For the first time, in a very long time, she was truly happy. Then she remembered, she was drunk

For the first time, in a very long time, she was truly happy. Then she remembered, she was drunk
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she was truly happy. The weight of the world seemed to lift off her shoulders as she danced and laughed with her friends, feeling carefree and alive. It had been so long since she had felt this way, so long since she had allowed herself to let go and just enjoy the moment.But then, as she swayed to the music and took another sip of her drink, reality came crashing back in. She remembered that she was drunk. The happiness she felt was clouded by the knowledge that it was all just a temporary escape from her problems, a fleeting moment of joy that would soon be replaced by the harsh light of sobriety.
As the alcohol coursed through her veins, she felt a sense of detachment from herself, as if she were watching her own actions from a distance. The laughter and smiles of her friends seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of unease and self-doubt.
She knew that this feeling of happiness was not real, that it was just a product of the alcohol dulling her senses and numbing her emotions. The euphoria she felt was artificial, a temporary high that would inevitably come crashing down once the effects of the alcohol wore off.
And yet, despite this knowledge, she couldn't help but cling to the fleeting happiness she felt in that moment. It was a welcome respite from the constant anxiety and sadness that seemed to plague her every waking moment. For just a brief moment, she allowed herself to forget about her problems and just be in the moment, even if it was all just an illusion created by the alcohol.
As the night wore on and the effects of the alcohol began to wear off, she felt a sense of sadness and regret wash over her. The happiness she had felt was gone, replaced by a sense of emptiness and longing. She knew that she would have to face her problems head-on once again, without the crutch of alcohol to numb the pain.