long period of rest (Fool Quotes)
The fool only is troublesome. A plan of sense perceives when he is agreeable or tiresome; he disappears the very minute before he would have been thought to have stayed too long (Fool Quotes)
To succeed in the world, it is much more necessary to possess the penetration to discover who is a fool than to discover who is a clever man (Fool Quotes)
He who exhibits no faults is a fool or a hypocrite, whom we should mistrust. There are faults so intimately connected with fine qualities that they indicate them, and we do well not to correct them (Fool Quotes)
Thou fool, what is sleep but the image of death? Fate will give an eternal rest (Fool Quotes)
Very few men are wise by their own counsel, or learned by their own teaching; for he that was only taught by himself had a fool to his master (Fool Quotes)
If a fool knows a secret, he tells it because he is a fool; if a knave knows one, he tells it wherever it is his interest to tell it (Fool Quotes)
For the greatest fool and rascal in creation there is yet a worse condition; and that is, not to know it, but to think himself a respectable man (Fool Quotes)
If the minds of men were laid open, we should see but little difference between them and that of the fool; there are infinite reveries and numberless extravagancies pass through both (Fool Quotes)
Men are so necessarily fools that it would be being a fool in a higher strain of folly, not to be a fool (Fool Quotes)
Men are so completely fools by necessity that he is but a fool in a higher strain of folly who does not confess his foolishness (Fool Quotes)
It would be easier to endow a fool with intellect than to persuade him that he had none (Fool Quotes)
You silly old fool, you don’t even know the alphabet of your own silly old business (Fool Quotes)
The fool is willing to pay for anything but wisdom. No man buys that of which he supposes himself to have an abundance already (Fool Quotes)
Every man’s experience of today is that he was a fool yesterday and the day before yesterday. tomorrow he will most likely be of exactly the same opinion (Fool Quotes)
If a man offend a harmless, pure, and innocent person, the evil falls back upon that fool, like light dust thrown up against the wind (Fool Quotes)
If a traveler does not meet with one who is his better or his equal, let him firmly keep to his solitary journey; there is no companionship with a fool (Fool Quotes)
In the world’s affairs there is no design so great or good but it will take twenty wise men to help it forward a few inches; and a single fool can stop it (Fool Quotes)
The line with its rod is a long instrument whose lesser end holds a small reptile, while the other is held by a great fool (Fool Quotes)
The same principle leads us to neglect a man of merit that induces us to admire a fool (Fool Quotes)
Necessity is cruel, but it is the only test of inward strength. Every fool may live according to his own likings (Fool Quotes)