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Football Quotes

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Nobody is that thick-skinned that it doesn’t hurt you. Still, you always know what happens in football. I have got used to criticism, I suppose, having been high profile with England and Man U.  (Football Quotes) We know, in Wales or in England - you simply can’t trust Labour on the NHS. In England, we are delivering for patients while Labour just use the NHS as a political football. We won’t let them; we’ll always fight for the NHS.  (Football Quotes) As England manager I always felt we needed an extra man in midfield to retain the ball, but that was more as an attacking ploy to help create opportunities. It came from my experience playing international football in a 4-4-2 and spending half my time chasing the ball.  (Football Quotes) I have never thought of a scenario where international football was not a massive part of our [England] game.  (Football Quotes) English football is so physical and fast that when you see a space, you have to go into it with all your speed.  (Football Quotes) It’s fantastic for Arsenal, and for English football as well. You’ve got an English club with a lot of young English talent committing themselves to a club.  (Football Quotes) German football is like English football. The Germans and the English do not play like a Brazilian side. They have to improve, bring up their young players, who have character.  (Football Quotes) Sometimes English football takes pride in having the lowest yellow-card count in Europe, but of course it will have if you can take someone’s leg off and still not be booked.  (Football Quotes) In my first season I was learning about English football in a new team. I scored 13 which isn’t bad, but I think I can do better.  (Football Quotes) It was the proudest moment of my career to lead my team out at the home of English football. I never, ever dreamt that would happen!  (Football Quotes) The bottom line is that I wanted to come back and play in the Premier League again and wake up on Saturday morning and really fancy getting out there and playing in front of this fantastic support, scoring goals and enjoying football. (on returning to the premiership)  (Football Quotes) In spite of reports about playing with various teams, I’m enjoying retirement with my family and have no plans to play football.  (Football Quotes) While I’m more of a soccer and tennis fan myself, I still enjoying catching some football games when I get the chance.  (Football Quotes) I have fun like a child in the street. When the day comes when I’m not enjoying it, I will leave football.  (Football Quotes) I love football; I enjoy it. That’s why I’ve been in this game as many years as I have. I still like it. I get excited about it.  (Football Quotes) It’s nice to have other hobbies, other than golf. I’ve played football, I play tennis. I enjoy doing things other than golf, and poker is one of them.  (Football Quotes) I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I never really had a job. I was a football player, then a football coach, then a football broadcaster. It’s been my life. Pro football has been my life since 1967. I’ve enjoyed every part of it. Never once did it ever feel like work.  (Football Quotes) Through school, I saw plenty of theatre my parents weren’t necessarily up on. They would prefer a football game to watching ‘The Nutcracker,’ and that’s fine. I enjoy both.  (Football Quotes) Pro football gave me a good sense of perspective to enter politics: I’d already been booed, cheered, cut, sold, traded and hung in effigy.  (Football Quotes) I have no interest in owning a football club; I don’t play golf; I don’t like horseracing and I’d rather become a professional bungee jumper than enter politics.  (Football Quotes) I just think to be a manager you’ve got to live and breathe and have this incredible enthusiasm for football, the whole thing. And while I love the game, and it’s been a large part of my life, it’s not the only thing in my life.  (Football Quotes) There are people for whom Rangers Football Club is their entire way of life  (Football Quotes) Too often girls accept that of course the boys will get better lighting and seating at their sports events, of course the football team will get more attention, privileges, and space in the yearbook. We need to teach girls to look around and notice when they’re being treated like second-class citizens, and then to insist on equal treatment.  (Football Quotes) The Premier League is very difficult football and very different to when you play in Europe, but the player has to have experience to adapt, and this is the key point.  (Football Quotes) When I was at drama school, I was totally broke, and a lot of my mates had jobs and were financially very good to me, so if, for example, I take them away on a trip to a football match in Europe, it means that I can pay them back a bit.  (Football Quotes) Even though I support the blue side of Manchester’s football heritage, I don’t really mind that wherever I go in the world it’s not Manchester City that starts the conversation. ‘Ah, yes, Manchester United,’ is the response when I say where I come from. It’s commonplace everywhere - in Europe, Africa, Asia and even the U.S.  (Football Quotes) For too long now, European football authorities have not taken the problem of racism in the game seriously and refuse to acknowledge how widespread the problem is.  (Football Quotes) Every girl who has dated a football player ... They all have sex the same way.  (Football Quotes) Everything happens for a reason, except possibly football. (in Thief of Time)  (Football Quotes) Everything to me is about team football, and if we keep winning Super Bowl trophies, I’ll be fine.  (Football Quotes)
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