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Football Quotes

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You can go super American and get barbecue and beer and be like, ‘Whatever, I’m watching a football game.’ That’s exactly what I’m going to do.  (Football Quotes) There are many reasons why I hate college football. The 4-hour games drone on longer than Steve Lyons during the American League playoffs. The ever-expanding season threatens to creep into early July. Boise, Idaho, hosts a bowl game. And it’s played on blue artificial turf.  (Football Quotes) One thing I don’t understand is that average American movie-goers cannot watch a movie for three hours, yet they’ll watch a stupid, boring, horrific football game for four hours. Now, that is boredom at its most colossal.  (Football Quotes) When it’s good, cinema can be one of the most important things in a person’s life. A film can be a catalyst for change. You witness this and it is an incredibly spiritual experience that I’d never lived before; well, maybe only in a football match.  (Football Quotes) Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Football is four 15-minute quarters. Plus timeouts and commercials.  (Football Quotes) Academe, n.: An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught. Academy, n.: A modern school where football is taught.  (Football Quotes) I’ve learned that football sometimes was an outlet. It was a way for me to release anger, release frustration.  (Football Quotes) Don’t matter what they throw at us. Only angry people win football games.  (Football Quotes) I have thrown chairs, but only during football matches. Generally, I am well-behaved. I do not like to make people angry.  (Football Quotes) Husband: a man who buys his football tickets four months in advance and waits until the day before his anniversary to buy his wife a gift.  (Football Quotes) You’re a hero one day, you’re a villain another day. They say that’s football. When a manager does well, they’re applauded, when they don’t do well, they get the sack. Football is a tough world. Those who watch enjoy it - for everybody else, there are a lot of challenges.  (Football Quotes) I feel like I’d have a different approach to football now after doing music  (Football Quotes) That’s kind of how I approach life and football; why dwell on something that’s hasn’t happened.  (Football Quotes) It was nice to finish up Stanford. I think I always felt that I would be there for four years and graduate, and definitely didn’t want to leave early. A degree was definitely a plus, and I was having a lot of fun in school. But after football, you know, I don’t know. I really did enjoy studying architecture; it was a blast.  (Football Quotes) My first assistant-coaching job in football was at William and Mary in 1961  (Football Quotes) When I was a kid growing up, my dad being a football coach, he asked the same question of all the assistants that he ever hired: ‘Is your goal to be a head football coach?’  (Football Quotes) Football is such a team sport, so no one individual does it. No one coach or no one assistant coach or no one player, it’s a great team sport, so I don’t get carried away with a bunch of accolades.  (Football Quotes) Once Joe Paterno learned that his former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was showering with a young boy in the Penn State football locker room, he had two choices: think of the child as his own and call police. Or not. He chose the latter.  (Football Quotes) Al Davis has been the biggest influence in my professional football life. I mean, he was a guy that gave me an opportunity, one, to get into professional football in 1967 as an assistant coach, and then at the age of 32, giving me the opportunity to be the head coach.  (Football Quotes) My first assistant-coaching job in football was at William and Mary in 1961. The pay wasn’t much, so to get $300 more per year, I agreed to coach the golf team. I didn’t even know how to keep score, and really, my main job was not to wreck the van on the way to tournaments.  (Football Quotes) The whole object of the players’ association is to try and make sure that any individual is able to capitalise on his ability, particularly in football, which is a very short career.  (Football Quotes) The Football Association have always acted more as a referee than a governor. And the FA, aware the Premier League provide players for the England team, have always had too gentle a hand on the tiller. The result is that the Premier League are the tigers in the English football jungle everybody’s scared of.  (Football Quotes) My aim as a frontman is always to try and shrink the venue, if you can, to turn that football stadium into the world’s smallest club. At least you have to try.  (Football Quotes) I lost my athletic scholarship by injuring my right knee. That right knee kept me out of Vietnam, and I went into Drama. I put them all together with a football foundation and the house was built on Drama - and love and kindness and understanding and grace.  (Football Quotes) I was baptized Methodist, but I was mainly raised First Church of NFL, which is to say that my family, especially my father, was much more concerned with watching football on Sundays than attending services.  (Football Quotes) I was immersed in popular songs of the time, of the 30s and 40s. I was writing songs, making fun of the attitudes of those songs, in the musical style of the songs themselves; love songs, folk songs, marches, football.  (Football Quotes) One of my most vivid memories of the mid-1950s is of crying into a washbasin full of soapy grey baby clothes - there were no washing machines - while my handsome and adored husband was off playing football in the park on Sunday morning with all the delightful young men who had been friends to both of us at Cambridge three years earlier.  (Football Quotes) At the high school level, the coaches get these kids in revenue-driven sports and take them away from baseball. There’s so much pressure on these kids to even play spring football. We need to get the African-American players back in the game, which I think would make it not only a better game, but more exciting and entertaining for everyone.  (Football Quotes) I was in the game for the love of football - and I wanted to bring back happiness to the people of Liverpool.  (Football Quotes) Professional football is no longer a game. It’s a war. And it brings out the same primitive instincts that go back thousands of years.  (Football Quotes)
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