Football Coach Quotes
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Text Quotes
I started out wanting to coach football (Football Coach Quotes)
Mourinho is the best coach in the history of football (Football Coach Quotes)
For a football coach, there’s nothing that matches the pain of a team not playing up to its capabilities. (Football Coach Quotes)
A lot of things look good on an academic’s blackboard in terms of the actions that need to be taken. It’s almost like a football coach, when you draw the X’s and O’s: Every play that is chalked on that board goes for a touchdown. Well, there are a lot of yards to be made between the line of scrimmage and the touchdown (Football Coach Quotes)
Congratulations to Ohio State, your new college football champions. Coach Urban Meyer may be the greatest football coach of all time. Don’t confuse him with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. That’s urban quagmire (Football Coach Quotes)
A piece of football history. A unique coach [Sir Alex Ferguson], among the greatest of all-time (Football Coach Quotes)
Bill Belichick is the best professional football coach I think ever lived. I’m upset that I played for a plethora of teams and never got an opportunity to play for Bill Belichick (Football Coach Quotes)
I believe in Coach Louis Wong. He is so much more than just a football coach. (Football Coach Quotes)
I am who I am. In the end, I feel that what I’m accountable for is doing a good job as a football coach. (Football Coach Quotes)
I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I never really had a job. I was a football player, then a football coach, then a football broadcaster. It’s been my life. Pro football has been my life since 1967. I’ve enjoyed every part of it. Never once did it ever feel like work. (Football Coach Quotes)
Football Coaches do play football matches; their attitudes toward the game in times of tendencies of losing can cause a change in the scores of the games they monitor and mentor! (Football Coach Quotes)
Just because one pedophile is a football coach, please don’t turn against all pedophiles (Football Coach Quotes)
I’d rather be a football coach. That way you only lose eleven games a year. (Football Coach Quotes)
They ask me what I’d like written about me when I’m gone. I hope they write I made Penn State a better place, not just that I was a good football coach (Football Coach Quotes)
A good football coach needs a patient wife, a loyal dog and a great quarterback - but not necessarily in that order. (Football Coach Quotes)
The job of a football coach is to make men do what they don’t want to do, in order to achieve what they’ve always wanted to be. (Football Coach Quotes)
I’m not sure (whether Demetriou did anything wrong). I wouldn’t have thought so ... but I’m not the ACC (Australian Crime Commission), I’m not ASADA. I’m a football coach trying to coach a game. (Football Coach Quotes)
Mourinho is a coach of titles, not football. Or rather, not a football coach if we understand the sport is a spectacle or entertainment for those who watch it, either at home or live in the stadium. (Football Coach Quotes)
It’s tougher to be a football coach than the President of the United States. You’ve got four years as a president, and they guard you. A football coach doesn’t have anyone to protect him when things go wrong. (Football Coach Quotes)
William McKinley Oswald was my high school football coach. He was a great coach and had a profound influence on my life. But I think he could have learned his method of motivating players from an army drill sergeant. (Football Coach Quotes)
I’m a football coach. I’m not a doctor ... They don’t call plays, I don’t do surgeries. We have a great deal here. (Football Coach Quotes)
Both of my sons used to coach high school football. When they started, I’d say things I shouldn’t have. So I learned my lesson. (Football Coach Quotes)
To show the football coach I was ready to play tight end, I wore no pants and had a Q-tip dangling out of my ass. (Football Coach Quotes)
I learned a great many things in the Marines that helped me as a football coach. The Marines train men hard and to do things the right way, just as a football team must train (Football Coach Quotes)
I’m no genius, but I’m a damn good football coach (Football Coach Quotes)
I must have been a failed football coach in a previous incarnation (Football Coach Quotes)
Look, I'm a coach, I'm not Harry Potter. He is magical, but in reality there is no magic. Magic is fiction and football is real (Football Coach Quotes)
There are two things you can be certain of: dying and getting the arse as a football coach (Football Coach Quotes)
I’m the football coach around here and don’t you remember it (Football Coach Quotes)
No athletic director holds office longer than two losing football coaches (Football Coach Quotes)
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