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Football Quotes

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I definitely want to be known as an educated person as well as being a good football player  (Football Quotes) If you identify yourself as a great football player, anytime anyone challenges that, you’re going to have some kind of problem.  (Football Quotes) Each game we approach like a final. Today it was the opening game at home, we won and showed outstanding football qualities. We will be preparing for the next game the same way.  (Football Quotes) Being an actor is a good way to earn a living. And to meet fabulous people. It’s great to live very comfortably. I’ve been lucky, I’ve had a lot of fun with great roles, but it is true that if I were extremely rich, I would stop and I would go to play football on a beach in the Caribbean with my children.  (Football Quotes) There’s no way running on a beach or at some high school playground that you’re going to get in football shape like you do when you practice.  (Football Quotes) I suppose I’m happy when I know I’ve given a horse a good ride, no matter where it is. I like playing golf in the summer; I’m happy when I hit a good shot, and I enjoy watching Arsenal playing beautiful football, but overall I can’t believe you can be happy when you’re not winning. I honestly can’t accept that.  (Football Quotes) Money plays an important role in football, but it is not the dominating factor. When Chelsea play a Carling Cup game in a small city, and it could result in a draw - the excitement, the spirit, the atmosphere - that’s the real beauty of football in England.  (Football Quotes) I had lots of posters on my bedroom wall of players like Zico, many Brazilian and Italian players, not many players in particular but I loved football so much and I especially loved skilful players.  (Football Quotes) You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.  (Football Quotes) When you go to a football game and someone offers you a beer [...], they’re really saying hi, have a glass of extroversion.  (Football Quotes) My drug of choice is beer. It’s not only socially accepted, you can’t even watch a football game without having it shoved in your face a thousand times.  (Football Quotes) What do we need spectators for? The game should be played behind closed doors. Football is an art!  (Football Quotes) Being a part of the National Football League for so long, I’ve come across so many trainers and equipment managers who’ve allowed me to be who I am today.  (Football Quotes) In high school I was the manager of the football team, so being around boys is natural to me!  (Football Quotes) I am more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world  (Football Quotes) I prefer to win titles with the team ahead of individual awards or scoring more goals than anyone else. I’m more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world. When all this is over, what are you left with? When I retire, I hope I am remembered for being a decent guy.  (Football Quotes) Ronaldinho is better than Cristiano Ronaldo, but neither are as good as Leo Messi. He holds numerous records, such as the most goals scored in a single La Liga season and the most goals scored in a calendar year. I’m more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world. He has everything. We must protect him.  (Football Quotes) I like the idea of being a youngish parent. So I’ve got energy to play football even though they’ll be better than me by the time they’re four.  (Football Quotes) I somewhere along the way became fascinated with exploring characters who are willing to put themselves into violent situations, whether it’s football, hockey, boxing, being a cop, being a soldier. There’s not a lot of people who are willing to put themselves into those situations.  (Football Quotes) Believe it or not, one teacher used to call me a giant spastic for not being able to play football  (Football Quotes) It is hard being a football loather, a football unfan. I sometimes feel as lonely as the sole survivor in the last reel of a Zombie film, as, one by one, old friends reveal themselves, with their glassy stares and outstretched arms, to have succumbed to the lure.  (Football Quotes) In football, you’re taught to react by being aggressive, taught to react with violence. If you can’t separate that on the field and off the field, you’re going to be in a lot of trouble in your life.  (Football Quotes) I mean, I’m not a sexist person, but a woman has no business being down there trying to make some comment about a football game.  (Football Quotes) Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it’s important.  (Football Quotes) I don’t enjoy getting knocked about on a football field for other people’s amusement. I enjoy it if I’m being paid a lot for it.  (Football Quotes) I’m proud of the fact that besides being known as a successful former football player, I’ve also worked hard to establish myself as a successful businessman, network broadcaster, sports and entertainment executive and philanthropist.  (Football Quotes) I was pretty much seen as a basketball player coming out of high school. Football was my second love, but luckily, I turned out to be pretty good. Something just drew me to football; besides, I ended up being too short for my position in basketball.  (Football Quotes) That’s what we really mean by being feared on the football field. And not actually the player that fears him, it’s the offensive coordinator that fears him or the running backs coach.  (Football Quotes) Hmm, the best thing about being in the NFL? In America it’s the No.1 sport; it’s exciting, fun, so to me the best thing is the buzz that surrounds football on and off the field.  (Football Quotes) There’s no similarity between football and ballet, so this ain’t ballet music being played on the field. I’m pumping something that’s going to put me in a frame of mind to go to war, and something that’s very high tempo and high beat.  (Football Quotes)
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