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Footloose Quotes

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Some people are drawn naturally - there are natural guitarists, and there are natural piano players, and I think guitar implies travel, a sort of footloose gypsy existence. You grab your bag and you go to the next town  (Footloose Quotes) In a day of footloose movements of people and of mixed marriages in the ancestry of the most desirable elements of the community we preach unabashed the gospel of the pure race  (Footloose Quotes) I’m single, footloose and fancy free, I have no responsibilities, no anchors. Work, friendship and self-improvement, that’s me  (Footloose Quotes) Before Footloose, the things I’d done weren’t cute. In Diner I was an alcoholic  (Footloose Quotes) Before Footloose, the things I’d done weren’t cute. In Diner I was an alcoholic.  (Footloose Quotes) I’m single, footloose and fancy free, I have no responsibilities, no anchors. Work, friendship and self-improvement, that’s me.  (Footloose Quotes) A core part of the global market is what might be called the ‘Nike Economy’ - footloose companies that play countries against one another while seeking subcontractors with the lowest wages and cheapest conditions.  (Footloose Quotes)