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Foot Quotes

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When we put our best foot forward, the other one had better be good enough to stand on  (Foot Quotes) Happiness is always the inaccessible castle which sinks in ruin when we set foot on it  (Foot Quotes) I can say that I don’t see myself with the foot on the gas pedal as hard as it’s been down for 16 years  (Foot Quotes) I think our culture encourages all of us to always put our best foot forward. I think it’s a good thing. I think it’s nice to rise to the occasion, to be kind and considerate, and have self control  (Foot Quotes) This is the pain pacemaker. I’ve got a battery under my skin. From that battery are two electrodes that go into the spine where they cut bone away to accommodate it. Now I put on the power here. If I have the pain, the stimulator starts. It’s tingling, like when your foot falls asleep, you know?  (Foot Quotes) There are so many people, deaf or otherwise abled, who are so talented but overlooked or not given a chance to even get their foot in the door  (Foot Quotes) It took putting one foot in front of the other every single day to get through it to the point where I made it back on the team and won a gold medal in 2008  (Foot Quotes) Many people nowadays live in a series of interiors... disconnected from each other. On foot everything stays connected, for while walking one occupies the spaces between those interiors in the same way one occupies those interiors. One lives in the whole world rather than in interiors built up against it  (Foot Quotes) You go on. You set one foot in front of the other, and if a thin voice cries out, somewhere behind you, you pretend not to hear, and keep going  (Foot Quotes) Faith is one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling in the stomach  (Foot Quotes) I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me where I want to go  (Foot Quotes) If you listen, you can hear it. The city, it sings. If you stand quietly, at the foot of a garden, in the middle of the street, on the roof of a house. It’s clearest at night, when the sound cuts more sharply across the surface of things, when the song reaches out to a place inside you. It’s a wordless song, for the most, but it’s a song all the same, and nobody hearing it could doubt what it sings. And the song sings the loudest when you pick out each note  (Foot Quotes) I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed  (Foot Quotes) The terrible thing about love is that it takes away your safety net, your balancing pole. Even the tightrope you walk upon will disappear beneath you, yet love expects you to keep walking anyway, arms outstretched, one foot after the other, on nothing more than air  (Foot Quotes) You must know that I am made of death, from head to foot, and it is a corpse who loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you!  (Foot Quotes) He read it for the same reason an animal tears at a wounded foot: to hurt the pain  (Foot Quotes) Sometimes, she thought, courage was simply a matter of putting one foot in front of another and not stopping  (Foot Quotes) How to run an ultramarathon? Puff out your chest, put one foot in front of the other, and don’t stop till you cross the finish line  (Foot Quotes) How much more infinite a sea is man? Be not so childish as to measure him from head to foot and think you have found his borders  (Foot Quotes) Logic is immaturity weaving its nets of gossamer wherewith it aims to catch the behemoth of knowledge. Logic is a crutch for the cripple, but a burden for the swift of foot and a greater burden still for the wise  (Foot Quotes) Not forgiving someone hurts you worse than it hurts him... even if he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven... Not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren’t the one who put it there  (Foot Quotes) When I dance with him, one of my great loves, he is absolutely human, and when he turns to dip me or I step on his foot because we are both leading, I know that one of us will die first and the other will suffer. The slow dance of what’s to come and the slow dance of insomnia pouring across the floor like bath water  (Foot Quotes) What you fear your whole life comes to pass. You end up living toward it, you spend your life running from it but your foot is nailed to the sidewalk. You circle around it until you wear yourself own  (Foot Quotes) She still remembered sitting for hours as a little girl and pretending to be a hassock. A foot stool. Because if she could just stay very small, and very quiet, her mother would forget she was there, and then she wouldn’t scream about people and places and things that had gone wrong  (Foot Quotes) The world was made up of people putting one foot in front of the other; and a life might appear ordinary simply because the person living it had been doing so for a long time  (Foot Quotes) The future was uncertain, absolutely, and there were many hurdles, twists, and turns to come, but as long as I kept moving forward, one foot in front of the other, the voices of fear and shame, the messages from those who wanted me to believe that I wasn’t good enough, would be stilled  (Foot Quotes) Racing is about discipline and intelligence, not about who has the heavier foot. The one who drives smart will always win in the end  (Foot Quotes) Sometimes life is a series of obstacles, a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes, she realizes suddenly, it is simply a matter of blind faith  (Foot Quotes) I never felt so large and important as I did when being in love was everything. I saw you walking a foot above the earth and I remembered that was where I used to walk  (Foot Quotes) You got off on the wrong foot. I merely watched you shove it into your mouth  (Foot Quotes)
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