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Football Quotes

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You can go to the pictures or read a book, but football constantly comes back into your mind. It’s not a job, it’s a life. It takes up your time, thoughts and energy and it can damage relationships with those around you.  (Football Quotes) I could tell you that in my entire coaching career I have never talked to any player, staff member about football air pressure. That is not a subject that I have ever brought up.  (Football Quotes) The food and drink that goes along with football is one of the best things: hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and dips. At the stadium I would probably get nachos, but when I’m at home we order pizza a lot.  (Football Quotes) I’m closer to being happy. I’m doing things that make me happy. In football I loved to practice and I loved to play, but I hated to be in meetings, hated to talk to the media, hated to have cameras in my face, hated to sign autographs. I hated to do all those things.  (Football Quotes) I write what I like to write. Those who like to listen to it, listen to it. And the ones who don’t, watch football and drink beer, jog, go to discos and so forth. I never claimed to be a man for all seasons.  (Football Quotes) Tiger had the advantage of high school, college, and a father who knew golf. I was self-taught. Blacks really won’t play golf in great numbers until some of these basketball and football stars buy some golf courses where blacks can play.  (Football Quotes) When you think about little league football, high school, and even on to college even more so, you’re dealing with a lot of guys that are prideful, that think they’re the best - a lot of alpha males. So, typically, you’ve got to have a guy that can control those guys, and, when he talks, they know he means business. He’s a serious guy.  (Football Quotes) Fencing is more a sport than a martial art. It would be like basing your knowledge of roman phalanx warfare on NFL football.  (Football Quotes) Football players should always remember there’s a whole lot more to life  (Football Quotes) Tennis was always there for me, which was lucky. I would go play baseball, basketball, football, hang with my brother, do whatever, and at the end of the day I’d come back and say, ‘Hey, Mom, would you hit 15 minutes worth of balls with me?’  (Football Quotes) I wanted to play football or be a boxer, but my dad didn’t want that because of all the impact. But in 1992 I was watching short track, and it was obscure, but they looked like superheroes in their tight outfits, and I thought it was amazing. I wanted to do that. I made the national team at 14.  (Football Quotes) Money is not everything. My ambition was football itself, not the money I’d make from it. If that brings me and my family a more comfortable lifestyle, then that’s fine. But I don’t spend my time between games and training sessions thinking about figures.  (Football Quotes) I grew up playing football since the day I could walk; some of my greatest memories of childhood are playing touch football in all kinds of weather with my best friends. That’s a part of the American experience that no corporation can destroy.  (Football Quotes) It was an ideal day for football - too cold for the spectators and too cold for the players  (Football Quotes) Being a woman is of special interest only to aspiring male transsexuals. To actual women, it is simply a good excuse not to play football.  (Football Quotes) When I played pro football, I never set out to hurt anyone deliberately - unless it was, you know, important, like a league game or something.  (Football Quotes) I don’t understand American football at all. It looks like all-in wrestling with crash helmets.  (Football Quotes) I played English football - soccer - instead of American football, because we couldn’t afford the equipment.  (Football Quotes) When I was really young, the women’s national team wasn’t on a grand media stage, so my role models were male basketball and male American football players.  (Football Quotes) And of course in America you’ve got American football and baseball and all those other ball games, soccer has become a little niche that the women have kind of filled.  (Football Quotes) Rugby is a different game. There is an interruption every two minutes also in American football. Our soccer is a moving game: play, play, play, move, move - you don’t interrupt.  (Football Quotes) I grew up in Europe, and soccer was the first organized game I played. When we moved back to the U.S. in the middle of 4th grade, I switched to American football and stopped playing competitively until college, when I played intramurals.  (Football Quotes) Honestly, like, American football is not that big over in the U.K., so we hadn’t really heard of Drew Brees before. I did know that he was, like, a massive football player. He’s a massive star, so I was still a little bit anxious and nervous to meet him.  (Football Quotes) Baseball and American football and hockey are all ahead because they have a history. The MLS is kind of new. So hopefully, in time, and with players coming and trying to develop the game, and the U.S. team also doing well - at the last World Cup, they finished above England and created some buzz.  (Football Quotes) It was weird - writing is a stupid thing to do. I come up here in the morning to a pleasant room in the roof of my house and imagine I’m a black South American football superstar; then I have to imagine I’m a female pop celebrity who’s pregnant. It’s a completely mad way to spend your time.  (Football Quotes) I was a halfback on an American football team in Athens, Greece - the Kississia Colts - where I went to high school, and we took the Cup my senior year. The downside, and somewhat unfortunate piece of information I have to pass on, is there were only two teams in the league because of the limited amount of Americans.  (Football Quotes) Football and gambling - two great American addictions working together. What could possibly go wrong?  (Football Quotes) You have to remember that baseball really was the American pastime in the Forties, not football, basketball or any other sport.  (Football Quotes) The game is just, everybody talks about baseball, but I really think football probably has a little bit more American feeling than anything.  (Football Quotes) Baseball is the greatest of American games. Some say football, but it is my firm belief, and it shall always be, that baseball has no superior.  (Football Quotes)
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