For Me Quotes

Text Quotes
In this perfect world, there are certain imperfections that catch your eye. That’s what works for me. I don’t concentrate on being perfect, but instead put that effort behind my craft and being true to myself. I don’t conform to pressures outside of me. I am confident about myself (For Me Quotes)
For me, becoming a man had a lot to do with learning communication, and I learned about that by acting (For Me Quotes)
I don’t want to be a luvvie actor. It took a long time for me to accept I was an actor, a professional actor, and that, actually, I make a living out of this (For Me Quotes)
Don’t expect a pat on the back for merely doing your job, but know that you’ll get one for doing it exceptionally well (For Me Quotes)
I would not be cured if the price of the cure was that I must leave the island and give up my work I am perfectly resigned to my lot. Do not feel sorry for me (For Me Quotes)
A name, for me, is a short way of working out what class that child comes from. Do I want my child to play with them? (For Me Quotes)
I really think if you have a tattoo you have to wonder about what kind of future you have ahead of you. As an employer, I wouldn’t employ someone with tattoos as I would wonder what customers would think about them. For me, tattoos are just a way for people to find attention who haven’t found another way in their life to achieve it by conventional means (For Me Quotes)
Most of us have collections of sayings we live by... Whenever words fly up at me from the printed page as I read, I intercept them instantly, knowing they are for me. I turn them over carefully in my mind and cling to them hard (For Me Quotes)
Loneliness is a long, unbearable pain... There was never a place for me in the scheme of things... I had become a living fantasy on a theme in dark, endless dirges... I made another world, and real men would enter it and they would never really get hurt at all in the vivid, unreal laws of the dream. I caused dreams which caused death. This is my crime (For Me Quotes)
I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love for me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it (For Me Quotes)
Do you wanna be a poet and write? Do you wanna be an actor up in lights? Do you wanna be soldier, and fight for love? Do you wanna travel the world? Do you wanna be a diver for pearls? Or climb the mountain, and touch the clouds above? Be anyone you want to be. Bring to life your fantasies. But I want something in return, I want you to burn, burn for me, baby. Like a candle in the night. Oh burn, burn for me, burn for me (For Me Quotes)
To create something beautiful about despair or out of a feeling of despair is for me the most hopeful life affirming thing a person can do (For Me Quotes)
I want to set the example my mother set for me: a strong female role model who faces challenges takes risks and conquers fears. I want my children to know that as women they can do whatever they dream as long as they believe in themselves. More than anything it is my responsibility to instill in my daughters the knowledge that they can have a family and everything else too (For Me Quotes)
Sometimes just to touch the ground is enough for me, even if not a single thing grows from what I plant (For Me Quotes)
My mother was a dominant force in our family. And that was great for me as a young woman, because I never saw that women had to be dominated by men (For Me Quotes)
I think anyone who has a passion for what they love to do, and who pursue it, is inspirational for me (For Me Quotes)
For me, part of the fascination with making animation is you go to a place; it’s a complete immersion in someone else’s fantasy (For Me Quotes)
I would change very little because I have been very, very fortunate. A lot of things fell into place for me simply by happenstance. When that happens you don’t really want to change anything, even if you could. Editorially my regrets are few and for the most part minor. I look back on my first published book and think I held on to it too long, babied it too long (For Me Quotes)
Fishing’s relaxing, man. Most relaxing thing in my life. It’s therapy for me. I don’t think about business... sports. All I think about is catching the next fish (For Me Quotes)
I’m gonna try to be cured. I’ve been on heroin eight years and I want to try a different style of life. It made me split up from my wife. It ruined a lot of things for me (For Me Quotes)
Hope? Hope is not the absence of tragedy, my friend. It is the conviction that tragedy can be endured. Hope is the spark in you that is not subdued in the face of the vast and callous indifference of the universe. Hope is that which is not shattered by hardship. Hope is the urge to fight what is wrong even when you know it will destroy you. Hope is the decision to love and need someone knowing that they will one day die. For me to promise that there are no obstacles would be the cruelest lie I could possibly tell. That lie is not hope. Hope is the will which needs no lies (For Me Quotes)
Well, I’m a slow writer. For me, a good day is a page, maybe a page and a half. I’d love to be more efficient, but I am not (For Me Quotes)
I never went to stage school or anything like that. It was always plays, productions at school and things like that. The thing for me with acting was it was the only thing I could fully concentrate on. I loved playing sports. I didn’t really love studying (For Me Quotes)
Dude, I love playing drums, and I love being on stage, and I love recording. It’s my life... it’s been my life, all my life, and I don’t think it could ever become boring for me (For Me Quotes)
Acceptance is not a talent you either have or don’t have. It’s a learned response. My meditation teacher made a great point about the difference between a reaction and a response: You may not have control over your initial reaction to something, but you can decide what your response will be. You don’t have to be at the mercy of your emotions, and acceptance can be your first step toward empowerment... For me, acceptance has been the cornerstone to my having an emotionally healthy response to my illness (For Me Quotes)
I believe that the time has arrived for medical investigation of the problems of manned rocket flight, for it will not be the engineering problems but rather the limits of the human frame that will make the final decision as to whether manned space flight will eventually become a reality (For Me Quotes)
For me, luxury is intelligence and quality. I don’t see a lot of intelligence and quality in luxury when it’s used to make fast, big money (For Me Quotes)
I lay there for three whole days, totally paralyzed. My friends helped me to the bathroom and anywhere else I needed to move; but I have very vague impressions of those days because it was a time of complete darkness for me. Somebody told me later that what I had was a form of hysteria: my body and my mid fled into paralysis. There was nothing wrong with me organically, but somewhere inside I suffered a complete breakdown (For Me Quotes)
Leadership is possible in all different ways, and in all different areas of life. Whether it is with friends or family, I expect them to set a great example for me, and hopefully I will do the same for them. And that is all part of being a leader (For Me Quotes)
I write in order to express what the photo itself cannot say. A photograph of my father doesn’t tell me what I thought of him, which for me is much more important than what the man looked like (For Me Quotes)